October 2022

What You Need to Do Once You Have Experienced Character and Brand Failure

What You Need to Do Once You Have Experienced Character and Brand Failure

Character and brand failure can mean a lot of different things. It can be a failure to live up to the standards you have set for yourself. It can be a failure to connect with your audience. It can be a failure to deliver on your promises. Whatever the case may be, it is important to take stock of the situation and figure out what you need to do next.

What You Need to Do Once You Have Experienced Character and Brand Failure

Acknowledge the Failure

It’s important to remember that failure is not the end. It is only the beginning. The first step is to acknowledge the failure. This is not easy but it is essential. Only by acknowledging the failure can you learn from it and move on.
In any business, making mistakes is inevitable. However, what separates successful businesses from unsuccessful ones is the ability to learn from those mistakes.

First and foremost, you need to admit your errors and mistakes. Doing so will not only help you learn from them, but will also build trust with your employees, customers, and investors, and also all others who are directly or indirectly related to your business.
When you’re in business, there’s no room for error. If you make a mistake, it can cost you dearly. That’s why it’s important to always be honest with yourself and admit when you’ve made a mistake. It’s not easy to do so, but it’s the only way to learn from your mistakes and grow as a person and also grow in the business.
You need to be honest to yourself. If you’ve made a mistake, don’t try to justify it or downplay it. Acknowledge it and take responsibility for it.

Conduct a Root Cause Analysis

We have all been there. You have worked hard to create a strong character or brand, only to have it fail miserably.

Gordon Grigg

May be it was a business venture that flopped, a personal relationship that imploded, or a social media post that was met with crickets. Whatever the case may be, it’s important to take a step back and conduct a root cause analysis. What led to this situation? What could you have done differently? By understanding the root cause of your failure, you can make sure that you take the necessary steps to avoid it in the future.
No individual or business is immune to a public relations nightmare. In fact it’s often the case that the bigger the brand, the bigger the potential for disaster. So, what do you do when your company or character is the one in the hot seat?
Sometimes, those mistakes can cost you dearly – not just financially, but to our reputations and relationships as well. Character and brand failure can cost us dearly. No one sets out to fail. But whether we like it or not, failure is a part of life. And when it comes to businesses and organizations, character and brand failure can be especially damaging.
So, next time you make a mistake, remember: admit it, conduct a root cause analysis, why it happened, learn from it, and move on.
This is vital in order to learn from your mistakes and take steps to ensure that they are not repeated in the future.
Character and brand failure can mean a lot of different things. It can be a failure to live up to the standards you have set for yourself. It can be a failure to connect with your audience. It can be a failure to deliver on your promises. Whatever the case may be, it is important to take stock of the situation and figure out what you need to do next.

Communicate the results of the analysis

When your character or brand fails, it can be a devastating blow to your personal brand or business but it doesn’t have to be the end of the world. In fact, if you handle it correctly it can even be an opportunity to build a stronger, more resilient business. When we’re faced with a difficult situation, it can be tempting to try to hide our mistakes and experiences. We might worry that people will judge us or think less of us if they know the truth. But in reality, being open and honest about our mistakes and experiences can be strength giving. It shows that we’re brave enough to face our fears and that we’re willing to learn from our mistakes.
There are many things that you can do once you have experienced character and brand failure. Here are some tips:
• Be transparent: Be honest about what happened and why it happened
• Take responsibility: Take ownership of the situation and don’t try to blame others
• Be sincere: Your apology should be genuine and from the heart
• Don’t make excuses: Accept responsibility for your actions and don’t try to make excuses
• Seek help: If you need help, don’t be afraid to seek professional help
• Learn from your mistakes: Take the lessons you’ve learned and use them to improve your character and brand

Develop and Implement Corrective Action Plan

In any organization there are bound to be times when things go wrong. It is important to have a plan in place for when this happens. A corrective action plan is a process that is used to address and correct issues that arise.
If you find yourself in a situation where you need to take corrective action, there are a few steps you can take. The first step in developing a corrective action plan is to identify the problem.
This may involve changes to your processes, procedures, or even your organizational structure.
Once you have developed your plan, you will need to implement it and make sure that it is followed. You may need to train your employees on the new procedures or make other changes to ensure that the plan is followed.
You must also prepare yourself for overcoming obstacles in all spheres of your life and business.

