Life Coach

Communication is the key to relationship

Communication is the Key to Relationship

It may sound cliche, but communication is indeed key to successful relationships. Good communication is not only an essential part of maintaining a relationship, but it also makes the partnership and bond between two people extremely strong. Every relationship has certain ups and downs, thus communication is the only way out to deal with the conflicts and make way for building a stronger and healthier relationship. It may be easy to tell people, that communication is the key to healthy relationships, but it is not easy to explain how to communicate effectively to grow and strengthen your relationship. If you require any help mastering communication to maintain successful relationship, I am Gordon Grigg, a professional life coach and business consultant is here for all the assistance.

Communication is the key to relationship

Importance of communication in a relationship

Humans have a constant urge of making connections with friends and family. But to maintain an intimate relationship, communication is important. Communication is an effective tool in any relationship as it allows us to share our feelings. expectations, and opinions freely. If we don’t communicate we would feel isolated and misunderstood and also various negative emotions will start overpowering our minds, which can lead to arguments. Thus, to grease the wheels of your relationship, you must communicate and talk your heart out. A good place to start with this is to know the importance of communication in a relationship. Go through the below-listed points to know about the same. 

  • Get to know each other- The key to determining whether you are compatible with your partner or not, is to talk and communicate as much as you can. Understand the likes & dislikes of your partner, gain insight into their morals and values, and make some frequent conversations that will help you get to know who they are. 
  • For increased trust- Real communication and intimacy in any relationship happen when you can freely talk to your partner about anything and everything. Sharing happiness, sadness, the good and the bad days, and anything and everything with your partner is extremely important through great communication skills. There are certain disciplines of love, that you must follow to develop trust between your partner. 
  • Increase intimacy- Great communication between partners increases intimacy. As emotional intimacy comes with listening to the needs of your partner and when you are compassionate and understanding towards them. When people feel that they are being understood, they feel honored and accepted the way they are, then the emotional intimacy skyrockets. 
  • Avoiding misunderstandings- To communicate effectively you must avoid misunderstandings, as this acts as fuel, enough to burn down your relationship. Thus, you should always communicate with your partner upto every extent and try to finish misunderstandings Express your opinions to your partner clearly and be ready to comprise a little about certain situations, to keep them happy and your relationship going. 
  • For resolving conflict- Little fights and misinterpretations are quite common in any relationship. While there may be some sets of spouses who are in a common tiff all the time. On the other hand, there may be some who do not fight at all. Thus, every relationship has its ups and downs, and both the fighting and non-fighting case scenarios depict a lack of communication between the two. So, you should brush up on your communication skills, to resolve the conflict. 
  • To set some clear expectations- We all have a certain set of expectations from our respective partners or from people we love and live with. And to run any relationship mutually and cordially it is extremely important to communicate and tell your loved ones about what you expect from that relationship. Also, be open and honest about your thoughts and what you believe in. Once you set up your expectations, you will be able to enjoy a satisfying and healthy life. 
Communication is the key to relationship

How you can communicate skillfully in a relationship

Communication is the best possible way of expressing yourself healthily. Talking and listening to your partner when they share something and absorbing their thoughts is the best way to maintain a relationship. Communication is the major aspect of a relationship as it creates a difference between a strong, lifelong partnership or a conflict-filled bond that might end in disappointment. Mentioned below are certain points that will tell you how you can improve communication in any relationship. 

  • Commit to a true connection- You must understand, that communication is not just talking and conversing with people. Communication in any relationship is about connecting to your loved ones through verbal, non-verbal, written, and physical skills, to fulfill your partner’s needs. In a relationship communication is not just small talk, rather it is understanding the viewpoint of your partner, understanding them, and telling them how much you love them. Thus, it is necessary to improve communication to maintain a long-term relationship. 
  • Pick up non-verbal clues- To keep your relationship smooth-going for a longer period, you need to learn to read between the lines. If they say that their day was fine, but the tone for the same seems to be stressed out or irritated. Then, in such a case, you need to have a deeper look at the same and feel the tone and attitude of the words coming from the speaker’s mouth. It is a skill to pick up and understand non-verbal cues by looking at the movements of hands, legs, or entire body language.
  • Identify your style of communication- Before you learn how to improve communication, you must first learn that every individual has unique communication styles. There are four main types of communication styles, i.e., passive, aggressive, assertive, and passive-aggressive. Passive communicators are those, who don’t know how to feel no and also know how to keep their feelings inside. People who have an aggressive style of communication, are usually expressive and loud with their thoughts, Passive-aggressive is a mixture of both, how to know how to avoid conflict and deal with the situation using sarcasm. Assertive-toned people are the healthiest type who know how to touch emotions and communicate with them effectively.
Communication is the key to relationship
  • Ask open-ended questions- Communication with your partner is not just saying I Love You multiple times a day, asking about each other’s day, or checking whether your partner has eaten lunch or not. It is about digging deep and having a conversation that could help you know about the person’s real traits, habits, and feelings. The conversation might not necessarily be heart to heart to heart but it should always be honest, you should always ask some open-ended questions while commuting. 
  • Don’t try to read their mind- Sometimes, it is not easy, to look at your partner’s face and tell how they are feeling. We become mind readers at that time, and try to understand the situation even without communication. It can thus sometimes lead to certain dire consequences. So it is better to ask your partner about how they are feeling, rather than making guesswork. 


Communication is a skill, which means there is always room to make it better and better with every passing day. So, in a relationship, it is your task to find out what type of communication suits you and your partner the best. And also the ways by which you can maintain a healthy relationship to stay on the same page always. I Gordon Grigg, a business consultant and life coach from Nashville, Tennessee will advise you to be honest, kind, thoughtful, and direct in a relationship.

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Humility and Pride

Humility and Pride Can Lift You Up or Destroy You

Humility and Pride

One of the most crucial qualities of a leader is self-awareness. You must know your abilities, limitations, and emotional weaknesses to succeed as a leader.  Humility and pride can lift you up or destroy your entrepreneurial journey and your life.

I am Gordon Grigg, and my goal is to help people learn from my mistakes as well as from my successes.

I hope that the knowledge and scars I’ve acquired will assist others who aspire to be leaders in successfully dealing with similar issues of humility and pride.

Pride is a Killer Humility is a Winner

Humility and Pride

Remember that pride is a killer. Humility is a winner. So pride is the ultimate killer—often silent but always fatal! As a leader, it may be effortless to let our achievements, accolades, titles, etc. affect our judgment and cause us to start believing that the situation is all about us.

We can think that it is all about our abilities, networks, skills, and other personal traits. In reality, it isn’t about you, although our contributions as people and leaders are significant in various ways. Unfortunately, I have fallen into this trap. I’ve also seen some leaders lose sight of this and let their egos and pride get in the way of what would have been great accomplishments.

Pride comes in many forms, and they are all terrible.

Being proud is different from feeling proud.

Feeling proud and recognizing your accomplishments and strengths encourages continued good behavior. You become more motivated to succeed.

On the other hand, being overly proud can come across as self-centered and arrogant.  

According to Aristotle, pride is the crown of the virtues.

He defined a proud person as one who believes they are worthy of great things. He agreed that people must be aware of their talents and feel confident in themselves, but this self-assurance shouldn’t rise to the level of severe narcissism or lofty ideals. Instead, they can act on their sense of value and strive for success.

We compete with one another far too often. We learned that winners take all. But, unfortunately, most people think that the only way to be successful is to put others down or be better than them.

It is vanity to believe we deserve wonderful things when we do not. However, it is cowardly to believe that we deserve less than we are.

True humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less ~ Rick Warren

Anyone who has participated in a successful team knows the benefits of humility in leadership and teamwork. No matter what your title or position is on a team or in an organization, be humble in your role as a leader. Understand that humility is both an enormous gift and a holy obligation.

Pride and arrogance are best treated with humility, and it may be the only thing that works.

People you serve will understand that it isn’t about you if your focus as a leader is on serving others and ensuring every person you are responsible for feels secure, heard, respected, challenged, and supported.

The best leaders must master the balance between confidence and humility.

Overconfidence makes us ignorant. Nobody enjoys being around a know-it-all. Therefore, it hurts our relationships as well.

Finding a balance between confidence and humility is one of the most valuable qualities an entrepreneur can have.

Confidence is essential for any entrepreneur. However, if your pride allows it, it can turn into egoism and arrogance.

Humility is no good if it keeps entrepreneurs from promoting their businesses.

The best leaders must master the interaction between the two.

Review your Humility and Pride

Being proud ruins our lives. It produces an exaggerated self that we must protect at all costs. We see all criticism as an attack on us.

Don’t live miserably. Instead, focus on lowering your ego. You won’t need to conflict with others if your identity is not under attack.

Life is not a competition to be won, but rather a journey to be enjoyed. Recognize the positive; resist the need to dominate others.

Without the assistance of others, you could not succeed. Pride has no place when we realize that it’s better to be around friends than rivals.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a quick fix. It takes time to rethink the connection with our ego, which we spend our entire lives feeding.

Start by considering how pride affects your life.

Recognize the distinction between being and feeling proud. The satisfaction of a task well done is the first. The latter is a warped, exaggerated representation of who you really are.

You can use your pride as a tool for growth. First, see how your pride manifests by testing it. Excessive pride indicates what we need to work on.

Do you have self-confidence issues with a specific trait? For example, do you think you’re more or less than you are? Do you view others as competitors or allies?

“Think: all men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil: the only crime is pride.” – Sophocles

Getting back in touch with what we don’t know helps us control our ego.

Additionally, intellectual humility might aid in overcoming our ego.

Humility is one of the hardest qualities for many of us to cultivate since it requires admitting that you are not always right and do not have all the answers.

Additionally, it fosters self-acceptance, which many of us find difficult.

