
The Value of Being Nice

The Value of Being Nice: 5 Key Points

It is often said that kindness is a virtue. Being nice is essential for our well-being as well as the well-being of others. 

I am Gordon Grigg, a business coach from Nashville. This is true, and in this article, I will outline five key points that highlight the value of being nice. You will learn how to communicate using these principles.

Being Nice Increases Our Sense of Self-Worth

In an experiment, Riceman, a YouTuber known for his pranks and sociological experiments, informed people that his brother was missing. He wanted to see how they would react. 

One homeless man’s response shocked him. He saw the generosity that even those with fewer resources are capable of.

A homeless man held out, “U.S. Vet in need, please help,” as he stood on the corner. 

Riceman went over to the man and offered him some change. At the same time, he informed him that his brother was missing and asked him to contact him if he saw him. 

As Riceman walked away, the man changed the signs. Instead of holding up his sign to pass automobiles, he held out the sign with the image of Riceman’s missing brother. 

He decided to stop trying to get money for himself to help Riceman.

When Riceman came back, he explained the experiment to the homeless man. Then he asked why he was holding up the sign for the missing person instead of continuing to ask for money. 

“What kind of person would I be if I didn’t assist someone else?” the man asked the fellow. 

As you can see, when we treat others kindly, we improve their day and feel better about ourselves. 

Kindness is a form of self-respect. We value our actions and believe in our ability to impact the world positively. 

When we engage in kind actions, we feel a sense of pride and satisfaction. This can boost our self-esteem and give us a greater sense of purpose.

Kindness Builds Stronger Relationships

To pay for his education, a young man in need was selling products door to door. He discovered one day that he was hungry and had only one penny left. So he decided to request dinner as he approached the next home.

But he only dared to request a glass of water when a young woman opened the door. She observed him and realized that the youngster likely needed to eat. She then delivered him a sizable glass of milk. After drinking it, he inquired as to how much he owed her. “You don’t owe me anything,” she retorted. “Mother instructed us never to take payment for a favor.” 

“Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart,” he responded. His confidence in God had also grown, and he was physically and spiritually stronger. Howard Kelly was the name of the boy.

A long time has gone by. Then, that woman developed a significant illness one day. Local doctors were unable to assist her. 

So, they took her to a big city so doctors could check out her unusual condition. 

Dr. Howard Kelly was contacted for the consultation. He recognized the woman who had been kind to him while he was in need as soon as he walked into her hospital room. The doctor was committed to doing everything in his power to aid in her disease’s recovery.

Even though the battle was prolonged, they were able to treat her sickness as a team. The woman eventually received a charge for her care. 

She was concerned that the cost would be so high that it would take her entire life to pay it off. Finally, the woman saw writing on the bill’s side when she turned it over and looked at it. “Paid in full with a glass of milk,” it said.

We can conclude that friendly people are often more approachable. Their kindness can attract others to them. 

When we treat others with respect and kindness, we build trust. Over time, we formed solid and meaningful relationships.

Kindness can also help repair damaged relationships. It shows that we are willing to put in the effort to make things right.

Kindness Reduces Stress and Anxiety

In a world that can often be stressful and overwhelming, being nice can provide a much-needed respite. 

Kindness has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety and help us cope better with life’s challenges. 

When we do kind things, our bodies release hormones that make us feel good, like oxytocin and endorphins. These hormones can make us feel happier and less stressed.

David Cregg, a co-author of one study, said that the acts of kindness technique was the only one that made people feel more connected to each other. 

David Cregg collaborated on the study with Ohio State psychology professor Jennifer Cheavens. Recently, The Journal of Positive Psychology published its findings.

The project was part of his psychology Ph.D. dissertation at The Ohio State University.

The study also explained why doing good deeds was so effective. It allowed people to focus on something other than their symptoms of worry.

People with depression and anxiety may find that being kind to others and paying attention to their needs makes them feel better about themselves.

The study was done with 122 people from central Ohio who showed mild to moderate signs of stress, anxiety, and depression.

The participants were divided into three groups after an introductory session. Two of the groups received instruction in cognitive strategies or organizing social activities.

The third group was assigned to carry out three acts of kindness every day for two days of the week. “Big or small acts that benefit others or make others happy” was the definition of acts of kindness.

The results were revealed after the study’s ten weeks. In all three groups, people were happier with their lives and had less anxiety and depression.