Monitor the Results

Finally, you will need to monitor the situation to make sure that the corrective action plan is working. You may need to make adjustments to the plan as you go.

To Sum up things
Let’s take a moment to sum up the things. It is important to realize that character and brand failure can happen to anyone, even the most successful businesses and individuals have had their share of failures.

That being said, there are some things that you can do to help prevent character and brand failure from happening:
• Be authentic and true to yourself
• Be careful not to over-promise or make false claims
• Additionally, it is important to always be prepared for the worst. Have a plan in place so that you can quickly and effectively respond to a character or brand failure
• Finally, always learn from your mistakes and if required seek professional help

I, Gordon Grigg have had my share of failures too but that did not deter me from moving forward. I admitted my mistakes and took steps of not repeating them, and explored the deeper reasoning for my failures. I decided not to hold on to my past but still being empathetic to the effects of my choices.

As, a life coach in Nashville, Tennessee, I am always open to helping those in crisis. Call me or write to me and together we can take it up from there.

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How to Overcome Obstacles With Disciple & Dedication

How to Overcome Obstacles [With Discipline & Dedication]

Learning how to overcome obstacles is the starting point of success. Literally, these obstacles either make you stop or they’ll turn you into an unstoppable force to reckon with.

Courage is the standing army of the soul which keeps it from conquest, pillage, and slavery.
Henry Van Dyke

How to Overcome Obstacles With Disciple & Dedication

Earlier, in my post Attack your Problems, I wrote how and why you should take responsibility for your actions and the choices you make.

I also nudged you to intentionally “decide” that you’d get out of the mess, solve your problems head on, accept where you are, own your choices (write them down), change the direction you are headed to (and make course corrections, if needed).

The blame game is out.

There’s no room for “It’s not my job”, “it’s not my fault”, and the endless line of excuses.

In the end, it’s all on you: The things you choose, and the things you don’t. Whatever you do, there’s an “opportunity cost” attached to it.

I emphasized that problems are solved by actions.

Start with Self-awareness

I am a life coach in Nashville, Tennessee. A huge chunk of my work begins when you start thinking for yourself — about who you are, where you are, and why you are wherever you are in your life. The journey begins with a deep introspection of your life goals (not just the daily to-do list, which often falls out of my purview).

When I first wrote about introspection and finding the purpose of your life, this is what I wrote:

Introspection is very important to understand what is our aim in life. The more you dig deeper into yourself, the more you learn what you want to do in life. Find things that make you truly happy and you always look forward to. These are the things that will help us know and complete our life’s purpose.

I understand that this simple exercise is harder than what most people expect it to be.

Try it. You’d know.

Not easy. Of course, I can help. Get in touch, and we’ll ride together.

Now that you know what you want, let’s talk about the elephant in the room: Obstacles, and how to overcome them:

You’ll need three basic ingredients to thrive in life and to overcome obstacles:

Overcoming Obstacles With Discipline & Dedication

I’ll unwaveringly tell you that obstacles will be a constant. You’ll then need discipline and dedication for:

● Entrepreneurial success
● Marriage and relationships
● Building wealth or achieving financial freedom
● Healthy lifestyle

Take any of these critical needs most people want. Think about those for a second: not one of those is achievable without a substantial investment of effort and the ability to push through pain.

Building wealth, for instance, requires you to not only “work” but also pay the price of “staying invested” through market cycles (ups, downs, sideways?). The simple act of keeping yourself in shape demands, daily commitment to walks, jogs, the gym, good sleep, hydration, a balanced diet, and so much more.

