
Limited beliefs

Avoiding Limiting Beliefs: How Business Coaching Helps

Let me tell you a story about limiting beliefs and their impact on life. See if you can find yourself in it. 

A young man named Jack had always dreamed of starting his own business

He had a passion for entrepreneurship and a desire to make a difference, but he was held back by limiting beliefs.

Jack believed that he wasn’t smart enough to start a successful business. He was afraid he would never be able to persuade people to work with him.

Despite his passion, Jack remained stuck in his job, feeling frustrated and unfulfilled. He tried to ignore his limiting beliefs, but they kept him back. 

One day his friend introduced him to a business coach named Bob. Listening to him, Jack realized he could break free from his limiting beliefs and achieve his goals.

Bob was an experienced business coach. He had helped countless individuals achieve their full potential. So when Jack met Bob, he was skeptical but desperate to break free from his limiting belief.

During their first meeting, Bob helped Jack figure out what beliefs held him back and how they affected his life. Jack was shocked to realize that his beliefs weren’t based on evidence or facts. Instead, it was a negative thought he had been repeating for years.

Limited beliefs

With the help of Bob, Jack began to challenge his limiting beliefs. He reframes it in a more positive and empowering way. 

He started to see that he had the skills, knowledge, and passion to succeed and could start his own business.

As Jack continued to work with Bob, he gained the confidence and motivation to take action. 

He started setting specific, achievable goals and working towards them with his coach’s help. 

Even though his beliefs held him back, Jack learned to be responsible for himself and stay focused on his goals.

Finally, after months of hard work and dedication, Jack was ready to start his own business. 

He was excited and proud as he took the first steps toward realizing his dreams. 

Jack’s business was a huge success, and he became known for his innovative ideas and ability to help others.

Looking back, Jack was grateful for the support and guidance of his coach. Without Bob, he would have never been able to get past his limiting ideas and reach his full potential. 

The story of Jack is an excellent example of how a business coach can help people get past their limiting beliefs and reach their goals.

My name is Gordon Grigg, and I am an experienced business coach from Nashville. 

I helped many clients overcome their limited beliefs and achieve their goals. 

Recognize Your Limiting Beliefs.

Before changing your limiting beliefs, it’s essential first to understand what they are. 

Limiting beliefs are negative thoughts or ideas that keep us from reaching our full potential and achieving our goals. 

They can be self-imposed, based on past experiences, or shaped by societal expectations. 

These beliefs can limit our thinking and behavior. As a result, they can affect our confidence, motivation, and overall well-being. 

If left unaddressed, limiting beliefs can keep us in a cycle of self-doubt and underachievement.

Examples of common limiting beliefs include “I am not good enough,” “I am not creative enough,” or “This is too hard.” Being aware of these beliefs is the first step to avoiding them. 

Limited beliefs

Fortunately, I can help you overcome your limiting beliefs and achieve your full potential. 

I will help you break free from destructive thinking and acting by giving you support and guidance.

Here’s how I can help you get past your limiting beliefs:

Identify your limiting beliefs.

We will work together to find what is holding you back. I will help you identify negative thoughts and patterns of behavior. 

We’ll find out what beliefs hold you back and how they affect your work and personal life. 

Working with me will give you a deeper understanding of their root causes. 

Challenging your limiting beliefs

Once I know the root of your limiting beliefs, I can help you find ways to challenge them. 

I’ll give you easy-to-use tools to help you deal with negative thoughts and doubts about yourself. 

I will help you uncover new perspectives and reframe old thought patterns.

Providing support and encouragement 

With my support, you will gain confidence and motivation. As a result, you will replace your limiting beliefs with positive thoughts and actions that give you power. 

Ultimately, this will help you feel better about yourself, make better decisions, and have better relationships with customers, coworkers, and family. 

Setting and achieving goals: 

Next, I will help you define clear steps toward achieving your goals

We’ll make a plan for when each one should be finished. 

This will empower you to develop an effective action plan with measurable results. 

Holding you accountable: 

Marking these milestones will motivate you and help you hold yourself accountable as you move forward. 

As a result, you will stay on track and work to achieve your goals. 


Having a trusted business coach on your side can help your business grow and do well. A business coach can offer valuable insight, advice, and guidance. 