Try one or more of the following actions to attempt to foster humility:

Spend time listening to others.

Being humble means valuing other people and allowing them to be heard. One of the best ways to start doing this is to take the time to listen to people, find out what they think and value, and let them express themselves.

Don’t forget that you’re just listening to them and responding as a person; you’re not trying to solve their problems or give them answers.

Accept your faults

Accepting your flaws instead of judging yourself for them is a key part of being humble. But, of course, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to get better. Just do it constructively rather than criticize yourself for your flaws.

Be grateful for what you have.

In other words, stop and “count your blessings” and express gratitude for them. It is simple to fall into a vicious cycle of constantly seeking more.

If you need assistance, ask for it.

Humility is recognizing when we need help and respectfully asking for it.

Request feedback from others

Although leaders may find this important, everyone can benefit from knowing what others think of them. Please take some time to ask others for feedback, preferably anonymously, and make it clear that you value what they have to say. Be open to hearing the suggestions, then express gratitude.

Work on your Humility and Pride with a recognized expert

Now I can think about my life, career, and leadership journeys, as well as my self-awareness, struggles, and victories when it comes to humility and pride. I learn everything about humility and pride from my mistakes. They ruined my life in a short period of time. Don’t let yourself make the same mistakes.

Contact me, and let me share my success tactics with you.

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Birds of a Feather Flock Together

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

We humans always find people who are like us and love to hang out with those, who have similar interests as ours. And eventually, we accept their qualities and become like them. Even though we do not admit the fact, the people who surround us have a deep influence on our lives. Thus, we should be extremely careful about whom we let into our inner or private circle of life

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

Jim Rohn, a motivational speaker once said that we become like the five people we spent the most time with in our entire lives, so we should choose them carefully. It is also inevitable that by spending most of our days time with them, we are surely going to inherit their habits and start behaving as they do. Thus, you should have a keen watch over the people who are around you. It is not always that both of your interests should be at the same pace and match exactly 100%. It’s definitely not so. But what is important is that the people who surround you should be positive, have a positive mindset, makes you happy, encourages you to be better, and you are proud to have them. If the answer to all these questions is no, then you should definitely rethink your decision of being with them. The quality of your life greatly depends on the people with whom you are surrounded. So, you should be very careful while letting people enter your inner circle. 

Hang out with people who themselves are successful and encourage you to be the same, who are compassionate about what they do, who enjoy life, those who have some goals & dreams in life and work hard towards accomplishing them, and who have similar life values as you do. 

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

Do we like to be around people who are similar to us?

Well, large-scale research has been done on this topic, proving that we humans connect more with those, who are similar to us. According to psychologists, the reasons for this are complex. Also, understanding the fact is important, that having a lot of common liking between two people and believing that there is a common interest between those two are two different aspects. These two saying are somewhat related to each other but not exactly the same, as assumptions often tend to get wrong. Also initially assuming about someone that we have a lot in common and when actually knowing about each other, you conclude that your wavelengths do not match, it hurts. 

Researchers such as Amanda Fisher Boyd, Adam Hampton, and Susan Sprecher have proposed and studied various reasons why similarities between two people increase their liking for one another. 

  • Consensual validation- Two people who have the same attitude make each other feel confident about their attitudes toward the world. If you like electro-funk music, someone who has a similar interest will surely connect to you faster. Then both of them will get each other’s acceptance. 
  • Certainty of being liked- If someone has a lot of points in common with us, then he is more likely to like us more and in return, we also like them, if we think so. 
  • Cognitive Evaluation- Cognitive evaluation is a feature where we form expressions about others regarding the information that we have in hand. Through this, we feel a connection with the person and can analyze what qualities are common between the two of us. You also feel positivity about the person as they can match your vibrations. Cognitive Evaluation helps us assume that the other person is exactly like us with somewhat similar positive characteristics. 
  • Self-Expansion Opportunity- According to this theory, you can conclude, that the benefit of acquainting with new people and spending time with them is that you also get to learn various new things, and gain new experiences & knowledge. Even in the true sense, if you connect with someone who is dissimilar to you, then you tend to gain more knowledge, learn new & exciting things, and get to learn about new stuff that you haven’t done before. But as per the research, we humans do not try any unconventional way and interact with people who have similar interests as ours. 
  • Enjoyable & Fun interactions- Psychologically if we think, it is more cool and easy to hang out with those, whom we are quite familiar with and share some common grounds of interest. 

How to surround yourself with good people

In the words of  Tony Robbins, a famous American author, we all want success. It might be in the field of business, the field of relationships, or the field of finances. But to find fulfillment in all these areas, you need to surround yourself with positive people, who can raise your standards and help you grow and succeed in life. Getting rid of people who impact your life with negativity is really important, as they pull you down. 

Proximity is power key, as the people with whom we spend our maximum time, are who we ultimately become. In order to reach new heights of success we need to be surrounded by inspiring and positive people who challenge our inner potential. This process is not easy but trusts me, it is worth it for your bright and better future. Listed below are some points that will assist you in knowing how to be surrounded by positive people.

  • We all have certain goals in our life so you should be in constant search of such people who share the same ambition as yours and helps you to grow.
  • Letting go of negative relationships is the best way to stay away from toxicity. Thus, you should look for good people who can change your mindset and help you be yourself.
  • Identifying positive people who can be a part of your inner circle is extremely important. Positive people are usually smart and hardworking people, who are dreamers and positive thinkers. 
  • In order to accelerate your success, it is extremely important to surround yourself with positive people. For finding someone to connect with you can either join a professional group or connect with a life coach

Final Words:

I Gordon Grigg, a business consultant and life coach from Nashville, Tennessee hope that this guide has shown you the true meaning of the phrase, ‘Birds of the same feather flock together.’ Through this study, you might have understood that people with the same liking may connect to each other extremely well but it is more important that they should have a positive mindset and leaves a favorable impact on your lives. Relationships are a long-term journey, so we should be very particular in choosing the people who are in the inner circle of life. So, now I hope that you will look deep into the inner circle of your life and filter out all the negative people and try to find and surround yourself with those who give you positivity & motivation to flourish in life. 

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Why should we forgive others

Why should we forgive others?

Sometimes the depth of the wound is way too deep, especially when people whom we trust the most hurt us, or we become victims of a brutal crime, or get harshly bullied. Only the persons who are going through that excruciating pain can understand how badly their inner world is disrupted. The only medicine, to get out of this is forgiveness

What is forgiveness? 

According to psychologists, forgiveness is a consciously taken deliberate decision that helps you relieve the feelings of vengeance and resentment towards those who have hurt us. They have also explained that forgiving someone does not mean that you deny the seriousness of the insult the person has done to you and it also does not mean forgetting or excusing offenses. Though, the act of forgiving can help you reconcile with the person again and also release them from any legal accountabilities. 

Experts also say that forgiveness helps the forgiver to be in the best and positive peace of mind, free from any corrosive anger. Are you wondering if having positive feelings in the heart is necessary to forgive the offender? Well, if not the positive feelings, the act of forgiveness helps the sufferer to let go of deep & harsh negative feelings. Forgiveness also helps you to heal and move forward in life. This is all about what science and psychologists say, but now we will learn what Jesus, our God has preached about forgiveness. 

God said that forgiveness has been drowned out in this world of noise. He said, that the world around us is full of all kinds of pain, malice, and hatred. We should learn from God, as in Bible, we must have read, how wrongly people used to talk to him, but every time he kept his calm, forgave them, and kept walking in the Holy Spirit. 

In Ephesians 4:31-32, it’s mentioned, ”Get rid of all the bitterness, rage, and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Some Key reasons why you should forgive the unforgivable 

It is difficult for our flesh to grasp forgiveness, thus it has become vital for us humans to draw closer to God. Whenever someone hurts, you should keep in the mind the below-mentioned key reasons as to why you should forgive them. 

  • Because God forgave you- This is one of the most obvious reasons that we are already aware of. Our lord, Jesus Christ is full of love; he forgives the sins of his children, whenever they sincerely ask for it. In our everyday prayer too, we say, ”Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Not only we should forgive our sinners because God forgives us, but we should do the act of forgiveness because we love him and have promised to live our lives according to his word. 
  • Because the act of forgiveness frees you from bitterness- To be in peace and to prevent the bitter poison from spreading to your heart, forgiving the person who has hurt us is essential. When you hold grudges against someone and hold back forgiveness, it just opens the door of bitterness, unhappiness, and insecurity, and even barricades the blessings that God wants to shower on you. And if you choose to forgive, then you are leaving the feeling of resentment and anger, and showing faith in him to heal you. 
  • Because if you will take revenge, it will not be justified in the court of God- If you have felt the sting of betrayal from someone and have been hurt extremely harshly, then it’s obvious that a feeling of revenge can revolve around in your mind. Wanting justice for yourself is quite natural, as most people in the world believe in settling scores. But this is not the will of God. In other words, if you take revenge on someone who has hurt you, then in the court of God, it will not be defined as justice. The power of giving punishment lies in his hands only, as he is the eternal power and the lord. 
  • Because Jesus showed us the way- Jesus our lord, our father is the greatest forgiver. In Luke 23:34, it is written, ”Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” That means that when Jesus was falsely accused, arrested, tortured, and crucified, he asked forgiveness from God for his sinners. Jesus has a great heart, he forgave his evildoers, so why can’t we humans forgive someone who has mistreated us? 
  • Because forgiveness is healing to your relationship- It is quite evident, that in our lifetime people around us, say friends, family, spouse, cousins, siblings, and neighbors might do or say such things that could hurt you. That is because no one is perfect in life, everyone is sometimes rude, impolite, mean, selfish, angry, tempted, depressed, or messed up. If we do not forgive their actions, we are likely to hurt ourselves more and grow bitter and resentful towards them. And because of this, our relationship with our loved ones suffers, and if we learn to forgive, the connections tend to heal and grow. 

