Business Consultant

Business Accelerators & Help Startups

How Do Business Accelerators Help Startups Reach New Heights of Success?

The pandemic of Covid-19 has resulted in the loss of 225 million jobs around the world. And this has thus resulted in the unexpected growth of innovation and entrepreneurship. As unemployment has inspired and pushed more and more people to do something of their own through entrepreneurship. 

If you are a budding entrepreneur and have a mind-blowing business startup idea, along with its prototype or maybe the actual product itself. But don’t know how to execute the same and make it a recognized one in the industry? Well, I Gordon Grigg, a life coach and business consultant from Nashville, Tennessee, will be telling about business accelerator firms. 

A startup accelerator firm is a mechanical support that helps startups succeed and reach new elevated heights in the industry. I will be telling you more about what they do and how they work in this comprehensive and interesting article. 

Business Accelerators & Help Startups

What are startup accelerators?

As its name suggests, a startup accelerator is a program that helps startups accelerate their business growth. It is a program through which startups and aspiring entrepreneurs receive support and assistance that helps them to evolve. This is a mentorship-based program that provides entrepreneurs with intensive support, guidance, advice, direction, and resources for a set period. 

Accelerators are present all around the country and offer 3-4 months of comprehensive help. Every accelerator program has an expert team of members or some experienced entrepreneurs who will help you in gaining exposure by assisting you in completing & developing the product if it is in the prototype stage by honing your business model and connecting you to potential investors. 

However, the guidance and funds provided to you come with a price. Just like other equity funding, the entrepreneur needs to slice 5% to 10% of their startup’s equity to the accelerator program while signing the agreement in exchange for training and the small amount of initial funding done by the accelerators themselves. 

Are you thinking, if a business accelerator program is worth investing in your business stakes? Well, the answer to this is yes, for most of the fresh startups who have just entered the dominating industrial world. First-time startups require a lot of help and the accelerators can help you:

  • Learn from the mistakes and achievements of the past startups
  • Make connections with the potential investors 
  • Tell you how to make the best and the most convincing pitch
  • Connect you to certain experts who can help you understand the product-market fit and can even help you develop a go-to-market plan
  • Explaining the circle of investors’ funds, and other important points of consideration

However, you should be careful while choosing the accelerators and not serve your startup’s equity on the platter to those who offer off-the-shelf help.

What do accelerator programs offer to startup business firms? 

Enrolling yourself in a three to four-month accelerator program is the best way to make your startup business run on the right track to success. Mentioned below are some of the facilities that the startups will be offered upon signing a contract with an accelerator firm. 

  • Comprehensive Support – Operating a startup alone can be challenging. Without any external support in the industry, you will not be able to figure out the right connections and right business methods. If you get yourself associated with an accelerator, you will get financial, technical, and mental support from mentors and other people who are experts in the field
  • Investors’ access – Accelerators program alone, does not provide much funding but what they do is connect you directly to prospective investors who could be interested in your business idea and want to invest in the same
  • Development of skill – An accelerator program focuses on teaching and providing you with accelerated business knowledge and certain skills that are essential for running a business, managing finance, sales & marketing, and some other technical skills required for the effective running of the business
  • Knowledge about risk management – Every startup founder has the risk of failing in the back of their mind. The risk prevails in everything you do, the market you choose, the product you have made, the concept you are selling, and various other business aspects. An accelerator understands your risk and helps you to reduce the risk by helping you manage your business effectively
  • The long-term and wider aspect of business – Budding entrepreneurs of the industry do not have the vision to foresee the future of their business beyond the initial six months. However, it is necessary to have an overview of the same for running the business efficiently. The mentors associated with the accelerator program help the entrepreneurs to become farsighted and understand all the complexities of the startup business 
  • Morale and motivation – The accelerator program work in a collaborative environment, where they constantly motivate you to keep going and moving forward. Regular motivation helps entrepreneurs to clear all the self-doubts and challenges resonating in one-self. Also, accelerators work together as a team to remove hurdles if any
  • The long-term continued support – Even after the designated period, the accelerator program ends, but the support will continue to remain the same. Accelerators develop a long-term relationship with the entrepreneurs and their alumni network, which helps you in seeking investors and getting assistance whenever necessary

What to look for while applying to an accelerator program?