I am Gordon Grigg, a business coach from Nashville. I will help you set realistic goals. Then, we will break down your targets into manageable chunks. Finally, I will provide you with the necessary resources to reach them. You will gain clarity and determine the best route to success. 

Whether you’re looking to make a career change, start your own business, or achieve other personal or professional goals, I can help you break out of the wrong ways of thinking and acting so you can reach your full potential. 
So, contact me today if you’re ready to take your life and business to the next level.

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Real Transformation

Unlocking the Power of Real Transformation

Are you looking to make a real transformation in your life? If so, you are in the right place.

Real transformation is a robust process that can completely change your life. It’s not a one-time event. Real transformation is a journey that requires dedication, effort, and perseverance. It’s a journey that can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

Motivation could never do that. Motivation is like a spark that ignites your desire to take action. Real transformation is the fuel that powers your journey to achieving your goals.

Motivation can be easy to lose sight of your goals when you’re faced with obstacles or setbacks.

Transformation is a deep and lasting change that comes from within. This is a change that affects every aspect of your life, from your thoughts and beliefs to your actions and habits.

I am Gordon Grigg, a life and business coach coach in Nashville. I have had good and bad periods and experienced a real transformation. I can help you achieve yours.

Differences between motivation and real transformation 

1) Motivation is often external, while transformation is internal.

The key difference is that motivation is often external, while transformation is internal. Motivation often comes from outside sources, such as a coach, a mentor, or a role model. These external sources can be valuable, but they can also be unreliable or temporary. Transformation comes from within. It’s a change that starts with you and comes from your desires and passions.

For example, imagine you are trying to learn a new language. Your motivation to learn the language may come from external factors. They may be job needs, a desire to travel, or a way to communicate with friends or family who speak the language. You focus on learning grammar and vocabulary. You practice speaking with a language partner or using a language-learning app.

As you continue to learn the language, you start to realize an internal real transformation. You begin to appreciate the culture and history of the language. You begin to think in the language and develop a new perspective on the world. Language becomes a part of you, not a tool to achieve a specific goal.

This example illustrates how motivation is often external while transformation is internal. It’s a deep-seated, internal change that goes beyond the surface-level goal.

2) Motivation focuses on short-term goals, while transformation focuses on long-term ones. 

Real Transformation

Another key difference is the focus on the goal. Motivation focuses on short-term goals, while transformation focuses on long-term ones.

For example, imagine you are trying to lose weight. Your short-term goal is to lose 10 pounds in the next month. You focus on the immediate results. You motivate yourself to exercise regularly and eat healthily.

You set up a strict diet plan. You start to count your calories. As a result, you use a scale to track your progress and reward yourself for reaching each milestone.

This short-term goal is something you can achieve in a relatively short amount of time. You are motivated to reach it.

But, after reaching this short-term goal, you realize that weight loss is not a one-time event. It requires a long-term commitment to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The real transformation you’ve made is not only about losing weight. It is also about changing the way you think about food, exercise, and health. You create a healthy meal plan. You make exercise a regular part of your routine. You educate yourself on the importance of living a healthy lifestyle.

It is about changing the way you think and act, not just reaching a specific destination.

3) The motivation disappears once that goal is achieved.

Motivation is often used to achieve a specific goal or overcome a specific obstacle. But the motivation disappears once that goal is achieved. It disappears when the obstacle is overcome too.

For example, imagine you are training for a marathon. Your initial motivation is to complete the marathon and improve your physical fitness. You spend months training. You followed a strict schedule and pushed yourself to your limits. Your motivation is high, and you are determined to achieve your goal.

You can complete the race and cross the finish line as the marathon approaches.

The sense of accomplishment and pride is overwhelming. You feel like you have achieved something truly remarkable.

But as the days and weeks pass, you realize your motivation to continue training has vanished.

The goal you worked so hard to achieve is now behind you. The motivation that once drove you to succeed is no longer present.

Transformation is a long-term process that continues even after the goal is achieved. It’s a change that becomes a part of who you are and what you do.