Benefits of granting forgiveness

By granting forgiveness to your wrongdoer, letting go of grudges with him will surely improve your health & peace of mind, along with certain other benefits such as; 

  • Healthy relationships
  • Improved mental health
  • Less stress and anxiety
  • Lesser symptoms of depression
  • Optimum blood pressure
  • Strong immune system
  • Improved health of the heart
  • Improved self-esteem

How to move towards the state of forgiveness? 

Forgiveness is a commitment to change. It is a practice where you need to have certain guts, to move towards this act of kindness.

  • Recognizing the value of forgiveness and how it can change your life.
  • Identifying the importance of getting healed and whom you want to forgive.
  • Seek help from a counselor if necessary.
  • Acknowledging your emotions and the harm caused to them. Recognize how those behaviors and emotions affect you in your daily schedule and work towards reducing the grudges.
  • Forgive the person who has offended you and also release the control that the person had in your life. 

Wrapping up..

Forgiveness means different emotions to different people, but it is an intentional decision of letting go of anger and resentment. You can be highly offended by the actions of someone who has hurt you, by forgiving you are keeping yourself in a good mental state and closer to God. Holding grudges against someone is extremely easy, but forgiving is way too difficult. Thus, Gordon Grigg, a business consultant and life coach from Nashville, Tennessee strongly believes that we should live by the teaching of God and if we consider ourselves as God’s own child then forgiveness should be in our nature. 

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Know All About Gaslighting

10 Signs and Preventive Measures of Gaslighting You Must Know

All You Need to Know about Gaslighting, Its Examples, Signs, and Preventive Measures

Introduction to Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a kind of psychological abuse that makes an individual doubt their sanity and rationale. Victims of this malicious abuse often suffer from depression, anxiety, and other psychological diseases.

In this article, I will cover the subject of gaslighting in detail.

The first part of the article covers gaslighting definition and its common types. Later, I will discuss signs of gaslighting that will help you identify this abuse if it happens to you or your loved ones. I have also included some real-life stories of people who faced such manipulation. It will help you understand what gaslighting experience is. The last part includes some useful ways to save yourself from this emotional abuse. 

Know All About Gaslighting

What is Gaslighting?

Gaslighting refers to a psychological manipulation through which the perpetrator controls his victim by twisting their sense of reality. A gaslighter clouds their victim’s reality by consistently presenting a false narrative and denying the actual truth.

In the beginning, the victim knows reality and tries to explain his perception to the abuser. Over time, the person on the receiving end becomes increasingly confused and drowns in self-doubt. He starts feeling that he can’t trust his perception or judgment, and ultimately he becomes dependent on the abuser.

Who is a Gaslighter?

A gaslighter is a person who attempts to gain control over others by making them feel crazy. They induce a sense in their victims that their perception of reality is not only mistaken but baseless and absurd.

They do this by sidestepping evidence that supports the victim’s testimony. This mean activity can be as simple as putting the keys in someone’s purse and insisting they put them themselves. Such incidents will affect the victim’s mental health if they occur repeatedly.

Anyone can do gaslighting, but people with narcissistic or borderline personality disorder normally exhibit this manipulative behavior. They keep playing mind games on their victims until they start questioning their self-worth.

Examples of Gaslighting

Know All About Gaslighting

Laura Corbeth

Gaslighting can happen in seemingly perfect romantic relationships, professional work environments, and even to children. No matter what the dynamic of this malicious practice is, there are always some common tactics used to make the other person doubt his sanity.

Here are a few examples of gaslighting tactics:

1. Negating

The gaslighter negates the victim’s memory of past events. Theyinsist that either the victim’s memory is flawed or he is just making up stories on purpose. The person being gaslit is left baffled and confused because he was telling the truth.

2. Pretending to Forget

The gaslighter pretends to have forgotten what happened when the victim brings up an abuse incident.

For example

The perpetrator might verbally abuse the victim and later act as if they don’t remember at all. The victim nervously exclaims, “how can you forget that!” but the abuser stays firm on his ground. They may even take a step further and say something like, if it had happened, I would have remembered that.

3. Dismissing Emotions

This situation involves making the victim feel that his negative emotions, like sadness, fear, or regret, are pointless and absurd. A gaslighter tells the victim that they are too sensitive and over-emotional.

When subjected to this behavior repeatedly, the victim is forced to hide his emotions and suffer in silence.

4. Withholding

The abuser blatantly refuses to listen to the victim’s viewpoint when confronted. Sometimes the gaslighter acts like they are caught up in a confusing conversation where nothing makes sense. Thus, implying that the victim is perplexing them on purpose.

5. Diverting

The abuser uses this tactic to save themselves from confrontation. Diverting is an attempt to change the subject when the victim brings something up.

They hijack the conversation by stressing over the credibility of what someone is saying rather than the content.

Examples of Gaslighting

Most Common Types of Gaslighting Scenarios

Gaslighting can occur in many different scenarios. Usually, it occurs within a vulnerable group of people or with an individual. Sweet (2019) states that gaslighting techniques often use stereotypes to attack specific vulnerabilities.

A gaslighter will make the victim question his self-worth by making statements like women are irrational, black women are aggressive, etc.

Here are some common types of gaslighting scenarios:

1. Gaslighting in Intimate Relationships

This situation commonly happens in heterosexual relationships where aman gaslights a woman. He uses common gender stereotypes to strengthen his claims about his partner’s sanity. The gaslighter often makes statements like women can’t handle pressure or are irrational.

2. Gaslighting and Gender

Gender-based gaslighting can be seen not only in homes but also in the legal system, healthcare system, and other social scenarios. Some examples of gender-based gaslighting are as follows:

· Gaslighting in Healthcare

Some women are gaslit by doctors who insist they exaggerate or imagine their symptoms. Women coming to the doctor’s office with legitimate symptoms are labeled hypochondriacs because the doctor believes that women are generally irrational and hysterical.

This leads to the worsening of symptoms dismissed by the healthcare professional and ultimately causes extreme complications.

I believe that the modern-day US is far from things like gender bias and stereotypes against women, but the truth is far from that.

· Gaslighting in Legal System

Gender-based gaslighting is commonly seen in sexual assault and child custody cases. The abuser might use gender stereotypes as their testimony against the woman. Police officers and judges often find this testimony credible enough to dismiss a woman.

· Collective Gaslighting

Collective gaslighting occurs when many women fall prey to the gaslight effect because of a statement or opinion of a public figure or media personality. If a celebrity sympathizes with an abuser and sides with him, this will make many people second-guess their stance on the issue at hand.

Cynthia A. Stark, Ph.D., has discussed public gaslighting in her paper, “Gaslighting, Misogyny and Psychological Oppression.” She gave the example of a CNN reporter who tried to put the rapists of a 16-year-old in a good light by talking about their football achievements and academic excellence.

· At Educational Institutes

A common example of gaslighting in school is the attempt of educators to undermine or deny the ongoing impact of racism in society. They might say that we should not keep dwelling in the past. Slavery is a past event and doesn’t impact present-day generations.

· Family and Friends

Racial gaslighting by friends and romantic partners can be as simple as making a racist joke and then insisting that it was just for laughs and should not be personalized.

When such behavior is repeated multiple times, the victim starts thinking they may be more tolerant towards such comments and jokes.

3. Gaslighting in Politics

Politicians use gaslighting to shift the public’s viewpoint about an issue or event in their favor.

The world has seen political gaslighting at a large scale during the Covid-19 pandemic. Some leaders gave statements declaring the deadly disease to be a conspiracy. Others downplayed the severity of the situation. Some tried to manipulate people’s minds by claiming there were no deaths because of oxygen shortage when the reality was quite the opposite.

Political gaslighters actively confuse and manipulate the masses to establish authority and gain control.

10 Signs of Gaslighting You Must Know to Avoid Miserable Situations


Gaslighting is a dangerous form of emotional abuse. The term gaslighting was first coined in 1940, but this practice has been ruining people’s lives for ages. It is very important to educate oneself about the signs of gaslighting to spot it early on and save yourself from long-lasting damage.

Here are 10 signs of gaslighting you must know.

1. Black Lies

The abuser tells big lies, deliberately misrepresenting the facts to confuse or deceive the victim. You might be shocked to see the absurdity of falsehood they claim to be true.

Since the gaslighters keep insisting that they are right, you would be forced to reconsider your side of the story and make space for theirs.

2. Saving Themselves by Denying the Situation

When confronted, the gaslighters deny everything. They accuse you of blaming them without grounds. This situation is especially common when they make a hurtful comment or say something bad about your dear ones. When you bring up the subject, they will look into your eyes and say you are mistaken.

Statements like, you always forget my words or it’s okay you don’t remember what happened to you, confuse you and leave you disoriented.

3. Emotional Invalidation

If the gaslighter is your partner, you may feel your feelings are denied, rejected, or dismissed whenever you want to tell them how badly you are hurt. They will tell you time and time again that you are oversensitive and you should stop feeling that way.

If you feel scared that they are plotting against you, they will say you imagine things. If you tell them you are sad because of a snarky comment they made about you, they will label you “overly sensitive” or too weak to handle light humor.

A gaslighter can dismiss every negative emotion you feel towards them. If your partner never apologizes for their mistakes and tries to shift the blame on you, it is a big red flag.

4. Projection

A gaslighter doesn’t accept their wrongdoings. Instead, they will do everything in their power to shift the blame to you. A simple example of projection is breaking something accidentally and then insisting that you are the reason for that damage. Sometimes they use an indirect approach and say something like, it is your fault because you placed it there.

If you suspect that your partner is cheating on you, they will respond by saying that you are the one who is cheating. Alternatively, they might accept their mistake but insist it was your fault.