You will find hundreds of accelerator programs in the United States. In the words of, Michael Wolfe, getting into a quality accelerator is important. If you as an entrepreneur enroll your startup into an accelerator program that is not well known or as respected as Alpha Lab, RevUP, JLabs, Entrepreneurs Roundtable, Y Combinator, Mucker Labs, etc. then the benefits will not be clear. 

Look for such accelerator programs that either have a great team of mentors belonging to different niches or choose a program that only specializes in the same sector as your startup. Applying to a well-respected startup and getting accepted into one, can prove to be difficult sometimes. But mentioned below are some points that you should look at in an accelerator before applying to one. 

  • The program should be providing financial or technical assistance to the entrepreneurs
  • Should provide business owners with proper resources such as access to funding of a minimum of $5K per month, permit to attend seminars and educational workshops on various business-integrated topics, and one-on-one group or individual mentorship from mentors, financers & industry experts
  • The program should also provide technical assistance such as various tools and resources for business planning, marketing tips, finance, pitching, etc. 

At the initial stage, every startup faces a lot of problems and issues. But, with the help of the acceleration program, the hindrances get resolved, products can be successfully developed, entrepreneurs get the required funding & assistance, and also get opportunities to get closer communication with top industry entrepreneurs, business persons, investors, and customers. So, I Gordon Grigg, a life coach and business consultant from Nashville, Tennessee would surely advise you, that having assistance for the startups through accelerator programs at the initial stage not only acts as a boon for them but also helps the business reach substantial heights in a short period. 

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The Top 10 Benefits of Outsourcing

Why You Should Outsource Your Business? 10 Benefits to Know

What is Outsourcing?

If you want your business to grow, you need to consider outsourcing. In general, outsourcing means delegating less important tasks to external teams. These teams work on your projects. As a result, you get numerous benefits from outsourcing in business. You can get your jobs done faster, and ultimately your profit increases. In this article, I will discuss the top 10 benefits of outsourcing.

Here are the 10 benefits to help you understand the importance of outsourcing for your business.

10 Benefits of Outsourcing

The Top 10 Benefits of Outsourcing

Benefits of Outsourcing

There are huge benefits of outsourcing in business. It allows you to save money in the long run. By outsourcing, you can focus on important tasks and finish more projects in less time. The economic benefits of outsourcing are visible in every business segment.

1. Saves Money

You can hire workers only when needed instead of full-time employees. So, you don’t need to pay full-time salaries, which is how outsourcing can save you money.

2. Saves Time

As a startup owner, you need help to handle everything, and hiring full-time teams can increase your expenses. So, outsourcing is a great option. It allows you to save time, and you will have more time for high-priority tasks.

3. Saves Resources

Similar to cost reduction, you can save your resources. You do not need a separate office for your team. Remote workers can help you get the job done worldwide. In addition, you can save money on gadgets for your team.

4. Helps You Stay Focused

When you delegate a project, you can do other things that are far more important. There is no need to be constantly involved in less important tasks. You can invest time in achieving long-term goals.

For example, if you need an accountant, you can easily hire one from around the world. It will allow you to focus on your company goals rather than worrying about accounting projects.

5. Access to Experienced Workers

You cannot imagine how many skilled people are there in the world. Hiring someone from your city or state might not help you find the top talent. There are people who can put the company on a higher level. Hence, outsourcing can help you succeed in less time.

6. External Resources

Another outsourcing benefit is relying on external resources. You can be sure that some outsourcing companies are reliable. If they deliver the job on time, you are good to go.

7. Helps in Defining Business Goals

If you need help with projects, you can trust a suitable outsourcing partner. They can help you create goals for your business. This leads to a better understanding of the actual business aspirations.