Real Transformation

For example, imagine you are trying to quit smoking. Your goal is to stop smoking cigarettes and improve your health. The process of quitting smoking is difficult. It requires a lot of willpower and determination. You may have moments where you slip up and smoke a cigarette. But you continue to push forward and stay committed to your goal.

As time goes on, the cravings for cigarettes become less frequent. You start to feel the benefits of being smoke-free. You have more energy, your lungs are healthier, and your overall health improves. But quitting smoking is not just a one-time event. It is a long-term process that requires ongoing effort to maintain.

You may still be tempted to smoke, but you have developed new habits and routines that help you resist the urge. You may have replaced smoking with exercise or other healthy activities. You have transformed your lifestyle and the way you think about smoking.

This example illustrates how transformation is a long-term process. It continues even after the goal is achieved. It’s not just about reaching a specific destination. It is about making changes that become a part of who you are and what you do. It requires ongoing effort to maintain and adapt to the new way of life.

What is the key to true transformation?

Real Transformation

The key to real transformation is to change your limiting beliefs and thought patterns that are holding you back.

These limiting beliefs are the root cause of your behavior. They are the reason why you are not able to achieve your goals.

When you change your limiting beliefs, you open yourself up to new possibilities and ways of thinking.

To change your limiting beliefs, you must first become aware of them. Many of these beliefs are unconscious, so you may not even realize they are holding you back.

Once you become aware of them, you can challenge them and replace them with new, empowering beliefs. This process takes time, effort, and commitment, but the results are worth it.

How to achieve a real transformation?

Real Transformation

One of the most powerful tools for transformation is self-reflection.

Take the time to reflect on your thoughts and behaviors. You can gain insight into what’s holding you back and what you need to change.

This is where a coach or mentor can be invaluable. They can guide you through this process and provide the support and guidance you need to make lasting changes.

Another powerful tool for transformation is visualization.

You can create a powerful mental image by visualizing your goals and the person you want to become. This will motivate you to take action. This visualization can be done through writing, drawing, or even meditation.


In conclusion, real transformation is a powerful process that can change your life. Motivation could never do it.

It requires a deep and lasting change that comes from within and focuses on long-term change.

The key to real transformation is to change your limiting beliefs and thought patterns that are holding you back.

With self-reflection, visualization, and support, you can achieve true transformation. As a result, you can live the life you deserve.

My name is Gordon Grigg. I am here to help you. With my experience and knowledge, you can transform your life. You can reach your goals faster.

Don’t hesitate to contact me or call (615) 630-9114 now, and we can take the conversation forward.

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Humility and Pride

Humility and Pride Can Lift You Up or Destroy You

Humility and Pride

One of the most crucial qualities of a leader is self-awareness. You must know your abilities, limitations, and emotional weaknesses to succeed as a leader.  Humility and pride can lift you up or destroy your entrepreneurial journey and your life.

I am Gordon Grigg, and my goal is to help people learn from my mistakes as well as from my successes.

I hope that the knowledge and scars I’ve acquired will assist others who aspire to be leaders in successfully dealing with similar issues of humility and pride.

Pride is a Killer Humility is a Winner

Humility and Pride

Remember that pride is a killer. Humility is a winner. So pride is the ultimate killer—often silent but always fatal! As a leader, it may be effortless to let our achievements, accolades, titles, etc. affect our judgment and cause us to start believing that the situation is all about us.

We can think that it is all about our abilities, networks, skills, and other personal traits. In reality, it isn’t about you, although our contributions as people and leaders are significant in various ways. Unfortunately, I have fallen into this trap. I’ve also seen some leaders lose sight of this and let their egos and pride get in the way of what would have been great accomplishments.

Pride comes in many forms, and they are all terrible.

Being proud is different from feeling proud.

Feeling proud and recognizing your accomplishments and strengths encourages continued good behavior. You become more motivated to succeed.

On the other hand, being overly proud can come across as self-centered and arrogant.  

According to Aristotle, pride is the crown of the virtues.

He defined a proud person as one who believes they are worthy of great things. He agreed that people must be aware of their talents and feel confident in themselves, but this self-assurance shouldn’t rise to the level of severe narcissism or lofty ideals. Instead, they can act on their sense of value and strive for success.

We compete with one another far too often. We learned that winners take all. But, unfortunately, most people think that the only way to be successful is to put others down or be better than them.