5. They Can’t See You Happy

The goal of a gaslighter is to gain control over you and make you miserable. They will find issues with your lovely things. If you have children who make you feel complete, they will say things like; you don’t get enough time for yourself because of the kids. Slowly and gradually, they will make you think that they are right.

If you tell them that you love your job, they will point out that your salary needs to improve. This other person works half the number of hours and makes more money than you.

6. They Use Confusion as a Control Tactic

A confused person is neither confident nor happy. A gaslighter wants to do the same to you. If you are in a relationship with a gaslighter, he will not leave any opportunity to confuse you. In addition to questioning your memory of past events, the abuser also makes his personality confusing for you.

They will keep you in ambiguity about the status of your relationship. You will need help to conclude the sincerity of your partner.

7. Buttering up

A gaslighter will butter you up before cutting you. As a part of the manipulation game, they shower love and affection, bring gifts, and give nice compliments. This love bombing will make you think they are not that bad. But before you know it, they will start belittling and harassing you.

This pattern will leave you disoriented about the reality of your life partner. The occasional extravagant display of affection also makes you minimize the abusive behavior or make room for it.

8. Altering Your Physical Environment

Altering the physical environment can take a toll on a person’s mental health. Imagine you come back from work and see a big massage chair in the lounge. You use it every day for a week, and one day it disappears. When you ask your partner about it, they say we never had a massage chair. You know for a fact that it was there but had nothing to prove that. Ultimately, you will start thinking that maybe you were so tired that you imagined being in a massage chair every day.

9. Attempting to Destroy Your Credibility

Your partner will express concern about your mental health to your family and friends. They might tell silly stories about your behavior to make their claims more believable. Hence, they will make your loved ones believe that.

  • They are genuinely concerned about you.
  • Your words can’t be trusted because your mental health is compromised.

This leaves you in this trap where everyone tells you; your partner is a good person, and you should continue the relationship. Moreover, if you tell your friends about his abusive behavior, they will find it hard to believe you. They will think you have gone crazy and keep making things up.

10. Making you dependent and lonely

The abuser will tell you stories about the people you trust to make you believe they are not sincere with you. They will instill in your mind that the people you hold so close to your heart hate you. This will eventually leave you in a foggy situation where you can’t figure out who can be trusted. They might encourage you to distance yourself from your friends and family. Ultimately, you will get lonelier than ever and stuck with the manipulator.

Worrying Effects of Gaslighting

The following effects of gaslighting will give you a clear understanding of how gaslighting affects your well-being.  

1. Immediate Effects

These effects are emotional in nature and do not take a lot of time to appear. The constant denial of the reality of the situation makes you confused and disoriented.

Due to gaslighting tactics, you may lose confidence and seek validation from others. You start questioning your self-worth and have low self-esteem.

Also, you will be seen as perplexed and sad.

One of the biggest effects of gaslighting is hopelessness. Being constantly ridiculed and undermined will result in losing hope in yourself and your relationships.

2. Long-Term Effects:

Over time, this malicious manipulation develops psychological effects. Common long-term effects of gaslighting are:

  • Trauma
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

In extreme cases gaslighting leads to suicide.

You must consider these effects of gaslighting for prevention.

Real-Life Stories of People who Faced Gaslighting

1) 14 Years of Psychological Abuse

A woman stayed with a gaslighter for more than a decade!

Her husband would not spare a chance to lie to her. He was so good at lying that she could hardly suspect it. She had no choice but to give him the benefit of the doubt.

He was habitual of teasing and calling her names. In the beginning, she defended him in front of her relatives, saying he was trying to be funny. Later, she realized that he was trying to tear her down.

That gaslighter was such a control freak that he would harm his son to scare his wife. She said her husband was jealous of his son because she loved him so much. 

Gaslighting meaning in a relationship is a lot more than infidelity. The wife reported that her husband would cheat on her repeatedly. He strategically distanced her from her family and friends so that he could cheat on her without getting caught. He would treat her nicely whenever he cheated on her to win her trust again. Sadly, he succeeded every single time. 

He told her friends that she had lost her mind and could not be trusted. She found out that his family referred to her as “crazy.” After 14 years of manipulation and abuse, she decided to cut ties with her abusive husband.

She moved to the farthest corner of the state with her children. She said it would take her a lot of time to recover. She found that traveling and sightseeing had a therapeutic effect on her. She travels frequently and is working on getting her confidence back.

2) Gaslighting to Cover up Infidelity

Sacha Sinclair was 3 months pregnant when she discovered her boyfriend was cheating on her. She was getting ready for the hospital to get her ultrasound done. This was the first time she would see her baby on the screen, so she was very excited but also a little disappointed because her boyfriend had to go to work at the last minute.

The boyfriend pocket-dialed her accidentally, and she heard his conversation with a colleague. He told him he had been seeing this other woman for a few weeks. He bragged that his girlfriend was clueless about the affair and treated him well.

Sacha was in tears and waited impatiently for her boyfriend to confront him. When she told him about the discourse she had overheard, he denied it completely. He told her that she should seek treatment for her mental condition because she keeps making things up. He said she was probably accusing him of infidelity because she was mad that he couldn’t go to the hospital with her. In fact, the problem was a lot bigger than that.

She reached out to the work colleague the boyfriend was talking to and asked him about the conversation. To her surprise, he denied it too! The gaslighter kept calling her psycho for making things up. She had to get rid of him to find peace.

3) Julie Arnold’s Story

Her husband gaslighted her for two reasons:

  • To keep her from complaining about his infidelity
  • To force her to continue the relationship with him.

When she discovered he was sleeping with other women, she told him she would divorce him. He called her insane and ruined her image by telling all her friends and family that she was crazy. At that time, they saw a marriage counselor make things work. Julie’s husband told her friends she saw a shrink for her psychological issues.

He played tricks like whispering her wife’s name. Another example is that she sold her car and saw someone driving it. She pointed and said, Look! That’s my car. He tried to confuse her by saying, “You never owned that car. What’s wrong with you?”

He made everyone believe that she was crazy. Thankfully, Julie was strong enough to know that she wasn’t.

Once she met her husband’s business partner at a gathering. He loudly said, “I am so happy to hear you are getting mental health care.” Everyone started staring at her, and she got embarrassed. Once, he whispered in her ear, “If you promise not to divorce me, I will stop telling everyone that you are crazy.”

These examples of gaslighting show how a gaslighter tries to take control of their victim. Julie took a stand for herself and divorced the narcissist as soon as she could. She is glad that she got out of that mess.

4) Gaslighting Shattered Her Confidence: Random Woman

This woman was dating a guy who made her feel like a princess. He always had good things to say about her appearance. He complimented her hair and fashion sense and even said he loved her manicure. After a brief period of love-bombing, he started making small jabs at her appearance. He resented her for not making the right changes in her appearance. He suggested that she should lose weight, have a better fashion sense, and wax her body hair. It felt like all of a sudden, nothing was beautiful about her.

She felt like he only looked at her to find flaws. It seemed that he was plotting to lower her self-esteem. Constant criticism impacted her self-worth. She started feeling guilty and insecure.

One day, a mutual friend asked him what he liked about his girlfriend. He pretended to think but had nothing to say. Hence, she decided to cut ties with him.

5) Gaslighting over Finances: Random Victim

This man gaslighted his girlfriend, who was paying for all his expenses. She was making a lot less than him but had to pay for everything because he was too stingy. One day, she confronted him, saying that this was unfair. To her surprise, he totally denied that this was the case. He called her ungrateful and accused her of lying.

She was extremely shocked and frustrated and decided to gather evidence to prove him wrong. She began writing down all transactions. A few days later, she confronted him again. He called her crazy again. So she showed him the record she had been keeping. Upon seeing the proof, he immediately tried to change the subject.

How to Prevent Gaslighting? 10 Ways to Counter Gaslighting

How to Stop Gaslighting?

These strategies will help you understand how to overcome the effects of gaslighting.

1. Don’t Jump to Conclusions

It takes time to spot gaslighting. It starts slow and reaches a problematic level over time. Just because your partner holds a different view than you doesn’t necessarily mean he is gaslighting you. Sometimes we all avoid certain conversations. It would be unfair to label someone a gaslighter for that.

Before jumping to a conclusion, you must take your time to understand whether you are living with a gaslighter or not. Get a clear understanding of the gaslighting definition and compare it with what you are experiencing.

A simple rule is to focus on what you are feeling and not so much on just their actions. The following feelings are persistent with being gaslit.

  • Repeatedly second-guessing yourself
  • Thinking you might be over-sensitive
  • Feeling guilty and apologizing very often
  • Feeling like you are losing your past self
  • Lacking clarity
  • Becoming antisocial because you can’t tell people about your situation

2. Keep Your Calm

A person who makes you feel crazy would be happy to see you frustrated and shouting like a maniac. You can handle any situation more effectively if you don’t react immediately. The best way to do this is to move away from the situation, either physically or mentally.

  • You can go for a walk to move to a different location than the gaslighter. Alternatively, you can do breathing exercises, repeat an affirming mantra or slowly count to 10.
  • Grounding techniques are effective in clearing your mind. Try grounding yourself with a visualization exercise or an object. 

3. Write Things down

Journaling is a great way to have clarity on past and present events. If you write things as they are happening, you will not fall prey to the gaslighter’s mind games.

Review your writings regularly to bring yourself out of the fog your abuser loves to put you in.

This practice will wear-off uncertainty and allow you to communicate with your abuser more confidently.

4. Gather Evidence

The biggest challenge faced by victims of this psychological manipulation is proving that there is abuse. Since the gaslighter tells everyone that their victim is insane, people are less likely to believe you.