8. Combining the Best Practices

Every team needs improvement towards perfection. You can achieve your goals faster if you combine internal and external teams. This combination leads to success. Each team has preferences, advantages, and weaknesses. Only the sharing of common values can bring prosperity.

9. Outsourcing Brings Motivation

Your full-time employees may have the required expertise for only some projects, which can lower their motivation. On the other hand, outsourced resources are experts in specified niches and can bring more value. Hence, you can easily find reliable people to complete your projects efficiently.

10. Improves Speed

Outsourcing can help you get more jobs done in less time. You can hire multiple outsourced resources according to the workload, which can ultimately help you make more money in less time.


As you can see, the benefits of outsourcing in business are significant. You can delegate the project to individuals or teams outside of your business. In return, you can expect the work to be done efficiently. There are many talented workers who can help you complete various projects. You can always find the right professionals to take your business to the next level.

For further consultation, contact me for personalized insights.

I am Gordon Grigg– A professional life coach, keynote speaker, and business consultant. Call me now

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My Daily Routine: How I wake up, work and wind down

My Daily Routine: How I wake up, work and wind down

I am a huge fan of documenting, what works and sharing it because I believe that we learn something from one another. Today, I would like to share with you my personal daily routine, how I wake up, work and wind down each day.

It’s no secret that the routine you follow and the activities that you do every day greatly shape your life and your overall happiness. That’s why it’s so important to have a daily routine that works for you.

In this article, I’m going to share with you my daily routine and how it’s helped me to achieve greater levels of productivity, creativity, and focus. I hope that by sharing my routine, it will give you some ideas of how you can create a daily routine that works for you.

So, without further ado, here’s a typical day in the life of me!

Kickstarting My Day at 5 am

I have always been a morning person; I love nothing more than getting up early. It’s no secret that having a daily routine can make you feel more productive and motivated.

For me, my daily routine starts with waking up between 5am and 5.30am. After waking up, I spend some time reading my religious book and doing my devotion.

6.15 am – 7.30 pm

Breakfast / Dropping girls to school

After this, I am on my breakfast table at 6.15 am with my daughters. As we have our breakfast, we indulge in a little chit-chat and then I drop them to school. On the way, I catch up with what’s going on at their school and how they look forward to their day.

7.30- 8.45am

Work out / Reading Audible

Working out is important for me for a number of reasons.

  • First, it helps me to stay physically fit and healthy
  • Second, it helps me to relieve stress and tension
  • Third, it helps me to focus and concentrate better
  • And last, but not least, it helps me to feel good about myself

When I work out, I feel like I can take on anything that comes my way. I feel strong, confident, and capable. I know that I am taking care of my body and my mind, and that is a very good feeling. While working out I like to read Audible.

Working out is an essential part of my life, and I make sure to fit it into my schedule every week. I highly recommend that everyone makes time for a workout, even if it’s just a quick walk around the block. Trust me, you’ll feel better for it!

9.00 am – 11.00 am

Job sites / phone calls / emails

As an entrepreneur, I manage my three companies, Gordon Grigg LLC, The Premier Media Group and The Premier Builder Group. I have to be on my job site, meeting with clients or working on estimates. I spend the morning working hours on projects and deadlines. But even when I’m not working, I’m constantly thinking about new ideas and ways to improve my business. I’m always trying to learn and grow so I can be a better entrepreneur.

11.30 am -1.00 pm

Lunch Meeting / Networking

At 11.30am I take a break for lunch, which lasts till 1 pm. In between I do networking with different contacts and discuss business. My afternoon is spent meeting with clients, brainstorming ideas with my team and working on proposals.

2.15 pm – 3 pm

Pick Up Daughters

I am always happy to pick up my daughters from school. It is a great way to spend time with them and hear about their day. However, there are a few things I always keep in mind when doing so:

  • First, I make sure to arrive on time. I know they are excited to see me and I don’t want to keep them waiting
  • Second, I make sure to have a fresh, healthy snack for them. I want them to have something to eat before we head home so they don’t get too hungry
  • And last, I make sure to ask them about their day. I want to know what they did, what they learned, and what they enjoyed

Picking up my daughters from school is a special time for me. It’s a time when I can bond with them and learn about their day.