Heck, marriages and relationships take tons of work too.

See where I am going with this?

Overcoming obstacles requires:

● Leap(s) of faith (sometimes, more than one leap)
● Varied and multiple skill sets — self-control, grit, and more
● Extraordinary high levels of productivity
● Accountability
● Tolerance, patience, and vision

Grit. Grit. Grit

Grit is defined as strength of character. Resolve. Relentless fortitude.

As you go about launching the trajectory of your life with purpose and a clear path, you are no longer an ordinary person.

You’ve taken a leap of faith into the unknown.

As such, you are part visionary, part explorer, part adventurer, and part risk-taker. To take those risks, you can’t be meek, indecisive, lazy, reflective, and have low levels of risk-taking ability.

Further, you can’t just dream up something (anything) and hope to succeed with it.

● You’ll start thinking in ways you didn’t think before — connecting the dots, surveying demand, wondering what problems others have and how you can solve these problems creatively, and so on
● You’ll launch first and figure out the nitty-gritty later
● If you are bootstrapping, you’ll try to make your business work with the limited resources you have

Fancy executives backed by the deep pockets of the companies they work for can never replace your down to the ground, “nails to the wall”, and “in the trenches” approach.

If everyone else has resources and money, you’ll operate with nothing but the sheer strength of your vision, your dedication, and grit.

Determination Is Invisible (but makes you more than Visible)

To be successful and to thrive, you’d have to be made of stone or have the heart of a lion.

Determination is the single, overarching trait you’ll need. To push through, to keep your head afloat, and to even survive.

Your determination plays out in various scenarios as you go about running your life — in business, relationships, health, in your career, and more.

Most of it is going to be invisible to the rest of the world (and even your own family and friends). But there are visible playouts of determination all around you.

Pick any success story. You’ll know.

Go Superhuman (With everything): Normal won’t make it

If you desire even a modicum of success, you’ll wear superhuman skin. There isn’t going to be anything normal about you from the day your life changing journey begins.

The usual 9-5 routine won’t cut it. Sleeping in until later in the day (bad for you) and putting in less than the average 4-hour productivity (might just work) will ensure that you get washed out to your competition within months.

Success and “being normal” ain’t good friends.

No one will see or know about the sacrifices you’ll make or the effort you’ll put in. Most people won’t be able to see the grit, resolve, and determination you’ll work with.

But then, you’ll be the one laughing all the way to the bank (or trudge along the beach with the freedom feather in your cap), or live it to the 100s when it works out for you.

Are you ready to go super human yet? What are you going to do to break through self-imposed barriers? What will you do to push through in life, despite everything?

Comment below and share your thoughts.

I am Gordon Grigg and I am the catalyst that helps you reach your goals using what you have within you. I help you succeed in life and in business. I am a keynote speaker, a consultant’s consultant, and a life coach. It all starts with a simple conversation. Reach out to me if you have any questions.

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The Importance of Having a Life Coach

The Importance Of Having A Life Coach

You probably have heard of life coaching and may even have some notion of what it entails, but are you aware of the advantages of hiring a life coach for yourself?

As more people recognize the importance of having a life coach and the advantages of working with life coaches for personal development, they turn to coaches for assistance in problem-solving and moving forward with their goals. Gordon Grigg naturally believes in the concrete and significant advantages of working with a life coach. So, in this piece, we’ll outline what we think are the advantages of working with a life coach.

The Importance of Having a Life Coach

How Does Life Coaching Work?

Life coaching is a non-directive, collaborative conversation between the coach and coachee that can facilitate significant change through decisions, inquiries, reflections, and new behaviors. Clients are given the tools necessary to make courageous decisions about their lives, careers, interpersonal relationships, and other matters.