You should actively gather the evidence before sharing your story with anyone. Here is what you can do:

  • Take photos of your bruises if there is physical violence.
  • Take screenshots of texts and emails.
  • Note down conversations if you can.
  • Alternatively, you can record conversations if possible.

5. Take a Stand for Yourself

Tolerance gives confidence to the gaslighter. Send a clear message to your abuser that you will not tolerate belittling comments and ridicule.

Don’t let them cover up by saying it was just for laughs. Ask them what about the joke makes them feel that it is funny. Digging deep this way will make them realize that they can’t mock you.

Speaking up is more effective in the case of workplace gaslighting. They can’t deny making a mean joke that other people have heard. In intimate relations, however, the abuser normally denies making bad comments. Since you are the only witness, they can conveniently come clean. 

6. Understand How They Try to Dominate Conversations

A gaslighter tries to confuse you by complicating the conversation. They would try to distract you from the subject by blaming or insulting you. They might try to shift the narrative using a made-up story. If you fully understand their tactics, you will be in a better position to take charge of the conversation and come to an agreement.

You should have a clear understanding of your goals for a particular conversation. Watch out for the manipulative tactics a gaslighter uses to confuse you.

Try to keep the conversation simple. If the conversation gets circular and unfair, it is time to move away from it gracefully.

7. Trust Your Memory

The abuser will try to convince you that you don’t remember things correctly because your memory is bad. Do the same as he does to prevent them from making you feel stupid. They tell a distorted version of a past event and insist it is the truth. In that situation, you can avoid gaslighting by sticking to your version of events.

You can say, “we remember things differently,” if they insist you are wrong.

This strategy will create a situation where both of you have a 50% chance of being wrong. Gaslighters hate this. They want to prove that they are 100% correct and you are completely wrong. This situation can only happen with you distrusting your memory.

8. Practice Self-Care

Self-care is probably not a direct answer for how to stop gaslighting. However, it relaxes the mind and makes you better equipped to deal with negative emotions.

It is as simple as taking out 30 minutes for yourself. You can practice self-care by:

  • Working-out
  • Talking to family and friends
  • Doing yoga or meditation
  • Engaging in a hobby
  • Focusing on skin and hair care
  • Prioritize sleep

9. Share Your Experience with Others

Build a support network by sharing your experience with empathic people. Your support network may have your family, friends, and others who sympathize with you. Research has shown that social support can work wonders in countering gaslighting.

It is very important to tell your loved one the truth about the situation. Otherwise, they might buy the made-up stories told by the gaslighter.

10. Seek Professional Support

The long-term effects of gaslighting ruin your mental health. It is important to resort to therapy before the symptoms worsen. Some people might need a lot of time to get their confidence back.

If you have low self-esteem or trouble trusting your memory, you must see a shrink—some effects of gaslighting need medical intervention, e.g., PTSD, anxiety, and depression.


Gaslighting is an abusive practice that makes a person doubt his sanity. Narcissists commonly exhibit such behavior.

This emotional abuse devastates a person’s confidence, self-esteem, and mental health. Usually, it occurs in intimate relations but is not limited to that. It can also be seen in workplaces, politics, and schools. Gaslighting by parents is also a common instance.

If you feel you are being gaslit, you should immediately take these preventive steps to save yourself.

Importance of Understanding Gaslighting and Life Coaching

Gaslighting is a menace. Therefore, you need to get rid of it. However, you may only counter it effectively with proper counseling. Therefore, consulting a life coach and counselor is one of the essential strategies to counter gaslighting effects. As a professional life coach, I understand the adverse effects of gaslighting on your personality. Therefore, I help my clients relieve gaslighting signs and effects.

Are you facing gaslighting effects from an emotional or psychological abuser?

Let’s have a free consultation to moderate your personality from the itching effects of gaslighting.

10 Signs and Preventive Measures of Gaslighting You Must Know Read More »

Fundamental Human Needs You Must Know

5 Perspectives about Fundamental Human Needs You Must Consider

Fundamental Human Needs You Must Know

Have you ever considered what drives people to act the way they do?

Why do people appreciate attention and status as measures of success and value but disregard self-satisfaction?

What power governs and directs all of our feelings, deeds, levels of happiness, and fates?

Did you know that understanding basic human needs can help you to understand the answers to these questions better?

Back-to-basics living, tiny homes, minimalism, and less-is-more are always to ensure that our basic needs are addressed without being diverted by the flashy things in life. Humans can observe via research and millennia of history that we require fulfillment of some basic human needs for life satisfaction.

We all have these needs simply by being human; they are ontological needs rather than wants. You may achieve your goals and avoid harmful behaviors and habits by being aware of your needs and psychology.

There are categories of needs that make up basic human needs collectively. These needs apply to every person in every culture, generation, and continent. However, how these needs are expressed varies among individuals depending on their phenotypes.

Additionally, satisfaction varies among persons, cultures, and ages. Strong communities were built by strong individuals and made people stronger. Even if the world has changed, basic human needs continue to play the same function.

Why ShouldYou Understand Fundamental Human Needs?

Satisfying our basic needs will lead to success in life. Your ability to become the best version of yourself depends on your ability to comprehend your needs. There is no way to influence or empower anyone or any group than to recognize and deliver their basic human needs.

Meeting human needs is the key to influence. You create a sense of meaning in your life when you meet your fundamental needs. This fulfillment brings enormous advantages of leading a life with depth and significance.

What are Basic Human Needs?

Basic human needs are the motivation behind people’s behavior. And these needs are the desire to lead a healthy and stable life. These needs are necessary for generating typical human conduct and functioning that satisfies the ethical requirements of a good human life. The list of basic needs includes food, water, clothing, and shelter. Numerous contemporary lists affirm fulfilling basic needs, such as food, water, shelter, clothing, education, a peaceful environment, healthcare, and sanitation.

Types of Human Needs

You can differentiate the types of human needs into multiple categories. Here, we have categorized human needs according to Maslow’s theory of human needs.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs defines two need categories; deficiency and growth needs.

The causes of deficiency needs are:

  • Lack and Absence
  • Scarcity of physical needs
  • Lack of security, social needs, and esteem.

Fulfilling these lacking demands is essential. It will help prevent negative emotions and results.

Furthermore, Maslow referred to the top needs as growth needs. These needs aren’t a result of deficiency. Instead, these needs come out of the desires we have for growth.

6 Significant and Modern Human Needs

After Maslow’s theory, psychologists, neurologists, and sociologists have been conducting their research on human needs. They have come up with this list of human needs since 1943.

  • Food:

Food is an essential human need. You must understand how to develop, function, and work by utilizing healthy food. Our daily food requirements are nutrients like proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. A strong and healthy personality is a result of eating good food.

  • Water:

Water is a fundamental human need. It enables the proper functioning of the body.

  • Shelter:

Shelter is one of the most important needs. It protects us from the burning sun, cold weather, rain, snow, and other harms.

  • Sleep:

The brain needs regular sleep daily for proper body execution and maintenance. Regular sleep reduces stress and increases productivity.

  • Emotional and Physical Interaction:

Adults need to interact (emotionally or physically) with other people to release specific hormones like oxytocin.

  • Novelty:

Dopamine is released in the brain when something is novel since it offers the chance to learn and possibility to fail.

When these six needs are satisfied, a person can grow in self-worth, security, belonging, actualization, and other expressions of contentment, as stated by Abraham Maslow.

Abraham Maslow’s Theory: 5 Levels of Human Needs

Social sciences have put great effort into identifying basic human needs. John Burton, Edward L. Deci, Manfred Max-Neef, Frederick Herzberg, Clayton Alderfer, and many others have made great contributions.

Additionally, Abraham Maslow was a prominent American psychologist. In 1943, he introduced the theory of the hierarchy of psychological needs. The theory was named “The Theory of Human Motivation.”  This theory suggests that human needs (mentioned below) influence people’s decision-making. Maslow (1954) claimed that the foundation of the human behavioral drive could be divided into five categories:

  • Physiological needs
  • Safety and security needs
  • Social needs (Love and Belonging)
  • Esteem needs


  • Self-actualization needs

Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

  1. Physiological Needs

Physiological needs are:

  • Food
  • Water
  • Air
  • Shelter
  • Rest
  • Sleep
  • Breathing
  • Homeostasis
  • Reproduction
  • Excretion
  • Warmth

And many more!

These are a few examples of human survival needs. According to Maslow’s original version, these are biological requirements for human survival.

The following things are included in safety needs:

  • Security
  • Employment
  • Structure
  • Protection
  • Property
  • Order
  • Certainty
  • Resources
  • Self-care
  • Leisure
  • Control
  • Healthcare
  • Amusement

And many more!

There are multiple examples of safety and security needs. All these needs fall into the category of fundamental human needs.

  • Social Needs (Love and Belonging)

Social needs are the third stage of Maslow’s pyramid. These represent the lower needs and focus on interpersonal relationships.

It relates to the necessity of esteem and a sense of fulfillment. Abraham Maslow clearly defines two types of self-esteem:

  • One is esteem dependent on the assessment
  • Other esteem is based on respect and appreciation from others.
  • Self-Actualization

Finding your occupation, growing personally, and achieving ethical enlightenment are crucial. You may notice this need. These needs fall into the category of self-actualization.

Expanded Hierarchy of Needs

The 7 fundamental human needs are an expanded version of Maslow’s 5 stage version of needs and categories of desires rather than specific needs. It would be best to refer to them as the 7 categories of fundamental human needs.

