5 Perspectives about Fundamental Human Needs You Must Consider

Fundamental Human Needs You Must Know

Have you ever considered what drives people to act the way they do?

Why do people appreciate attention and status as measures of success and value but disregard self-satisfaction?

What power governs and directs all of our feelings, deeds, levels of happiness, and fates?

Did you know that understanding basic human needs can help you to understand the answers to these questions better?

Back-to-basics living, tiny homes, minimalism, and less-is-more are always to ensure that our basic needs are addressed without being diverted by the flashy things in life. Humans can observe via research and millennia of history that we require fulfillment of some basic human needs for life satisfaction.

We all have these needs simply by being human; they are ontological needs rather than wants. You may achieve your goals and avoid harmful behaviors and habits by being aware of your needs and psychology.

There are categories of needs that make up basic human needs collectively. These needs apply to every person in every culture, generation, and continent. However, how these needs are expressed varies among individuals depending on their phenotypes.

Additionally, satisfaction varies among persons, cultures, and ages. Strong communities were built by strong individuals and made people stronger. Even if the world has changed, basic human needs continue to play the same function.

Why ShouldYou Understand Fundamental Human Needs?

Satisfying our basic needs will lead to success in life. Your ability to become the best version of yourself depends on your ability to comprehend your needs. There is no way to influence or empower anyone or any group than to recognize and deliver their basic human needs.

Meeting human needs is the key to influence. You create a sense of meaning in your life when you meet your fundamental needs. This fulfillment brings enormous advantages of leading a life with depth and significance.

What are Basic Human Needs?

Basic human needs are the motivation behind people’s behavior. And these needs are the desire to lead a healthy and stable life. These needs are necessary for generating typical human conduct and functioning that satisfies the ethical requirements of a good human life. The list of basic needs includes food, water, clothing, and shelter. Numerous contemporary lists affirm fulfilling basic needs, such as food, water, shelter, clothing, education, a peaceful environment, healthcare, and sanitation.

Types of Human Needs

You can differentiate the types of human needs into multiple categories. Here, we have categorized human needs according to Maslow’s theory of human needs.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs defines two need categories; deficiency and growth needs.

The causes of deficiency needs are:

  • Lack and Absence
  • Scarcity of physical needs
  • Lack of security, social needs, and esteem.

Fulfilling these lacking demands is essential. It will help prevent negative emotions and results.

Furthermore, Maslow referred to the top needs as growth needs. These needs aren’t a result of deficiency. Instead, these needs come out of the desires we have for growth.

6 Significant and Modern Human Needs

After Maslow’s theory, psychologists, neurologists, and sociologists have been conducting their research on human needs. They have come up with this list of human needs since 1943.

  • Food:

Food is an essential human need. You must understand how to develop, function, and work by utilizing healthy food. Our daily food requirements are nutrients like proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. A strong and healthy personality is a result of eating good food.

  • Water:

Water is a fundamental human need. It enables the proper functioning of the body.

  • Shelter:

Shelter is one of the most important needs. It protects us from the burning sun, cold weather, rain, snow, and other harms.

  • Sleep:

The brain needs regular sleep daily for proper body execution and maintenance. Regular sleep reduces stress and increases productivity.

  • Emotional and Physical Interaction:

Adults need to interact (emotionally or physically) with other people to release specific hormones like oxytocin.

  • Novelty:

Dopamine is released in the brain when something is novel since it offers the chance to learn and possibility to fail.

When these six needs are satisfied, a person can grow in self-worth, security, belonging, actualization, and other expressions of contentment, as stated by Abraham Maslow.

Abraham Maslow’s Theory: 5 Levels of Human Needs

Social sciences have put great effort into identifying basic human needs. John Burton, Edward L. Deci, Manfred Max-Neef, Frederick Herzberg, Clayton Alderfer, and many others have made great contributions.

Additionally, Abraham Maslow was a prominent American psychologist. In 1943, he introduced the theory of the hierarchy of psychological needs. The theory was named “The Theory of Human Motivation.”  This theory suggests that human needs (mentioned below) influence people’s decision-making. Maslow (1954) claimed that the foundation of the human behavioral drive could be divided into five categories:

  • Physiological needs
  • Safety and security needs
  • Social needs (Love and Belonging)
  • Esteem needs


  • Self-actualization needs

Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

  1. Physiological Needs

Physiological needs are:

  • Food
  • Water
  • Air
  • Shelter
  • Rest
  • Sleep
  • Breathing
  • Homeostasis
  • Reproduction
  • Excretion
  • Warmth

And many more!