3 pm -4 pm

Social media/ Clients calls

At 3 pm every day, I take some time to do social media for my business. This usually involves posting on various platforms, engaging with my followers, and planning future content. I also use this time to answer any customer questions or comments that comes in.

In addition to social media, I also use this time to attend a few client calls. This gives me a chance to check in with my clients, see how they’re doing, and see if there are any updates or new projects that I need to be aware of.

4.00 pm- 5.45 pm

(Free Time)

I have some free time for myself. I can do whatever I want for the next hour and a half until dinner time. I know that I should use this time wisely.

No matter what I choose to do with my free time, I make sure that it is something that I enjoy and that I will benefit from.

5.45 pm-6.35 pm

Dinner / Life

Dinner time with family is a great way to catch up on the day’s events and to enjoy some delicious food. But it can also be a time to bond with loved ones and to learn more about each other.

If you’re looking to make the most of your family dinner time, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • First, try to keep the conversation light and positive
  • Second, focus on the food and the experience of enjoying a meal together
  • And finally, take the time to truly listen to what your family members have to say

By following these tips, you can make family dinner time a fun and meaningful part of your daily life.

9.00 pm

Cardio / Audible / Office Work

I am often asked how I find the time to do my cardio given my busy schedule. The answer is simple: I do my cardio at 9 pm.

This may seem like an odd time to do cardio, but for me, it is the perfect time. I find that I have more energy at night, and so doing my cardio at 9 pm allows me to get a great workout in. Plus, it helps me wind down before bed and gets me ready for a good night’s sleep.

If you are looking for a time to do your cardio, I highly recommend 9pm. It may take some time to get used to, but I think you’ll find that it is the perfect time for a great workout.

 I usually do a combination of running and HIIT, and I find that I can push myself harder when I do it at night. Plus, it’s a great way to wind down before bed.

I have recently taken up the audible subscription and have been reading while I do some office work. It is a great way to pass the time and also be productive at the same time. I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a way to multitask and be efficient with their time. If you’re looking for a way to improve your focus and get through more books, I recommend giving Audible a try.

10.00 pm-10.15 pm

Journal Nightly

I have been writing in a journal nightly for many years now. I typically write for about 15 minutes before bed. This has become a ritual for me – a way to clear my mind before sleep and to reflect on my day.

I find that journaling helps me to process my thoughts and emotions. It gives me a chance to review my day and to set intentions for the next day.

If you’re thinking about starting a journal, I would encourage you to give it a try. It can be a helpful way to process your thoughts and gain clarity on your experiences.

10.15 pm -11.00 pm

Wife / Talk-time

During this time, I spend time with my wife talking to her. This time is important to me because it allows me to connect with her and catch up on what’s going on in her life. It’s also a time when I can share my own thoughts and feelings with her. This is our regular time to catch up on each other’s day and to talk about anything that might be on our minds. We also use this time to plan our day or week ahead. This time together is important to our relationship and helps us to stay connected. With this I wind down my day and go to sleep between 11.00 pm to12 am.

That’s my daily schedule!

Want guidance on life management, visit my website, or call me up for immediate attention.

Gordon Grigg – Professional Business Consultant

I have been serving my clients to grow their businesses via effective business consultancy.

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Why should you hire a business consultant

Why Should You Hire a Business Consultant? 10 Benefits to Know

10 Benefits of Hiring a Business Consultant You Need to Know

Introduction to Business Consultancy

Hiring a Business Consultant
Business consultancy revolves around perfecting every aspect of a business by providing expert opinions and practical solutions.

Business consultancy is a diverse industry housing different types of specialized consultants catering to the specific needs of a business. Consultancy firms connect business owners with specialized consultants after understanding their business needs.

Who is a Business Consultant?