The following are expanded fundamental needs:

  • Survival and safety
  • Growth and understanding
  • Love and acceptance
  • Creation and contribution
  • Identity, esteem, and significance
  • Justice, freedom, and self-direction
  • Self-actualization and self-exaltation
Fundamental Human Needs You Must Know

Maslow’s Motivation Model

Tony Robbins’ Concept of 6 Fundamental Human Needs

According to Tony Robbins, 6 fundamental human needs are:

  • Certainty: Certainty ensures you can escape suffering and experience pleasure.
  • Uncertainty: Uncertainty is the desire for novelty and change.
  • Significance: This need is a sense of being distinctive and significant.
  • Love: Love is a strong connection of understanding, help, and togetherness. As a result, you will feel attached to someone or something.
  • Growth: Growth represents an enhancement in knowledge, skill, and understanding domains.
  • Contribution: This fundamental need refers to the commitment to aiding, supporting, and giving to others.

Nain’s Pyramid of Needs

It is an alternative theory to Maslow’s framework.

  • Survival Needs – Survival Needs are similar to Maslow’s physiological needs.
  • Wants – These represent the current desires. However, they became necessities over time due to lifestyle changes.
  • Practical Survival Needs – These needs are essential for productivity in an office. Therefore, they are also referred to as “office survival needs.”
  • Desires – Desires are optional for a sustainable lifestyle. They add happiness and value to your life.
  • Wishes – These are necessities that are not required frequently. You can still be happy without them.
  • Whims – Whims represent imaginary motivations or courage for something. For instance, you imagine getting a CEO job overnight.

History: Theories of Human Needs in Social Work

The foundational ideas of social work practice, particularly the “life model” of practice, have traditionally been centered on human needs principles. Charlotte Towle, a social worker, was the first to take the issue of human needs seriously. She discussed this in her book “Common Human Needs.”

David Gil’s Contribution to Human Needs

In recent years, David Gil has supported the human needs theory for social work. David Gil presented a hierarchy of human needs that includes:

  • Self-actualization
  • Spiritual needs
  • Rewarding employment


  • A sense of security based on fulfilling relationships and jobs.

Theories of Human Need

In recent years, human needs theory in social work and its application have boomed. The earliest formal, intellectually developed theory of human needs was called Theories of Human Need. Political economist Gough and philosopher Doyal developed it. This theory states the hierarchical relationship among:

  • Basic social needs
  • Cultural satisfiers
  • Intermediate needs


  • Health and autonomy


For a long time, social work theory, practice, and research have included basic human needs. However, human needs have long been a neglected idea. Published social work literature has always highlighted social justice and has included human rights. Whether you agree with Maslow’s theory or not, it sheds light on humans’ various needs.

Most importantly, you can improve your productivity and efficiency by understanding your essential needs.

In this regard, I help my clients to increase their productivity and self-satisfaction by providing valuable insights into their needs.

I am Gordon Grigg – A professional life coach and business consultant. Reach out to me for any queries regarding your needs. I will guide you to increase your life sustainability and business growth via valuable life and business consultancy.

5 Perspectives about Fundamental Human Needs You Must Consider Read More »

My Daily Routine: How I wake up, work and wind down

My Daily Routine: How I wake up, work and wind down

I am a huge fan of documenting, what works and sharing it because I believe that we learn something from one another. Today, I would like to share with you my personal daily routine, how I wake up, work and wind down each day.

It’s no secret that the routine you follow and the activities that you do every day greatly shape your life and your overall happiness. That’s why it’s so important to have a daily routine that works for you.

In this article, I’m going to share with you my daily routine and how it’s helped me to achieve greater levels of productivity, creativity, and focus. I hope that by sharing my routine, it will give you some ideas of how you can create a daily routine that works for you.

So, without further ado, here’s a typical day in the life of me!

Kickstarting My Day at 5 am

I have always been a morning person; I love nothing more than getting up early. It’s no secret that having a daily routine can make you feel more productive and motivated.

For me, my daily routine starts with waking up between 5am and 5.30am. After waking up, I spend some time reading my religious book and doing my devotion.

6.15 am – 7.30 pm

Breakfast / Dropping girls to school

After this, I am on my breakfast table at 6.15 am with my daughters. As we have our breakfast, we indulge in a little chit-chat and then I drop them to school. On the way, I catch up with what’s going on at their school and how they look forward to their day.

7.30- 8.45am

Work out / Reading Audible

Working out is important for me for a number of reasons.

  • First, it helps me to stay physically fit and healthy
  • Second, it helps me to relieve stress and tension
  • Third, it helps me to focus and concentrate better
  • And last, but not least, it helps me to feel good about myself

When I work out, I feel like I can take on anything that comes my way. I feel strong, confident, and capable. I know that I am taking care of my body and my mind, and that is a very good feeling. While working out I like to read Audible.

Working out is an essential part of my life, and I make sure to fit it into my schedule every week. I highly recommend that everyone makes time for a workout, even if it’s just a quick walk around the block. Trust me, you’ll feel better for it!

9.00 am – 11.00 am

Job sites / phone calls / emails

As an entrepreneur, I manage my three companies, Gordon Grigg LLC, The Premier Media Group and The Premier Builder Group. I have to be on my job site, meeting with clients or working on estimates. I spend the morning working hours on projects and deadlines. But even when I’m not working, I’m constantly thinking about new ideas and ways to improve my business. I’m always trying to learn and grow so I can be a better entrepreneur.

11.30 am -1.00 pm

Lunch Meeting / Networking

At 11.30am I take a break for lunch, which lasts till 1 pm. In between I do networking with different contacts and discuss business. My afternoon is spent meeting with clients, brainstorming ideas with my team and working on proposals.

2.15 pm – 3 pm

Pick Up Daughters

I am always happy to pick up my daughters from school. It is a great way to spend time with them and hear about their day. However, there are a few things I always keep in mind when doing so:

  • First, I make sure to arrive on time. I know they are excited to see me and I don’t want to keep them waiting
  • Second, I make sure to have a fresh, healthy snack for them. I want them to have something to eat before we head home so they don’t get too hungry
  • And last, I make sure to ask them about their day. I want to know what they did, what they learned, and what they enjoyed

Picking up my daughters from school is a special time for me. It’s a time when I can bond with them and learn about their day.

3 pm -4 pm

Social media/ Clients calls

At 3 pm every day, I take some time to do social media for my business. This usually involves posting on various platforms, engaging with my followers, and planning future content. I also use this time to answer any customer questions or comments that comes in.

In addition to social media, I also use this time to attend a few client calls. This gives me a chance to check in with my clients, see how they’re doing, and see if there are any updates or new projects that I need to be aware of.

4.00 pm- 5.45 pm

(Free Time)

I have some free time for myself. I can do whatever I want for the next hour and a half until dinner time. I know that I should use this time wisely.

No matter what I choose to do with my free time, I make sure that it is something that I enjoy and that I will benefit from.

5.45 pm-6.35 pm

Dinner / Life

Dinner time with family is a great way to catch up on the day’s events and to enjoy some delicious food. But it can also be a time to bond with loved ones and to learn more about each other.

If you’re looking to make the most of your family dinner time, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • First, try to keep the conversation light and positive
  • Second, focus on the food and the experience of enjoying a meal together
  • And finally, take the time to truly listen to what your family members have to say

By following these tips, you can make family dinner time a fun and meaningful part of your daily life.

9.00 pm

Cardio / Audible / Office Work

I am often asked how I find the time to do my cardio given my busy schedule. The answer is simple: I do my cardio at 9 pm.

This may seem like an odd time to do cardio, but for me, it is the perfect time. I find that I have more energy at night, and so doing my cardio at 9 pm allows me to get a great workout in. Plus, it helps me wind down before bed and gets me ready for a good night’s sleep.

If you are looking for a time to do your cardio, I highly recommend 9pm. It may take some time to get used to, but I think you’ll find that it is the perfect time for a great workout.

 I usually do a combination of running and HIIT, and I find that I can push myself harder when I do it at night. Plus, it’s a great way to wind down before bed.

I have recently taken up the audible subscription and have been reading while I do some office work. It is a great way to pass the time and also be productive at the same time. I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a way to multitask and be efficient with their time. If you’re looking for a way to improve your focus and get through more books, I recommend giving Audible a try.

10.00 pm-10.15 pm

Journal Nightly

I have been writing in a journal nightly for many years now. I typically write for about 15 minutes before bed. This has become a ritual for me – a way to clear my mind before sleep and to reflect on my day.

I find that journaling helps me to process my thoughts and emotions. It gives me a chance to review my day and to set intentions for the next day.

If you’re thinking about starting a journal, I would encourage you to give it a try. It can be a helpful way to process your thoughts and gain clarity on your experiences.

10.15 pm -11.00 pm

Wife / Talk-time

During this time, I spend time with my wife talking to her. This time is important to me because it allows me to connect with her and catch up on what’s going on in her life. It’s also a time when I can share my own thoughts and feelings with her. This is our regular time to catch up on each other’s day and to talk about anything that might be on our minds. We also use this time to plan our day or week ahead. This time together is important to our relationship and helps us to stay connected. With this I wind down my day and go to sleep between 11.00 pm to12 am.

That’s my daily schedule!

Want guidance on life management, visit my website, or call me up for immediate attention.

Gordon Grigg – Professional Business Consultant

I have been serving my clients to grow their businesses via effective business consultancy.

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What Does It Really Take To Be a Successful Entrepreneur?

What Does It Really Take To Be a Successful Entrepreneur

The life of an entrepreneur is often considered to be glamorous and exciting. However, the reality is that it takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and passion to be successful in business. There are a number of qualities that are essential for any entrepreneur who wants to build a successful startup.

Some of the most important qualities of a successful entrepreneur include-

  • Passionate
  • Focused
  • Risk taker
  • Perseverance
  • Innovative mind
  • Determined
  • Hardworking
  • Excellent Planner
  • Decisive
  • Adaptable
  • Resilient
  • Customer Oriented
  • Clear Vision

The world of business is constantly evolving, and to succeed as an entrepreneur, you need to be able to adapt to change. In today’s business world, the term ‘entrepreneur’ is bandied about a lot. But what does it really take to be a successful entrepreneur?