It is vanity to believe we deserve wonderful things when we do not. However, it is cowardly to believe that we deserve less than we are.

True humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less ~ Rick Warren

Anyone who has participated in a successful team knows the benefits of humility in leadership and teamwork. No matter what your title or position is on a team or in an organization, be humble in your role as a leader. Understand that humility is both an enormous gift and a holy obligation.

Pride and arrogance are best treated with humility, and it may be the only thing that works.

People you serve will understand that it isn’t about you if your focus as a leader is on serving others and ensuring every person you are responsible for feels secure, heard, respected, challenged, and supported.

The best leaders must master the balance between confidence and humility.

Overconfidence makes us ignorant. Nobody enjoys being around a know-it-all. Therefore, it hurts our relationships as well.

Finding a balance between confidence and humility is one of the most valuable qualities an entrepreneur can have.

Confidence is essential for any entrepreneur. However, if your pride allows it, it can turn into egoism and arrogance.

Humility is no good if it keeps entrepreneurs from promoting their businesses.

The best leaders must master the interaction between the two.

Review your Humility and Pride

Being proud ruins our lives. It produces an exaggerated self that we must protect at all costs. We see all criticism as an attack on us.

Don’t live miserably. Instead, focus on lowering your ego. You won’t need to conflict with others if your identity is not under attack.

Life is not a competition to be won, but rather a journey to be enjoyed. Recognize the positive; resist the need to dominate others.

Without the assistance of others, you could not succeed. Pride has no place when we realize that it’s better to be around friends than rivals.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a quick fix. It takes time to rethink the connection with our ego, which we spend our entire lives feeding.

Start by considering how pride affects your life.

Recognize the distinction between being and feeling proud. The satisfaction of a task well done is the first. The latter is a warped, exaggerated representation of who you really are.

You can use your pride as a tool for growth. First, see how your pride manifests by testing it. Excessive pride indicates what we need to work on.

Do you have self-confidence issues with a specific trait? For example, do you think you’re more or less than you are? Do you view others as competitors or allies?

“Think: all men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil: the only crime is pride.” – Sophocles

Getting back in touch with what we don’t know helps us control our ego.

Additionally, intellectual humility might aid in overcoming our ego.

Humility is one of the hardest qualities for many of us to cultivate since it requires admitting that you are not always right and do not have all the answers.

Additionally, it fosters self-acceptance, which many of us find difficult.

Try one or more of the following actions to attempt to foster humility:

Spend time listening to others.

Being humble means valuing other people and allowing them to be heard. One of the best ways to start doing this is to take the time to listen to people, find out what they think and value, and let them express themselves.

Don’t forget that you’re just listening to them and responding as a person; you’re not trying to solve their problems or give them answers.

Accept your faults

Accepting your flaws instead of judging yourself for them is a key part of being humble. But, of course, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to get better. Just do it constructively rather than criticize yourself for your flaws.

Be grateful for what you have.

In other words, stop and “count your blessings” and express gratitude for them. It is simple to fall into a vicious cycle of constantly seeking more.

If you need assistance, ask for it.

Humility is recognizing when we need help and respectfully asking for it.

Request feedback from others

Although leaders may find this important, everyone can benefit from knowing what others think of them. Please take some time to ask others for feedback, preferably anonymously, and make it clear that you value what they have to say. Be open to hearing the suggestions, then express gratitude.

Work on your Humility and Pride with a recognized expert

Now I can think about my life, career, and leadership journeys, as well as my self-awareness, struggles, and victories when it comes to humility and pride. I learn everything about humility and pride from my mistakes. They ruined my life in a short period of time. Don’t let yourself make the same mistakes.

Contact me, and let me share my success tactics with you.

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My Daily Routine: How I wake up, work and wind down

My Daily Routine: How I wake up, work and wind down

I am a huge fan of documenting, what works and sharing it because I believe that we learn something from one another. Today, I would like to share with you my personal daily routine, how I wake up, work and wind down each day.

It’s no secret that the routine you follow and the activities that you do every day greatly shape your life and your overall happiness. That’s why it’s so important to have a daily routine that works for you.