A business consultant identifies problems, makes strategies, and suggests customized solutions according to the needs of your business. Consultants offer assistance in the following areas:
● Strategy Building
● Operations
● Management
● Human Resource
● Financial Advisory
● Technology (IT/Digital Consultants)

And many more!

You might be thinking about when to hire a business advisor or consultant. Generally, whenever your company’s future looks hazy, you should seek help.

This article dives deep into the question of why businesses hire consultants. And how can a business consultant help your business? The most straightforward answer is that a business consultant can provide clarity in defining your business goals and achieving them. You may have noticed that companies that hire consultants run smoothly and make progress rapidly.

Here are 10 benefits of hiring a business consultant:

1. A Bridge between Idea and Reality
Business consultants have the expertise to transform a business idea into a workable plan. A business consultant will analyze your business plan and point out loopholes. They will suggest necessary steps to make improvements that will take your business to the next level. If you’re a startup, hiring a business consultant will allow you to set a firm foot in the industry.

Why should you hire a business consultant

Business consultancy is not only for startups; large companies planning to start a new service can also benefit tremendously from a business advisor/consultant. A professional consultant will weigh the pros and cons of launching that service and carve out a practical action plan for you.

2. Stay on Top of the Trends
Keeping up with market trends is crucial for the progress of your business. One of the key reasons why companies hire consultants is that they do market research for them. A knowledgeable advisor will instantly give you a clear picture of the latest industry trends. Hiring a business consultant will allow you to focus on essential tasks.

3. Manage Finances Effectively
Financial advisory consultants suggest ways to cut costs and bring in more revenue. They work closely with the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) to build effective financial strategies for your business. A consultant will pinpoint expenses that can be avoided and give valuable advice on managing taxes and retaining clients.
A financial crisis can shake up an entire enterprise. Investing in a consultant specializing in financial matters is the simplest way to save a business from collapsing.

4. Build a Quality Human Resource Department
One of the critical predictors of a company’s success is efficient human resource management. Most startups and mid-sized companies can’t have full-time HR executives on board because of budget restraints. In such a situation, hiring an HR consultant is a cost-effective way of resolving human resource issues.

HR consultants work on everything from onboarding employees to creating efficient payroll systems. You can also hire a business consultant to set up a new HR department or improve an existing one.

5. Expert Opinion
The most straightforward answer to why businesses hire consultants is to have an expert opinion. Business advisors use their experience to save you from disasters. Discussing a novel business idea with a consultant will give you new insights that never crossed your mind.

When you hire a business development consultant, you can get a clear picture of the practical implementation of your idea. It will also help you reduce risks and avoid disappointments beforehand.

6. Expand your Business
If you are planning to expand your business, you must hire a business management consultant because a smoothly working business is very tricky. If not done right, all operations get disrupted, and the entire enterprise might collapse.

Business consultants specialized in management focus on improving the performance of a business. They work closely with the leadership to make a business conducive to progress and growth.
Hiring a business management consultant before making any changes to your system will diminish the fear of failure.

7. Freedom to Focus on Your Strengths
The success of your business is largely dependent on your skills and abilities. A strength-based approach is essential for a business owner to become an effective leader. Hiring a consultant for your business allows you to outsource tasks and duties you are uncomfortable with and focus on your strengths.

8. Overcome or Avoid Challenges
It is hard for a business owner or manager to view the business from the outside. A business advisor can provide a bird’s eye view of your entire enterprise. He can identify existing problems and also predict upcoming challenges.

Business consultants have a clear understanding of common challenges in the industry. They are trained to identify problems in business operations and suggest practical solutions. The most significant benefit of consultancy service is that it provides customized solutions rather than general advice.

9. Ensure Speedy Progress
One of the benefits of hiring a business consultant is that they help you achieve your business goals faster. A business advisor has a futuristic approach that allows him to eliminate obstacles long before they come your way. Otherwise, there will be roadblocks at every step of the way.

When you hire a consultant, you are buying expert opinion and swift progress. Business advisors fulfill your psychological and technical needs by providing the most efficient strategies.