However, some qualities are more important than others. Passion, for example, is essential. Without it, it’s very difficult to sustain the long hours and dedication that is required to make a business successful.

Passion is one of the most important qualities of a successful entrepreneur. It is what drives them to continue working hard despite the many challenges they face. This passion must be channeled into something that will drive the entrepreneur to success.


Entrepreneurship is often seen as a risky proposition, but it can be a very rewarding and fulfilling career.

There are a few key qualities that all successful entrepreneurs share. A successful entrepreneur is someone who is able to stay focused on their goals, even when faced with setbacks. They maintain their focus and continue to work towards their goals, no matter what.

The path to success is never easy. There will always be challenges and obstacles to overcome. But if you have the qualities of an entrepreneur, you will be able to overcome these challenges and find success.

Risk Taker

An entrepreneur must also be able to take risks. This means being willing to try new things and put their all into their business. Without taking risks, it is impossible to grow and succeed.


Another important quality of a successful entrepreneur is perseverance. This is the ability to keep going even when things are tough. It is what allows them to learn from their mistakes and continue moving forward.

A successful entrepreneur is someone who doesn’t give up when things get tough. They have the determination to see things through and find a way to overcome any obstacle.


Being innovative is another important quality of a successful entrepreneur. A successful entrepreneur is someone who can see things in a new light and come up with new and innovative ideas. They are always looking for new ways to improve and grow their business.


Another key quality of a successful entrepreneur is determination. A successful entrepreneur is someone who is willing to put in the hard work to achieve their goals.

Determination is the driving force behind all successful businesses. It is what keeps entrepreneurs going when things get tough and motivates them to continue striving for success.

If you are thinking of starting your own business, or are already in the process of doing so, then keep determination top of mind. It may just be the key to your success!

This means having the drive and perseverance to see your vision through, even when the going gets tough. It’s important to be able to bounce back from setbacks and keep moving forward. If you’re thinking about starting your own business, or you’re already in the process of doing so, make sure you have determination!

Excellent Planner

An entrepreneur is defined as a person who starts a business or organization, assuming the risk for the sake of the profit. A successful entrepreneur is one who can; overcome adversity, identify opportunities and capitalize on them and possesses excellent planning skills. They are also able to take risks when necessary and have the ability to delegate responsibilities.

In this day and age, anyone with an internet connection can start a business. However, the key to a successful enterprise is not just having a great idea, but also the drive and determination to see it through.

If you are thinking of starting your own business, or are already in the process of doing so, here are some qualities that you should possess to increase your chances of success.


What separates an entrepreneur from someone who just has a great idea? It is the ability to execute on that great idea. But to do so, entrepreneurs need to have certain qualities that allow them to bring their vision to life.

One of the most important qualities of an entrepreneur is decisiveness. This means being able to make clear and confident decisions, even in the face of uncertainty. Being decisive allows entrepreneurs to take actions and make progress on their goals, despite challenges and setbacks.

Being an entrepreneur is not an easy task and it requires a certain set of skills and qualities. This means being able to make quick decisions, even in the face of uncertainty. Entrepreneurs must be able to weigh the pros and cons of a situation and make the best decision for their business.

Decisiveness is the ability to make decisions quickly and efficiently. It is a quality that is essential for entrepreneurs because they have to make many decisions, often with limited information. They also have to be able to make decisions in an environment of uncertainty and change.

Being decisive also means being able to weigh all the options and then choose the best option. It also means being able to stick to a decision even when it is difficult.

Decisiveness is a quality that is essential for entrepreneurs because it allows them to make the best decisions for their businesses. It also allows them to act quickly and efficiently in an environment of uncertainty and change.


The 21st century is an era of constant change, and successful entrepreneurs must be adaptable to survive and thrive. Being adaptable means the ability to pivot when necessary, to take advantage of new opportunities or to overcome challenges.

In a rapidly changing world, the ability to adapt is more important than ever. Those who are adaptable are able to embrace change and use it to their advantage. They are also able to learn from their mistakes and use what they’ve learned to improve their businesses.

If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you must be adaptable. Here are some qualities of adaptable entrepreneurs:

  • They are open-minded and willing to change their plans.
  • They are flexible and can roll with the punches.
  • They are always learning and growing.
  • They are willing to take risks.
  • They are resilient and can handle setbacks.


What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur? This is a question that has been asked since the dawn of business. And while there are many different qualities that can contribute to success, there is one that is absolutely essential: resilience.

An entrepreneur must be able to pick themselves up after a failure and keep going. They must be able to withstand the inevitable setbacks and disappointments that come with starting and running a business.

Of course, this is not to say that other qualities are not important. However, without resilience, an entrepreneur will not be able to persevere when the going gets tough. So if you’re thinking of starting your own business, make sure you have the strength to see it through – because it won’t be easy.

Resilience is the ability to recover from setbacks and learn from your mistakes. It is what allows you to keep going when things get tough and to find the strength to get back up after you’ve been knocked down.

Customer Oriented

In business, the customer is always right. This adage is especially true for entrepreneurs, who must always keep the customer in mind if they want to be successful. After all, it is the customer who will determine whether or not a business is successful.

An entrepreneur must always be focused on the customer and what they want or need. They must be able to see the customer’s point of view and understand their needs. Only then can they create a product or service that is truly customer-oriented.

In addition, an entrepreneur must be willing to listen to feedback from customers and use it to improve their business. They should also be constantly looking for new ways to reach and attract customers.

Finally, an entrepreneur must always be prepared to adapt to the ever-changing needs of the customer. They must be flexible and willing to change their product or service in order to meet the needs of the customer.

Clear Vision

A successful entrepreneur should have a clear vision for their business. They should know where they want to take their company and what they want to achieve.

This means not only having a great idea but also being able to articulate it in a way that inspires others to support your cause.

Without a vision, it is impossible to set goals and create a plan of action. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, start by developing a clear vision for your business. Then, use that vision to set goals and create a plan of action. With a clear vision and a plan of action, you will be well on your way to achieving your dreams!

However, it is also important to remember that no one is perfect and that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. The key to being a successful entrepreneur is to identify your strengths and to use them to your advantage.

As a business consultant, I, Gordon Grigg can extend my years of business consulting expertise to entrepreneurs at any stage of their entrepreneurial journey. Call me or write to me for any assistance.

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Why You Should Delegate Work Wisely and Do Yourself What You Do Well

Why You Should Delegate Work Wisely and Do Yourself What You Do Well

When you own a business and work with a team, delegating the work to your team members as well as to yourself is a tricky thing. For instance, you are not good at analyzing things but if you keep this work to yourself and distribute the other work to your team members, you will never be able to figure out the main cause of failures in your business. This is why it is very important to identify yours as well as your team members’ potential and then work accordingly if you really want to gain success as a businessman.

I, Gordon Grigg, a life coach and business consultant in Nashville, Tennessee, deal with many people daily who are all trying hard but not getting success only because of the lack of delegation. Hence, if you are really serious about your business, you should find the experts in everything. Read on below to know why you should hire someone for what you don’t do well and should do yourself what you’re an expert at.

Why You Should Delegate Work Wisely and Do Yourself What You Do Well

Increases productivity

The biggest benefit of delegation is that you will be able to increase the productivity of your work because when you distribute the work according to the potential of the worker, they will be able to give more in less time. Plus, they won’t feel burdened or stressed out because they would be doing the work they are an expert at. This way, the productivity of not just the workers but the whole business will be increased and you will obviously get better results.

Creates a happy workspace

Just imagine how things would be if you are asking a boxer to play cricket or a footballer to play tennis. The same thing applies to the workspaces too. If you delegate the work of a writer to a designer or the workers of the finance department working for the production department, they will never be happy. It will eventually create an unhappy workspace, where obviously nobody wants to work. Therefore you should follow the right delegation strategy and create a happy workspace for your organization.

Ensures the growth of the organization

As a business owner, everybody wants to see only the growth of the organization. Unfortunately, achieving it and then maintaining it is not as simple as it sounds. For that, you need to follow well-planned strategies and effective delegation is one of them. If you are delegating the work to the right person and keeping the right work to yourself, you will definitely see booming growth in your business, that too in very less time. The reason being, everyone will be doing their allotted work in the possibly best way.

Helps you get the best out of everyone

Getting the work done in the best way by your workers is not a piece of cake. Sometimes, you need to explain many details again and again to your workers and, even after that, they fail to give the expected results. Do you know why? Simply because they are not meant for that particular task. Everyone can’t do everything. This is why before delegating the work to your workers, first, find out their potential and then delegate the work accordingly. This way, you will be able to get the best out of everyone and obviously reap the best results.

Why You Should Delegate Work Wisely and Do Yourself What You Do Well

Helps develop a good relationship with your workers

The biggest benefit of proper delegation is that it helps you develop a good and amiable relationship with your workers. The reason being, you don’t have to nag at your workers over and over again to get a particular task done. If they are good at that particular niche, they will simply be giving their best even if you don’t explain the ins and outs of the task. You just assign the work to them and they will do it happily. Given the fact, there is no place for annoying communication or irritating behavior from either side.

Makes you a good leader

Leadership qualities and delegation strategies are two complementary things. They go hand in hand. In fact, managing delegation or working well with your workers is the first step towards good leadership. If you manage to implement delegation strategies effectively, you are definitely a good leader. However, if you are lacking in this, you are not a good leader. This is why learning delegation strategies and implementing them with yourself as well as workers make you a good leader over time.