The findings, according to Cregg, are positive. They imply that all three research interventions effectively lower distress and raise satisfaction.

The results also showed that the group that did acts of kindness improved more than the group that did cognitive reappraisal regarding how happy they were with their lives and how much anxiety and sadness they showed.

Cregg also said that acts of kindness might be better than traditional CBT for building relationships with other people.

“Simple acts of kindness can go far beyond other treatments in aiding the recovery of patients with sadness and anxiety,” he said.

Kindness Promotes a Positive Work Environment

Being nice can help build a positive, supportive environment in the workplace. This encourages productivity and collaboration. 

Kindness can make the workplace less stressful, help people talk to each other better, and boost teamwork and a sense of community.

Employees are more likely to be engaged and motivated. This can lead to better job satisfaction and improved performance.

A new study in the journal Emotion looks at acts of kindness in an actual workplace. 

It demonstrates how kindness has a beneficial ripple effect that changes the workplace culture. 

This study has demonstrated how compassion and giving spread. 

Most of the study group’s participants were female workers from various departments. The participants were informed that they were a part of a happiness study. 

The study finds that acts of kindness have a big effect on the atmosphere at work and the health of the employees. 

People who got help in the last four weeks said they felt like they were part of a community. 

The recipients also reported much higher levels of enjoyment and a sense of control at work.

Additionally, they reported feeling more independent and competent at work. 

Therefore, it appears that giving to others makes us happier. Deeds of kindness boost the giver’s sense of well-being, independence, and competence as well as those of the recipients.

Kindness Improves Our Physical and Mental Health

The Value of Being Nice

Finally, being nice has positively impacted our physical and mental health. 

Kindness has been linked to various health benefits. It improves heart health, lowers blood pressure, and reduces the risk of depression. 

Engaging in kind acts can also boost our immune system and help us feel more resilient in adversity.

In conclusion, the value of being nice cannot be overstated. 

Kindness has a lot of benefits, from making us feel better about ourselves to making the workplace a better place to be. 

So let us all strive to be kinder in our interactions with others and positively impact the world.

I, Gordon Grigg, a business coach in Nashville, told you about five acts of kindness that can improve your life. 

But this can improve your business relationship and influence your well-being.

Let us work together to transform your business life. As a businessman with a lot of experience, I will find your problems and work together to solve them. We will focus on learning how to communicate using these principles.

Don’t hesitate to contact me or call (615) 630-9114 now, and we can take the conversation forward.

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Limited beliefs

Avoiding Limiting Beliefs: How Business Coaching Helps

Let me tell you a story about limiting beliefs and their impact on life. See if you can find yourself in it. 

A young man named Jack had always dreamed of starting his own business

He had a passion for entrepreneurship and a desire to make a difference, but he was held back by limiting beliefs.

Jack believed that he wasn’t smart enough to start a successful business. He was afraid he would never be able to persuade people to work with him.

Despite his passion, Jack remained stuck in his job, feeling frustrated and unfulfilled. He tried to ignore his limiting beliefs, but they kept him back. 

One day his friend introduced him to a business coach named Bob. Listening to him, Jack realized he could break free from his limiting beliefs and achieve his goals.

Bob was an experienced business coach. He had helped countless individuals achieve their full potential. So when Jack met Bob, he was skeptical but desperate to break free from his limiting belief.

During their first meeting, Bob helped Jack figure out what beliefs held him back and how they affected his life. Jack was shocked to realize that his beliefs weren’t based on evidence or facts. Instead, it was a negative thought he had been repeating for years.

Limited beliefs

With the help of Bob, Jack began to challenge his limiting beliefs. He reframes it in a more positive and empowering way. 

He started to see that he had the skills, knowledge, and passion to succeed and could start his own business.

As Jack continued to work with Bob, he gained the confidence and motivation to take action. 

He started setting specific, achievable goals and working towards them with his coach’s help. 

Even though his beliefs held him back, Jack learned to be responsible for himself and stay focused on his goals.

Finally, after months of hard work and dedication, Jack was ready to start his own business. 

He was excited and proud as he took the first steps toward realizing his dreams. 

Jack’s business was a huge success, and he became known for his innovative ideas and ability to help others.

Looking back, Jack was grateful for the support and guidance of his coach. Without Bob, he would have never been able to get past his limiting ideas and reach his full potential. 

The story of Jack is an excellent example of how a business coach can help people get past their limiting beliefs and reach their goals.