In this article, I’m going to share with you my daily routine and how it’s helped me to achieve greater levels of productivity, creativity, and focus. I hope that by sharing my routine, it will give you some ideas of how you can create a daily routine that works for you.

So, without further ado, here’s a typical day in the life of me!

Kickstarting My Day at 5 am

I have always been a morning person; I love nothing more than getting up early. It’s no secret that having a daily routine can make you feel more productive and motivated.

For me, my daily routine starts with waking up between 5am and 5.30am. After waking up, I spend some time reading my religious book and doing my devotion.

6.15 am – 7.30 pm

Breakfast / Dropping girls to school

After this, I am on my breakfast table at 6.15 am with my daughters. As we have our breakfast, we indulge in a little chit-chat and then I drop them to school. On the way, I catch up with what’s going on at their school and how they look forward to their day.

7.30- 8.45am

Work out / Reading Audible

Working out is important for me for a number of reasons.

  • First, it helps me to stay physically fit and healthy
  • Second, it helps me to relieve stress and tension
  • Third, it helps me to focus and concentrate better
  • And last, but not least, it helps me to feel good about myself

When I work out, I feel like I can take on anything that comes my way. I feel strong, confident, and capable. I know that I am taking care of my body and my mind, and that is a very good feeling. While working out I like to read Audible.

Working out is an essential part of my life, and I make sure to fit it into my schedule every week. I highly recommend that everyone makes time for a workout, even if it’s just a quick walk around the block. Trust me, you’ll feel better for it!

9.00 am – 11.00 am

Job sites / phone calls / emails

As an entrepreneur, I manage my three companies, Gordon Grigg LLC, The Premier Media Group and The Premier Builder Group. I have to be on my job site, meeting with clients or working on estimates. I spend the morning working hours on projects and deadlines. But even when I’m not working, I’m constantly thinking about new ideas and ways to improve my business. I’m always trying to learn and grow so I can be a better entrepreneur.

11.30 am -1.00 pm

Lunch Meeting / Networking

At 11.30am I take a break for lunch, which lasts till 1 pm. In between I do networking with different contacts and discuss business. My afternoon is spent meeting with clients, brainstorming ideas with my team and working on proposals.

2.15 pm – 3 pm

Pick Up Daughters

I am always happy to pick up my daughters from school. It is a great way to spend time with them and hear about their day. However, there are a few things I always keep in mind when doing so:

  • First, I make sure to arrive on time. I know they are excited to see me and I don’t want to keep them waiting
  • Second, I make sure to have a fresh, healthy snack for them. I want them to have something to eat before we head home so they don’t get too hungry
  • And last, I make sure to ask them about their day. I want to know what they did, what they learned, and what they enjoyed

Picking up my daughters from school is a special time for me. It’s a time when I can bond with them and learn about their day.

3 pm -4 pm

Social media/ Clients calls

At 3 pm every day, I take some time to do social media for my business. This usually involves posting on various platforms, engaging with my followers, and planning future content. I also use this time to answer any customer questions or comments that comes in.

In addition to social media, I also use this time to attend a few client calls. This gives me a chance to check in with my clients, see how they’re doing, and see if there are any updates or new projects that I need to be aware of.

4.00 pm- 5.45 pm

(Free Time)

I have some free time for myself. I can do whatever I want for the next hour and a half until dinner time. I know that I should use this time wisely.

No matter what I choose to do with my free time, I make sure that it is something that I enjoy and that I will benefit from.

5.45 pm-6.35 pm

Dinner / Life

Dinner time with family is a great way to catch up on the day’s events and to enjoy some delicious food. But it can also be a time to bond with loved ones and to learn more about each other.

If you’re looking to make the most of your family dinner time, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • First, try to keep the conversation light and positive
  • Second, focus on the food and the experience of enjoying a meal together
  • And finally, take the time to truly listen to what your family members have to say

By following these tips, you can make family dinner time a fun and meaningful part of your daily life.

9.00 pm

Cardio / Audible / Office Work

I am often asked how I find the time to do my cardio given my busy schedule. The answer is simple: I do my cardio at 9 pm.