Frees you up for bigger things

If you will do everything by yourself and won’t delegate the work to your workers, you won’t be able to achieve big things. The reason being, you will keep banging your head on small things only. Considering the fact, it is a wise idea to delegate the work to your workers according to their potential and keep yourself free for bigger things, which is your ultimate goal. As the owner of the business, it’s only you, who knows what your goal is and how you have to achieve this. If you follow the right delegation strategy, you will definitely find a lot of time for yourself to focus on bigger things while getting the other work done as best as possible.

Encourages to achieve more

When someone does their favorite work or the work they are expert at, they are encouraged automatically to achieve more and more because they enjoy the work and have fun while doing it. They love exploring new things in that particular niche and try to do something new every time. Not just that, they also use their creativity and initiatives to get better results than ever, which is not only beneficial for them but also for the organization at a big level. When you see your employees working great, you are encouraged to plan bigger things for you. Thus, effective delegation encourages both, you as well as your workers.

Why You Should Delegate Work Wisely and Do Yourself What You Do Well

Teaches to work in a team

Another benefit of well-planned delegation is that it teaches each and every employee to work in a team in a cordial way. The reason behind this is that when someone is an expert at something, he/she expresses themselves openly without any fear of what others will think about his/her knowledge. This way, things come clearly on the table by everyone and there is no room for assumptions. All employees learn to appreciate each other and work in a team to ensure the growth of the organization. Plus, they themselves learn new things from each other.

Ensures no stressed work

Tell me, will you enjoy working where you are stressed all day? Of course not, right? Well, the thing applies to everyone. If you have a stressed workspace, no employees would prefer to work for you. Nobody wants to work under pressure and stress all the time. Employees need freedom and open space where they can express themselves openly and use their own brains to give their best and this would be possible only if you are assigning them to work according to their potential. Only then, they will not feel under stress or pressure and work at their best potential.

Helps hone the skill

One never stops learning. You must have heard this proverb, right? Well, effective delegation strategies open a new door for you as well as your employees to learn new things every day and hone their skills in a wide spectrum. The reason being, they would be working with experts in a particular thing. They will learn new things from them and try to emulate themselves as well. Given the fact, here everybody has the opportunity to widen their knowledge and grow professionally.

Makes work smother

Delegation is the best way to get your work done smoothly in less time without creating any stress for yourself as well as your employees. If the right person is doing the work, he does not only increase the productivity of the work but also does it in the most efficient way. This is why it is very important to assign the work to the right person if you want to get it done in the most efficient and smoothest way.

Ensures open communication

Another good benefit of right delegation is that it ensures open communication between you and your employees as well as between the employees themselves. When someone has deep knowledge about something, he/she doesn’t shy away from talking about it. This ensures open communication leaving no space for misunderstanding between the employees. Plus, it also provides an open space for your employees to interact with you because they won’t feel any fear or hesitation while talking to their higher authority when they have deep knowledge about something.


As a business consultant and life coach in Nashville, Tennessee, I, Gordon Grigg, am telling you that effective delegation is very important for the growth of an organization or an entrepreneur. I have already told you the benefits of proper delegation. Now, you yourself decide. I once again say that delegation is not just giving someone a job and getting it done anyway. No, it does not work this way.

Why You Should Delegate Work Wisely and Do Yourself What You Do Well Read More »

How to Choose the Best Advisor? 10 Qualities of the Best Advisor!

How to Choose the Best Advisor? 10 Qualities of the Best Advisor!

How to Choose the Best Advisor? Learn with Gordon Grigg!

How to Choose the Best Advisor? 10 Qualities of the Best Advisor!

It’s natural to want to be in control of everything, but doing so can lead you down the wrong path and cost you time, money, and energy. We’ve all been there: you’re so excited about your idea that you dive right in before talking to anyone else about it. However, when things start going sideways, you’re stuck trying to figure out how to fix them on your own.

The best way to avoid this scenario is by getting advice from an expert. When you talk with someone who knows their stuff (and has experience with your industry) about what’s possible for your business, what challenges might come up along the way, and how best to tackle them, then you’ll have all the information required to make smart decisions from the beginning.

Not all advisors are created equal. That is why you need to be sure that the advisor you are hiring for your investment or business needs is the best fit for your situation and can give you the best service and advice.

Introduction to Advisory
You know that feeling you get when you’re looking for something but can’t find it? That’s what advisory is for.

Advisory helps you find the things you need to do in your business. It helps in organization, focus, and growth.

When you hire an advisor, you’re looking for someone to help guide your business through the complex and uncertain growth waters. You want someone who can provide trusted advice and ensure that your company is on the right track, but finding the right person isn’t always easy.

Before choosing the best advisor for your business, let’s first look at what an advisor does.

The answer lies in their role: advisors provide a wide range of skills, knowledge, and expertise to support businesses in various areas of their operations. They are responsible for everything from providing strategic advice and direction on what to do next to help your company grow by finding new opportunities or identifying areas for improvement through “benchmarking.”

They can also help you manage your finances by providing insight into the best ways to invest money and how much you should spend on marketing or branding campaigns. They may even help with hiring decisions by guiding you through the interview process or providing feedback about potential hires once on boarded at your company!

Importance of Advisory
Advisory is a key part of any business, but it’s especially important for startups.

Advisors can help you answer questions about your business and advise on how to run it. They can also help you identify potential issues before they become problems.

They are often the first to see your product or service before anyone else. Hence, they can offer feedback on the process and improvement. They’ll also know what other companies are doing in your industry, which can help you stay competitive.

The most important thing that advisors can offer is their experience in business and other areas like marketing or finance. They’ve seen what works and what doesn’t, so they’ll be able to offer you advice based on their own experiences that may not have occurred to you before.

How to Choose the Best Advisor? 10 Qualities of the Best Advisor!

Additionally, advisors can share details about your business with their network. And if they have a strong enough relationship with their network, they can introduce you to new connections or investors who could help grow your business.

Difference between a Good and the Best Advisor
Are you looking for a good advisor or the best advisor? You might be asking yourself this question, but we’re here to help.

The difference between a good advisor and the best advisor is that the best advisor will help you make better decisions. A good advisor will give you some advice, but they will only be able to help you in some situations. It’s okay to seek professional advice from time to time, but if your life is going downhill and you realize that your investments are totally out of control, it’s time for an expert!

The best advisors are trained professionals who have been through the same process as their clients. They understand what it feels like when things aren’t going well for a client and can advise them on how to move forward. They can also identify red flags early on to help prevent problems from becoming more serious later on down the line.

The distinction between a good and the best advisor boils down to three factors:
● Understanding more than your clients do.
● Better using that knowledge to your client’s advantage.
● Being clear and adamantly convinced of what is best for your customers in every aspect of their financial lives.

Who is the Best Advisor for You?
Finding the right advisor can be a bit of a wild goose chase—you’re not going to find them by asking around or googling “best advisors.” You have to know what you want from an advisor, your goals, and what kind of personality will fit your needs.

So how do we do that? I have put together some criteria for choosing the best advisor that will help you figure it out:

1. What is their specialty?

2. What is their experience level?

3. Do they have any certifications or awards?

4. What is their approach to working with clients

5. Are they empathetic or more analytical?

6. Are they direct and upfront or more reserved?

7. What kind of relationship do they want with their clients?

8. How often do they see them, and how long are those appointments usually?

10 Qualities of the Best Advisor
Here are the 10 qualities of the best advisor. This way, you can choose the best advisor for yourself.

1. Desire to Share Expertise and Guidance
This quality includes sharing knowledge on how to approach different problems or opportunities in business as well as personal financial advice.

2. Genuinely Care about Other People’s Success:
They should care about helping people reach their goals, whether financial independence or having enough money left over at the end of each month for fun activities.

3. Coaching Aptitude:
Coaching is one of the essential qualities you should look for in the best advisor. An advisor who can help you fulfill your goals and give you direction is someone who has coaching aptitude.

4. Powerful Communication Skills:
The best advisor can communicate effectively with their clients. Hence, everything is clear about the process and requirements. It helps ensure that your business continues moving forward without any delays due to miscommunication between yourself and your team.

5. Positivity:
They should be able to help you navigate the complexities and keep your mind focused on what matters most. They should also be able to see the bigger picture and keep things in perspective when things get stressful or difficult.

6. Flexibility:
You need someone flexible enough to adapt to any situation at hand. They will advise on handling all kinds of problems—whether managing your portfolio in times of high volatility or helping you through a divorce.

7. Strong Business Expertise:
You need an advisor with extensive industry knowledge who can assist with strategic planning and guide you to avoid pitfalls. Their expertise frequently also grants them access to a broader professional network. An advisor could better serve the requirements of the businesses with appropriate industry experience and can discuss fresh and unexplored prospects or best practices.

8. Trustable:
You need an advisor who inspires trust. This act may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s not always easy to tell when someone is trustworthy or not—especially when you’re just starting! It’s important that your advisor is honest and upfront about what they can do for your business and what they can’t do.

9. Compassion:
Sometimes the subjects on, which advisors offer guidance are emotionally charged. It is advantageous if an advisor is empathetic while discussing subjects connected to human emotions. If he doesn’t have compassion, he can struggle to convey the emotionally charged advice in a way that the advisee can understand.

10. Culture Match:
Your advisor’s advice is likely only effective if they get your business’s character, passion, and goal.

The above advantages and benefits are good reasons to use advisory in your business. It’s not just about keeping books up to date or from an external point of view; it simply gives you clarity of thought to focus on running your business to deliver what your clients want and the result they expect.

The choice comes down to what works best for you and your business. We’ve shown you a few options so you can make an informed decision, but it’s up to you to choose the best advisor.

I am Gordon Grigg. I help people improve their personal lives and businesses. I always believe in true advisory and consultation. Therefore, I focus on both professionalism and care. I am of the view that the best advisor shares premium knowledge with care. Therefore, I offer quality advisory with personalization. This way, I can better understand and help my clients.

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