10. Unleash Your Creativity
Setting up a business requires a lot of funds and untiring efforts. The time and money invested pressurize the owner always to play safe. After all, no one wants to lose their funds or progress.

However, if you have a business consultant on board, you can bring forward any creative idea. The consultant will accept or reject the idea in light of his experience. Sometimes a small modification suggested by your consultant can help you achieve your goals.

Business consultancy is booming, and business owners no longer want to take the precise hit-and-trial course for their businesses. Hiring a business consultant can help you streamline operations and resolve business issues in the shortest possible time.

Gordon Grigg – Professional Business Consultant

I have been serving my clients to grow their businesses via effective business consultancy.
Do you want to improve your business strategy?
Let’s have a free business consultation regarding your business.

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The Essential Tools Every Entrepreneur Must Use

Entrepreneurship is not a piece of cake. It requires a lot of effort, determination, dedication, and above all a lot of time-management skills. As an entrepreneur, you will get hundreds of emails, phone calls, messages, and meetings every single day and you yourself have to manage everything on your own. This is why entrepreneurship requires a lot of time-management skills. Being a life coach, I often get inquiries about how one can efficiently manage one’s time as an entrepreneur and get things done smoothly.

So, here let me, a life coach and business consultant in Nashville, Tennessee, Gordon Grigg, tell you that technology is going to be your best companion in this case. With the help of the latest apps, tools, and software, you can simplify your work significantly and manage the time conveniently. If you wonder what those tools and apps are, here I am telling you the most important ones.

The Essential Tools Every Entrepreneur Must Use


If your email box is flooded with important as well as unnecessary emails and you find it really difficult to deal with this mess, you should give it a try to Sanebox. It automatically sorts out your mail into several folders according to the importance of the mail. Plus, it also automatically scans the inbox and determines which emails are important and which are unwanted. In fact, it does not let not-so-important mail come into the inbox. The tool creates a separate folder with the name SaneLater and automatically moves the less important emails here. you can access the emails in this folder any time whenever you are free.


As an entrepreneur, if you find it difficult to plan the schedule of a working day (24 hours), Calendly is here to help you with that. This remarkable software will allow you to organize the appointments and meetings between your colleagues and clients. The tool will automatically sync with your Gmail calendar and find the available time slots. You are free to set the meeting duration time like 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 1 hour and the invite will be sent to all members of that particular group.

Google Drive

Google Drive: this is probably the most popular tool in this digital world. The reason for the popularity of this wonderful tool is that it lets the users store, share, and edit their files, documents, presentations, audio files, video files, and spreadsheets. You just need to save settings once according to your preferences and the files will be automatically saved to your account from the next time. The tool, Google Drive, itself, has several other applications like Google Doc, sheets, and slides that can be used to simplify things further.


For an entrepreneur, it is not uncommon to keep a lot of things in mind simultaneously. No matter how strong a memory you have, you are bound to forget something. There will be something that will slip away. This is where this impressive tool, Evernote, comes into play. Just install the application on your device and whenever you have something important to remember, just open the app and jot that down here. This tool lets you create important notes in a fraction of a jiffy and the interesting thing is that this app is easily accessible. In just a second, you can access your notes.

The Essential Tools Every Entrepreneur Must Use


When you are an entrepreneur with a team, you need to conduct conference calls every now and then. This is practically not possible without the help of software or tools. This is where Zoom marks its presence and fulfills the needs of many entrepreneurs out there. It allows you to conduct a conference call in a fraction of a moment. You can send the personalized link to the other users and they can quickly join the conference simply by clicking on that link. It is quick and effortless for you as well as the end users. The best thing about this tool is that it lets you store the data from the call like who was present and how long every individual spoke.


Having effective and proper communication is the key in order to achieve success in any business, especially if you are an entrepreneur with a big team. If you are not able to connect and communicate properly with every member of your team, you can’t expect satisfying results in your business. Without using any third-party apps or tools it is obviously not possible. So, consider using Slack and take the communication flow of your business to a whole new level. From messaging to video calling and sharing screens to making folders project-wise, this communication tool offers everything all together in one place.