A life coach could:

1. Help You Become More Clarified About Your Life’s Purpose and Passions

Many of us don’t know what we want out of life, why we want it, or how to attain it, but some of us do! You need a clearer understanding of who you are, what gives your life value and purpose, and how to communicate these things to others. Working with a life coach can help you better understand who you are, find your abilities, skills, and gifts, and figure out what gives your life a purpose.

There can frequently be hidden blind spots that are difficult for you to find. You can work with a coach who uses open-ended, catalytic questions and thorough listening to clarify what you want and the direction and measures you need to take to get there.

2. Better Prepare You To Explore Solutions To Particular Issues

Every relationship and coaching session is different. Some individuals attend a life coaching session with no predetermined objectives, while others have specific issues they wish to address and find solutions to.

Having a life coach can help you identify specific obstacles or barriers that might be preventing you from achieving your goals, regardless of whether your goal is to start your own business or improve your relationship with your peers. When you are in the middle of a crisis, it might be challenging to see it clearly for what it is. A life coach can assist you in shifting your viewpoint and finding fresh approaches to particular issues.

3. Teach You How To Engage In Being Completely Present

There is no denying that life may be stressful. Most of us frequently feel as though we are moving through life at a million miles per hour and that we never stop, especially, if we have a specific objective. However, it is quite simple to overlook the most significant and fun aspect of this process: the voyage.

Learning to practice mindfulness allows you to bring yourself back to the present moment when things feel too big or too fast and check in with how you are feeling. Many coaches incorporate mindfulness techniques into their approaches. It may also mean that you can enjoy some of life’s minor pleasures occurring in the present moment as opposed to continuous pondering and working for the great, distant objectives.

4. Assist You In Setting Goals And Creating An Action Plan To Achieve Them

The process of defining objectives for yourself can be challenging. Long-term goals are mostly difficult to visualize, and short-term ones might be challenging to draw from a wave of thoughts, desires, and beliefs that is continuously changing. It can be quite helpful to know where you want to go in the future and the steps to get there, but for many people, this can be a difficult and intimidating task.

You will be expertly guided through the challenging process of goal-setting by a life coach who will hold the space and ask open-ended, thoughtful questions to help you better understand your present and long-term aspirations and requirements.

A life coach can assist you in achieving your objectives by working with you to develop an action plan to achieve the desired results. Making a genuinely realistic plan is frequently one of the most challenging components of thinking about setting future goals.

5. Assist You In Developing Various Systems And Structures To Boost Your Productivity

How frequently do you hear folks lament the lack of daylight? However, this is frequently more of a reflection of how you currently use your time than a lack of it. Lack of time is overcome by concentrating on increasing productivity, another area a life coach can use.

A life coach may assist you in establishing various routines and structures to manage your time better and improve your chances of consistently achieving your objectives.

A life coach can help increase your daily productivity, giving you more time to work toward your goals and personal development. Whether setting yourself up for the best start to each day by incorporating a routine that puts you in a good frame of mind or a structure that allows you to free up time by better managing meetings and emails, having a life coach can help.

6. Help You Become More Self-Aware

If you’re serious about reaching your objectives and developing yourself, working on this method is one of the most important things you can do. It also forms the basis of practically all successful coaching relationships.

It is difficult to overstate the importance of revealing the layers of who you are right now, including what you are thinking, what challenges you find difficult, what motivates you to move forward, how you are acting, your beliefs and presumptions, your strengths and weaknesses, and where you are moving forward. By doing this, you can ensure that your objectives truly reflect your needs and make it much simpler to advance in a way that benefits you.

7. Support for Accountability

If we are completely honest with ourselves, many of us probably don’t achieve our goals as frequently as we would like. Working with a life coach can help to address some of these issues, whether you’re distracted by life’s interruptions, find it difficult to manage your time effectively, or simply lose all motivation at some point.

Accountability is a crucial component in pursuing your aspirations and objectives. You will be far more likely to achieve your goals and do so more quickly if you discuss them with your life coach.