This may seem like an odd time to do cardio, but for me, it is the perfect time. I find that I have more energy at night, and so doing my cardio at 9 pm allows me to get a great workout in. Plus, it helps me wind down before bed and gets me ready for a good night’s sleep.

If you are looking for a time to do your cardio, I highly recommend 9pm. It may take some time to get used to, but I think you’ll find that it is the perfect time for a great workout.

 I usually do a combination of running and HIIT, and I find that I can push myself harder when I do it at night. Plus, it’s a great way to wind down before bed.

I have recently taken up the audible subscription and have been reading while I do some office work. It is a great way to pass the time and also be productive at the same time. I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a way to multitask and be efficient with their time. If you’re looking for a way to improve your focus and get through more books, I recommend giving Audible a try.

10.00 pm-10.15 pm

Journal Nightly

I have been writing in a journal nightly for many years now. I typically write for about 15 minutes before bed. This has become a ritual for me – a way to clear my mind before sleep and to reflect on my day.

I find that journaling helps me to process my thoughts and emotions. It gives me a chance to review my day and to set intentions for the next day.

If you’re thinking about starting a journal, I would encourage you to give it a try. It can be a helpful way to process your thoughts and gain clarity on your experiences.

10.15 pm -11.00 pm

Wife / Talk-time

During this time, I spend time with my wife talking to her. This time is important to me because it allows me to connect with her and catch up on what’s going on in her life. It’s also a time when I can share my own thoughts and feelings with her. This is our regular time to catch up on each other’s day and to talk about anything that might be on our minds. We also use this time to plan our day or week ahead. This time together is important to our relationship and helps us to stay connected. With this I wind down my day and go to sleep between 11.00 pm to12 am.

That’s my daily schedule!

Want guidance on life management, visit my website, or call me up for immediate attention.

Gordon Grigg – Professional Business Consultant

I have been serving my clients to grow their businesses via effective business consultancy.

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Importance of Family for Entrepreneurial Success

Importance of Family for Entrepreneurial Success

A majority number of people around the globe believe that success is something that is achieved by one’s effort, without any help. Even the society where we live in always talk about the achievements and accomplishments achieved by an individual. And neglects the environment and family due to which the individual has achieved that success.

Moreover, many people believe that successful people are only known for their reputation in the business world or the money & property they own, but in reality, being successful means having happiness in life. Suppose Mr. X is a big businessman, he is rich with lots of money, cars, property, gold, etc, but has nobody to get love from, he has nobody to call a family, no relationships & affection and thus he will be considered as a poor person according to me.
Sometime back, I read an article somewhere stating certain reasons, why an individual should not choose entrepreneurship as a career. One of the major factors I read was sacrificing the golden family time with your loved ones. It is a fact that many aspiring entrepreneurs do not get family support initially or they get too engrossed in setting up their businesses that they neglect their families.

But, I Gordon Grigg, a life coach and business consultant in Nashville, Tennessee will be telling you the impact and the importance that the family can play in making entrepreneurs successful, through this blog post. Before moving any further, I would like you to know a little about my life story to have a better understanding and a well-built connection with what I say.

What role does a family play in providing a key lifeline for entrepreneurs?

You will find many entrepreneurs in the business world who have sacrificed their family life to make their businesses big in the industry. And this is quite evident that setting up a business takes a substantial amount of time. According to me, devoting 5-6 years to setting up a business and neglecting family life is wrong. Entrepreneurs should learn the art of balancing both, i.e., setting up the business along with family support to achieve actual success and happiness in life.

According to, not only societal elements such as education and surroundings influence an entrepreneur’s achievement, but also their family plays an important role in their success. A family is the smallest social group with which an entrepreneur can interact and get economic & emotional support. They are the first people to teach them the essentials of life. Hence, the family acts as the first learning place for everyone in this world whose teachings and constant support will help you become successful. Thus, the family of the entrepreneurs plays a vital role in helping them succeed in the industry by providing them with some key lifeline fundamentals of living life.

Ways by which your family can make you a successful entrepreneur

According to EO, to carry out various responsibilities, from time to time, an entrepreneur wears several hats. Naming a few of their roles or responsibilities, they act as; business leader, business owners, mentors, parents, etc. And with so many roles to play in their life, they ought to get tired both physically, mentally, and emotionally. Here is when family acts as the biggest support system that completely understands their struggles, supports their journey and assists them to increase their longevity in the business world.