My name is Gordon Grigg, and I am an experienced business coach from Nashville. 

I helped many clients overcome their limited beliefs and achieve their goals. 

Recognize Your Limiting Beliefs.

Before changing your limiting beliefs, it’s essential first to understand what they are. 

Limiting beliefs are negative thoughts or ideas that keep us from reaching our full potential and achieving our goals. 

They can be self-imposed, based on past experiences, or shaped by societal expectations. 

These beliefs can limit our thinking and behavior. As a result, they can affect our confidence, motivation, and overall well-being. 

If left unaddressed, limiting beliefs can keep us in a cycle of self-doubt and underachievement.

Examples of common limiting beliefs include “I am not good enough,” “I am not creative enough,” or “This is too hard.” Being aware of these beliefs is the first step to avoiding them. 

Limited beliefs

Fortunately, I can help you overcome your limiting beliefs and achieve your full potential. 

I will help you break free from destructive thinking and acting by giving you support and guidance.

Here’s how I can help you get past your limiting beliefs:

Identify your limiting beliefs.

We will work together to find what is holding you back. I will help you identify negative thoughts and patterns of behavior. 

We’ll find out what beliefs hold you back and how they affect your work and personal life. 

Working with me will give you a deeper understanding of their root causes. 

Challenging your limiting beliefs

Once I know the root of your limiting beliefs, I can help you find ways to challenge them. 

I’ll give you easy-to-use tools to help you deal with negative thoughts and doubts about yourself. 

I will help you uncover new perspectives and reframe old thought patterns.

Providing support and encouragement 

With my support, you will gain confidence and motivation. As a result, you will replace your limiting beliefs with positive thoughts and actions that give you power. 

Ultimately, this will help you feel better about yourself, make better decisions, and have better relationships with customers, coworkers, and family. 

Setting and achieving goals: 

Next, I will help you define clear steps toward achieving your goals

We’ll make a plan for when each one should be finished. 

This will empower you to develop an effective action plan with measurable results. 

Holding you accountable: 

Marking these milestones will motivate you and help you hold yourself accountable as you move forward. 

As a result, you will stay on track and work to achieve your goals. 


Having a trusted business coach on your side can help your business grow and do well. A business coach can offer valuable insight, advice, and guidance. 

I am Gordon Grigg, a business coach from Nashville. I will help you set realistic goals. Then, we will break down your targets into manageable chunks. Finally, I will provide you with the necessary resources to reach them. You will gain clarity and determine the best route to success. 

Whether you’re looking to make a career change, start your own business, or achieve other personal or professional goals, I can help you break out of the wrong ways of thinking and acting so you can reach your full potential. 
So, contact me today if you’re ready to take your life and business to the next level.

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Real Transformation

Unlocking the Power of Real Transformation

Are you looking to make a real transformation in your life? If so, you are in the right place.

Real transformation is a robust process that can completely change your life. It’s not a one-time event. Real transformation is a journey that requires dedication, effort, and perseverance. It’s a journey that can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

Motivation could never do that. Motivation is like a spark that ignites your desire to take action. Real transformation is the fuel that powers your journey to achieving your goals.

Motivation can be easy to lose sight of your goals when you’re faced with obstacles or setbacks.

Transformation is a deep and lasting change that comes from within. This is a change that affects every aspect of your life, from your thoughts and beliefs to your actions and habits.

I am Gordon Grigg, a life and business coach coach in Nashville. I have had good and bad periods and experienced a real transformation. I can help you achieve yours.

Differences between motivation and real transformation 

1) Motivation is often external, while transformation is internal.

The key difference is that motivation is often external, while transformation is internal. Motivation often comes from outside sources, such as a coach, a mentor, or a role model. These external sources can be valuable, but they can also be unreliable or temporary. Transformation comes from within. It’s a change that starts with you and comes from your desires and passions.

For example, imagine you are trying to learn a new language. Your motivation to learn the language may come from external factors. They may be job needs, a desire to travel, or a way to communicate with friends or family who speak the language. You focus on learning grammar and vocabulary. You practice speaking with a language partner or using a language-learning app.

As you continue to learn the language, you start to realize an internal real transformation. You begin to appreciate the culture and history of the language. You begin to think in the language and develop a new perspective on the world. Language becomes a part of you, not a tool to achieve a specific goal.

This example illustrates how motivation is often external while transformation is internal. It’s a deep-seated, internal change that goes beyond the surface-level goal.