If your business requires intense marketing and campaigns, no other marketing tool can be better than Buzzstream for you. The reason being, this stellar application is made for this purpose only. So, it helps you to organize and keep the contact details of every member of your team. You can save the email thread of your team members and open it later if you want to. Not just that, the tool even allows you the flexibility to create pitch templates to boost the consistency of your business. It won’t be an exaggeration to say that the tool will definitely help you grow your digital PR and see the booming link-building results.

Momentum dashboard

As an entrepreneur, managing several tasks is not an easy task. You have hundreds of things to do in a day and if you don’t keep all your tasks in the proper way, some of them will definitely slip away from your mind. This is why it is very important for an entrepreneur to use a task-managing application like Momentum Dashboard. With the help of this tool, you can prepare a list of to-do tasks and devote all your attention to the work making your mind free. This way you will not forget any urgent work and will be able to manage all of the work efficiently. This Google Chrome app is amazingly easy to install and use.


As a life coach, I am telling you that entrepreneurship is incomplete without automated tasks. You obviously can’t respond to each and every single message from your users or customers and not responding to them is not good business etiquette. This is why you should take the help of automated software that does this work for you. For this, you can use Zapier, which is indisputably one of the best automation tools out there. It allows you to send an automated text to the sender every time you receive a mail, chat, or message. Other than that, Zapier also allows you one more awesome functionality that lets you connect two separate apps and use them at the same time.


Have you heard the proverb “a picture speaks louder than words”. The same goes for your business too. Whether you’re creating a Facebook ad, writing a brochure for your business, or simply writing an email, attaching a pic along with it will make it much more appealing and engaging. If you also feel the same and want to use any site or tool to get some royalty-free images, nothing can be better than Pexels. The software will give you a bunch of stock photos, which are absolutely free to use, obviously, for good purposes.


No doubt Social media is the biggest platform to promote your business and make your words reach millions of people without much effort. Even you will agree with this fact, right? If yes, you should definitely use a social media management tool that will allow you to manage all your social media handles altogether in one place saving time and extra work. If you wonder what social media management tool you should use, I will recommend Buffer that has a bunch of features to impress its users even on the free plan. With the help of this tool, you can schedule all your social media posts for at least a week beforehand.


If your business is about connecting directly with your users or clients through mail, you should consider using an email service provider like MailChimp, which lets you send a single mail to all your subscribers. The interesting thing is that it has a wide range of Pre-design templates, which saves your time and allows you to connect with your users quickly. With the free plan of MailChimp, you can send mails until you have 2000 subscribers. The easy user interface and no-complex features make MailChimp the best choice for entrepreneurs.


Another useful app that can be used by businesses of all size is Trello. Users can create task boards based on their requirements. The creation and use of these task boards can be highly flexible and customizable. One can create multiple columns for task statuses such as To Do, In Progress, Done and so many others. The tool can be used for for both personal and business purposes including digital agencies, software development firms, bulletin boards, lesson planning for educational institutions, accounting firms, gaming firms, law offices, and any other use that one can think of. In a nutshell, Trello could be considered as a highly intuitive project management tool that is a fun to use.


Thinking to become a successful entrepreneur without using technical tools, apps, and software is like trying to win a battle without weapons. Yes, it is that difficult or you can say it is actually impossible. I, Gordon Grigg, a business consultant and life coach in Nashville, Tennessee, is telling you from my personal experience that the latest applications and software are vital in deciding the success of an entrepreneur.

The Essential Tools Every Entrepreneur Must Use Read More »

What Does It Really Take To Be a Successful Entrepreneur?

What Does It Really Take To Be a Successful Entrepreneur

The life of an entrepreneur is often considered to be glamorous and exciting. However, the reality is that it takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and passion to be successful in business. There are a number of qualities that are essential for any entrepreneur who wants to build a successful startup.