Thus, to earn their cooperation and assistance in the business endeavor, entrepreneurs should bring them along in the journey. They should allow their family to grow with them, and make them equal holders of losses and successes of the business. When the entrepreneurs do this, the family members understand what they are going through, and become their pillars of strength in times of need.

Mentioned below are some of the ways by which family members can help an entrepreneur become successful in the industry:
Provides emotional assistance – Emotional assistance is the biggest support that the family can give to the entrepreneurs. Understanding them, lending them an ear, encouraging them, having patience & trust in them, understanding, and caring for them, is all that an entrepreneur can ask for. Emotional assistance from family can ease the workload they have and also the comforting words of loved ones can do wonders for the exhausted spirit of the entrepreneur.
Gives financial help – Most entrepreneurs start their businesses from the savings they have. Sometimes due to scarce resources and not-so-strong business models, banks also refuse to provide loans. That’s when the families of the entrepreneurs step in as saviors. The family provides financial aid to them in the form of personal loans, donations, equity funding, etc. This type of financial assistance taken from the family will not burden them as compared to that taken from financial institutions.

Delivers professional advice – If any of the entrepreneur’s family members belong to a business background, then they can help them know the nitty-gritty and inside details of running the business successfully. They can act or guide the entrepreneur as a mentor and can offer them certain specific tricks and tips for managing and achieving set business goals. I agree that the businessperson might face certain shortcomings in working with the family members, but getting professional help from them can be of huge help. As it also saves the business cost to hire a consultant.
Teaches time management – Family is the best source to learn time management skills. While revolving in a family circle, playing different roles, and wearing many hats teaches them the skill of managing time and relations. When the entrepreneur not only is a business owner & manager, but also a spouse and a parent, he learns to manage the roles and determine the ways to use his precious time in the best possible way. They learn to take a firm decision of taking up and performing such activities that are worth their time both at home and work.
They can volunteer time – In the initial days of setting up the business, a lot of hard work needs to be done. At this time, the business budget is also very limited, paying someone to get office work done, can act as a burden on your business operations, budget, and pocket. That’s when entrepreneurs can rely on their family members or their friends who have the capabilities to perform certain business work. They might do menial jobs, but that can reduce the burden of the business persons up to some extent.
Forces you to take some family time – As you already know family is the one who teaches entrepreneurs about time management. Not only this, but they will also force the entrepreneurs to take a break or go on a vacation with them. The family also explains to them the importance of spending time with their spouse and children and taking a momentary break from the business. This activity is important as the family understands that by this, the businessperson’s mind will be completely de-stress and they will get a new focus towards business activities and analyze various business operations with a fresh perspective.

Helps you in being a positive role model – Parents and family are the biggest role model and trendsetters in an individual’s life. Parents are the ones who teach their kids to take risks in life, the importance of hard work, and building something from scratch. Thus, these three teachings will be the most important ones in the life of entrepreneurs as well. In the aspect of business, the family is the one who helps entrepreneurs see dreams, and fulfill them so that their families can be proud of them. This, support of their will turn fruitful to the businesspersons, as if they trust in hard work and follow the teachings of their parents, they will become someone with whom everyone in the industry wants to work.
They can help you with business referrals – If the entrepreneur is new in the industry, then they might need some external support or referral contacts that can help or guide them to expand the business network. Thus, for this, entrepreneurs should peek into their families first and look at who can give them the best business insights or can become their first business customers or clients. Getting business referrals from someone inside your family can help you greatly to succeed and can also give you a huge advantage to penetrate the target market.
Provide you with business gifts – Families love to give gifts. If that proves to be something useful for your business, it will lessen your business expenses. Families can gift various little things that entrepreneurs can use in their office, business operations, or business processes in general that could help them save some money from their budget.

So dear readers, I, Gordon Grigg, a life coach and business consultant in Nashville, Tennessee hopes that you all must have understood how important family support is for entrepreneurs to become successful in the industry. Apart from this, if you are an aspiring entrepreneur, then you should be also aware of how entrepreneurs can have self-discipline and how they can manage their time effectively.

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