Your ability to communicate with your life coach will probably keep you moving toward your intended result. You can find comfort in knowing someone is watching out for you to ensure that you stick with your plan because they will have a thorough awareness of it, your next actions, and the path ahead.

8. Keeping you honest and allowing you to reevaluate your assumptions, beliefs, and way of thinking

Everyone has a collection of ideas, presumptions, and beliefs that are always shifting. Some of these are constructive forces that help you be the best version of yourself, while others can lead to mental barriers, a sense of being trapped, and ultimately impede you from achieving goals.

Working with a life coach not only helps you become more aware of these limiting beliefs, thoughts, and assumptions that could be holding you back, but as you start to unpick them, you’ll probably also find several strategies that enable you to not only challenge but reframe these particular limiting thoughts that could be holding you back.


If you take your time to discover the coach who is suitable for you, it may be the beginning of a remarkable journey of self-growth, personal development, and increased pleasure and fulfillment. You can contact Gordon Grigg to be your guide on this personal development journey.

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Understand Life Coaching Experience and Goals

Understand Life Coaching Experience and Goals with Gordon Grigg

How Do Life Coaches Help You Achieve Your Goals with Their Experience?

Understand Life Coaching Experience and Goals

Life coaching ranks second in the race of fastest-growing industries in the world. It has an average annual growth of 6.7%. It is a $2.85 billion industry globally. You can assume the significance of life coaching from these stats.
It is a progressive field aiming to build sustainable lifestyles for people from various fields. Additionally, it helps people achieve their dreams and goals. Hence, life coaching results in a successful future for you.

Who is a Life Coach?
A life coach is an experienced guide who:
• Teaches you the real meaning of life
• Helps you tackle worldly hardships and challenges
• Develop a healthy lifestyle for your progressive career
• Suggests a practical approach for your career success
• Results in a successful and pleasant life
• Ensures a consistent lifestyle with improving results
• Coaches for your personal and professional lives
• Showcases an awesome life coaching experience for you

What Are the Main Responsibilities of a Life Coach?
A life coach has several crucial responsibilities to deliver an amazing life coaching experience. The main responsibilities of a professional life coach are:
• Understanding your lifestyle and achievable goals
• Suggesting practical remedies for life enhancement via strong communication
• Empowering internal and external capabilities to pave a successful career for you
• Resulting in a pleasant and supercharged lifestyle

Experiences of a Life Coach and Its Implications
A life coach has experienced a lot of things in his life. He has faced different challenges and hardships. Furthermore, he has experience with new opportunities. He knows how to tackle different life situations. You can learn the experiences of a life coach from his portfolio. This way, you can estimate the real-life coaching experience.

Importantly, an expert life coach doesn’t rely only on his life experiences and education. He understands clients’ experiences and suggests practical solutions. This way, he builds a close connection with his clients.

On the contrary, some life coaches limit themselves to their experiences only. It is not the ideal method to execute life coaching because everyone faces different situations and feelings. This way, the personal experience of life coaching may not be enough.

Therefore, an experienced life coach also pays attention to clients’ experiences.

How Can Life Coaching Experience Help You?
Life coaching involves both emotional and actionable improvement processes. You can get the following benefits from successful life coaching sessions. Hence, you will enjoy your life coaching experience.

1. A life coach has experienced extensive human interactions. He knows how to interact with you to help you achieve your goals. This way, he builds a strong connection and communication with you to empower your life.

2. A life coach educates you about new life experiences. This way, you can make wise career decisions.

3. A life coach is a source of inspiration for you. He represents the real-life perspective in front of you. You can take encouragement from him.

4. You attain a clear mindset after consulting with a life coach. He clarifies your confusion. Thus, you can make your decisions freely.

5. A life coach defines your journey clearly. He presents the pros and cons of your life decisions. This way, you can achieve your goals effectively.

6. A life coach has experienced different life stages. He has envisioned several dreams in his career. Hence, he understands the importance and execution of your dreams and passions for your career. Therefore, you realize the true essence of your dreams and passions to fulfill them.