These are a few examples of human survival needs. According to Maslow’s original version, these are biological requirements for human survival.

The following things are included in safety needs:

  • Security
  • Employment
  • Structure
  • Protection
  • Property
  • Order
  • Certainty
  • Resources
  • Self-care
  • Leisure
  • Control
  • Healthcare
  • Amusement

And many more!

There are multiple examples of safety and security needs. All these needs fall into the category of fundamental human needs.

  • Social Needs (Love and Belonging)

Social needs are the third stage of Maslow’s pyramid. These represent the lower needs and focus on interpersonal relationships.

It relates to the necessity of esteem and a sense of fulfillment. Abraham Maslow clearly defines two types of self-esteem:

  • One is esteem dependent on the assessment
  • Other esteem is based on respect and appreciation from others.
  • Self-Actualization

Finding your occupation, growing personally, and achieving ethical enlightenment are crucial. You may notice this need. These needs fall into the category of self-actualization.

Expanded Hierarchy of Needs

The 7 fundamental human needs are an expanded version of Maslow’s 5 stage version of needs and categories of desires rather than specific needs. It would be best to refer to them as the 7 categories of fundamental human needs.

The following are expanded fundamental needs:

  • Survival and safety
  • Growth and understanding
  • Love and acceptance
  • Creation and contribution
  • Identity, esteem, and significance
  • Justice, freedom, and self-direction
  • Self-actualization and self-exaltation
Fundamental Human Needs You Must Know

Maslow’s Motivation Model

Tony Robbins’ Concept of 6 Fundamental Human Needs

According to Tony Robbins, 6 fundamental human needs are:

  • Certainty: Certainty ensures you can escape suffering and experience pleasure.
  • Uncertainty: Uncertainty is the desire for novelty and change.
  • Significance: This need is a sense of being distinctive and significant.
  • Love: Love is a strong connection of understanding, help, and togetherness. As a result, you will feel attached to someone or something.
  • Growth: Growth represents an enhancement in knowledge, skill, and understanding domains.
  • Contribution: This fundamental need refers to the commitment to aiding, supporting, and giving to others.

Nain’s Pyramid of Needs

It is an alternative theory to Maslow’s framework.

  • Survival Needs – Survival Needs are similar to Maslow’s physiological needs.
  • Wants – These represent the current desires. However, they became necessities over time due to lifestyle changes.
  • Practical Survival Needs – These needs are essential for productivity in an office. Therefore, they are also referred to as “office survival needs.”
  • Desires – Desires are optional for a sustainable lifestyle. They add happiness and value to your life.
  • Wishes – These are necessities that are not required frequently. You can still be happy without them.
  • Whims – Whims represent imaginary motivations or courage for something. For instance, you imagine getting a CEO job overnight.

History: Theories of Human Needs in Social Work

The foundational ideas of social work practice, particularly the “life model” of practice, have traditionally been centered on human needs principles. Charlotte Towle, a social worker, was the first to take the issue of human needs seriously. She discussed this in her book “Common Human Needs.”

David Gil’s Contribution to Human Needs

In recent years, David Gil has supported the human needs theory for social work. David Gil presented a hierarchy of human needs that includes:

  • Self-actualization
  • Spiritual needs
  • Rewarding employment


  • A sense of security based on fulfilling relationships and jobs.

Theories of Human Need

In recent years, human needs theory in social work and its application have boomed. The earliest formal, intellectually developed theory of human needs was called Theories of Human Need. Political economist Gough and philosopher Doyal developed it. This theory states the hierarchical relationship among:

  • Basic social needs
  • Cultural satisfiers
  • Intermediate needs


  • Health and autonomy


For a long time, social work theory, practice, and research have included basic human needs. However, human needs have long been a neglected idea. Published social work literature has always highlighted social justice and has included human rights. Whether you agree with Maslow’s theory or not, it sheds light on humans’ various needs.

Most importantly, you can improve your productivity and efficiency by understanding your essential needs.

In this regard, I help my clients to increase their productivity and self-satisfaction by providing valuable insights into their needs.

I am Gordon Grigg – A professional life coach and business consultant. Reach out to me for any queries regarding your needs. I will guide you to increase your life sustainability and business growth via valuable life and business consultancy.

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