2) Motivation focuses on short-term goals, while transformation focuses on long-term ones. 

Real Transformation

Another key difference is the focus on the goal. Motivation focuses on short-term goals, while transformation focuses on long-term ones.

For example, imagine you are trying to lose weight. Your short-term goal is to lose 10 pounds in the next month. You focus on the immediate results. You motivate yourself to exercise regularly and eat healthily.

You set up a strict diet plan. You start to count your calories. As a result, you use a scale to track your progress and reward yourself for reaching each milestone.

This short-term goal is something you can achieve in a relatively short amount of time. You are motivated to reach it.

But, after reaching this short-term goal, you realize that weight loss is not a one-time event. It requires a long-term commitment to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The real transformation you’ve made is not only about losing weight. It is also about changing the way you think about food, exercise, and health. You create a healthy meal plan. You make exercise a regular part of your routine. You educate yourself on the importance of living a healthy lifestyle.

It is about changing the way you think and act, not just reaching a specific destination.

3) The motivation disappears once that goal is achieved.

Motivation is often used to achieve a specific goal or overcome a specific obstacle. But the motivation disappears once that goal is achieved. It disappears when the obstacle is overcome too.

For example, imagine you are training for a marathon. Your initial motivation is to complete the marathon and improve your physical fitness. You spend months training. You followed a strict schedule and pushed yourself to your limits. Your motivation is high, and you are determined to achieve your goal.

You can complete the race and cross the finish line as the marathon approaches.

The sense of accomplishment and pride is overwhelming. You feel like you have achieved something truly remarkable.

But as the days and weeks pass, you realize your motivation to continue training has vanished.

The goal you worked so hard to achieve is now behind you. The motivation that once drove you to succeed is no longer present.

Transformation is a long-term process that continues even after the goal is achieved. It’s a change that becomes a part of who you are and what you do.

Real Transformation

For example, imagine you are trying to quit smoking. Your goal is to stop smoking cigarettes and improve your health. The process of quitting smoking is difficult. It requires a lot of willpower and determination. You may have moments where you slip up and smoke a cigarette. But you continue to push forward and stay committed to your goal.

As time goes on, the cravings for cigarettes become less frequent. You start to feel the benefits of being smoke-free. You have more energy, your lungs are healthier, and your overall health improves. But quitting smoking is not just a one-time event. It is a long-term process that requires ongoing effort to maintain.

You may still be tempted to smoke, but you have developed new habits and routines that help you resist the urge. You may have replaced smoking with exercise or other healthy activities. You have transformed your lifestyle and the way you think about smoking.

This example illustrates how transformation is a long-term process. It continues even after the goal is achieved. It’s not just about reaching a specific destination. It is about making changes that become a part of who you are and what you do. It requires ongoing effort to maintain and adapt to the new way of life.

What is the key to true transformation?

Real Transformation

The key to real transformation is to change your limiting beliefs and thought patterns that are holding you back.

These limiting beliefs are the root cause of your behavior. They are the reason why you are not able to achieve your goals.

When you change your limiting beliefs, you open yourself up to new possibilities and ways of thinking.

To change your limiting beliefs, you must first become aware of them. Many of these beliefs are unconscious, so you may not even realize they are holding you back.

Once you become aware of them, you can challenge them and replace them with new, empowering beliefs. This process takes time, effort, and commitment, but the results are worth it.

How to achieve a real transformation?

Real Transformation

One of the most powerful tools for transformation is self-reflection.

Take the time to reflect on your thoughts and behaviors. You can gain insight into what’s holding you back and what you need to change.

This is where a coach or mentor can be invaluable. They can guide you through this process and provide the support and guidance you need to make lasting changes.

Another powerful tool for transformation is visualization.

You can create a powerful mental image by visualizing your goals and the person you want to become. This will motivate you to take action. This visualization can be done through writing, drawing, or even meditation.


In conclusion, real transformation is a powerful process that can change your life. Motivation could never do it.

It requires a deep and lasting change that comes from within and focuses on long-term change.

The key to real transformation is to change your limiting beliefs and thought patterns that are holding you back.

With self-reflection, visualization, and support, you can achieve true transformation. As a result, you can live the life you deserve.

My name is Gordon Grigg. I am here to help you. With my experience and knowledge, you can transform your life. You can reach your goals faster.

Don’t hesitate to contact me or call (615) 630-9114 now, and we can take the conversation forward.

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