7. Hardships and challenges improve confidence and self-esteem. A life coach has faced several hardships and challenges in his life. Therefore, he better guides you to improve your confidence and self-esteem. In fact, 80% of people improve their confidence after hiring a life coach.

8. A life coach helps you improve your communication skills. You will observe an enhancement in your communication after a life coaching experience. 73% of the individuals improve their communication skills after hiring a life coach.

9. He helps you follow work-life balance. This way, you can live a sustainable lifestyle.

10. A life coach is a close friend in uncertain situations. He understands your problems and suggests practical remedies. This way, he empowers you to live a peaceful life. 99% of individuals are satisfied after hiring a life coach.

You can check this amazing article regarding the life coaching experience. Ashley describes her successful experience with a life coach.

My Story of Life Coaching

I have been working for the past 35 years in business, media, life coaching, and business consultancy. During this period, I have faced several challenges as well as opportunities. I enhanced my skills and capabilities over time.
I gained extensive experience as a life coach, business consultant, marketer, and entrepreneur. Hence, I aimed to assist clients in achieving their dreams and goals.

How Do I Help Clients Achieve Their Goals?
Now I help my clients achieve their goals. This way, they can experience the results of effective life coaching. I aim to:
• Implant real empowerment and confidence in my clients
• Improve my clients’ communication skills to become influential persons
• Suggest practical solutions for their life challenges and hardships
• Develop a clear mindset for my clients
• Encourage them to live a sustainable life with confidence
• Help them make their dreams and goals come true

If you want to experience a supercharged and empowered lifestyle, contact me. I will help you experience the benefits of a reliable life coaching session. In my life coaching session, I will help you:

• Identify the obstacles in your journey
• Clarify your mindset regarding a successful lifestyle
• Improve your confidence and communication skills
• Achieve your dreams and goals
• Empower you for a sustainable life

And many more!

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Finding the Purpose of your Life

Finding the Purpose of your Life

“What is the purpose of your life?” Though this question seems to be fairly simple, most people I have come across don’t have an answer for this one or are trying to figure it out.

I am Gordon Grigg, a life coach in Nashville, Tennessee working with the aim of helping my clients reach their goals. I often receive emails from people asking me to help them find out what they are passionate about or what is their life purpose. Well, the answer to this question is neither straight nor simple.

In this blog, I will share my ideas about what is life purpose and how can you find the purpose of your life. My thoughts are mainly from my experiences, my approach towards life and the people I have worked with as a life coach. Here are few things you should consider:
• I think introspection is very important to understand what is our aim in life. The more you dig deeper into yourself, the more you learn what you want to do in life. Find things that make you truly happy and you always look forward to. These are the things that will help us know and complete our life’s purpose.
• Try to understand what makes you truly happy, what drives you to move ahead in life, when do you feel a true sense of satisfaction. Ask yourself these questions and note down the answers. Create a vision statement for yourself, and the things you need to do to achieve your vision. Though the individual answers may seem vague, but you will surely be able to connect the dots later on and look at the bigger picture.
• Surround yourself with positive people and people who inspire you. Hear them, learn from their experiences, and try to share your life experienced with them. The more positivity you surround yourself with, the easier it is to find your purpose in life. Try to stay away from negative people, in your family, job, friends, network or anywhere else in the community.
• Do not confuse success for purpose of life. You need to find your personal life purpose, what do you really want to do. Once, you get these answers, you will realize how this understanding guides you through the ups and downs of life.
• Learn from your failures and convert messes into learning experiences. You will be surprised how a failure or an untoward incident can help you figure out the purpose of your life.

Being Gordon Grigg, a life coach in Nashville, TN, I always tell people that following your life purpose is an ongoing process, not a long term or a short-term goal. So, don’t try to look for quick answers or try to imitate what someone else is doing. Remember, you are a unique individual and your calling for life will be unique too.

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