Some of the most important qualities of a successful entrepreneur include-

  • Passionate
  • Focused
  • Risk taker
  • Perseverance
  • Innovative mind
  • Determined
  • Hardworking
  • Excellent Planner
  • Decisive
  • Adaptable
  • Resilient
  • Customer Oriented
  • Clear Vision

The world of business is constantly evolving, and to succeed as an entrepreneur, you need to be able to adapt to change. In today’s business world, the term ‘entrepreneur’ is bandied about a lot. But what does it really take to be a successful entrepreneur?


However, some qualities are more important than others. Passion, for example, is essential. Without it, it’s very difficult to sustain the long hours and dedication that is required to make a business successful.

Passion is one of the most important qualities of a successful entrepreneur. It is what drives them to continue working hard despite the many challenges they face. This passion must be channeled into something that will drive the entrepreneur to success.


Entrepreneurship is often seen as a risky proposition, but it can be a very rewarding and fulfilling career.

There are a few key qualities that all successful entrepreneurs share. A successful entrepreneur is someone who is able to stay focused on their goals, even when faced with setbacks. They maintain their focus and continue to work towards their goals, no matter what.

The path to success is never easy. There will always be challenges and obstacles to overcome. But if you have the qualities of an entrepreneur, you will be able to overcome these challenges and find success.

Risk Taker

An entrepreneur must also be able to take risks. This means being willing to try new things and put their all into their business. Without taking risks, it is impossible to grow and succeed.


Another important quality of a successful entrepreneur is perseverance. This is the ability to keep going even when things are tough. It is what allows them to learn from their mistakes and continue moving forward.

A successful entrepreneur is someone who doesn’t give up when things get tough. They have the determination to see things through and find a way to overcome any obstacle.


Being innovative is another important quality of a successful entrepreneur. A successful entrepreneur is someone who can see things in a new light and come up with new and innovative ideas. They are always looking for new ways to improve and grow their business.


Another key quality of a successful entrepreneur is determination. A successful entrepreneur is someone who is willing to put in the hard work to achieve their goals.

Determination is the driving force behind all successful businesses. It is what keeps entrepreneurs going when things get tough and motivates them to continue striving for success.

If you are thinking of starting your own business, or are already in the process of doing so, then keep determination top of mind. It may just be the key to your success!

This means having the drive and perseverance to see your vision through, even when the going gets tough. It’s important to be able to bounce back from setbacks and keep moving forward. If you’re thinking about starting your own business, or you’re already in the process of doing so, make sure you have determination!

Excellent Planner

An entrepreneur is defined as a person who starts a business or organization, assuming the risk for the sake of the profit. A successful entrepreneur is one who can; overcome adversity, identify opportunities and capitalize on them and possesses excellent planning skills. They are also able to take risks when necessary and have the ability to delegate responsibilities.

In this day and age, anyone with an internet connection can start a business. However, the key to a successful enterprise is not just having a great idea, but also the drive and determination to see it through.

If you are thinking of starting your own business, or are already in the process of doing so, here are some qualities that you should possess to increase your chances of success.


What separates an entrepreneur from someone who just has a great idea? It is the ability to execute on that great idea. But to do so, entrepreneurs need to have certain qualities that allow them to bring their vision to life.

One of the most important qualities of an entrepreneur is decisiveness. This means being able to make clear and confident decisions, even in the face of uncertainty. Being decisive allows entrepreneurs to take actions and make progress on their goals, despite challenges and setbacks.

Being an entrepreneur is not an easy task and it requires a certain set of skills and qualities. This means being able to make quick decisions, even in the face of uncertainty. Entrepreneurs must be able to weigh the pros and cons of a situation and make the best decision for their business.

Decisiveness is the ability to make decisions quickly and efficiently. It is a quality that is essential for entrepreneurs because they have to make many decisions, often with limited information. They also have to be able to make decisions in an environment of uncertainty and change.

Being decisive also means being able to weigh all the options and then choose the best option. It also means being able to stick to a decision even when it is difficult.

Decisiveness is a quality that is essential for entrepreneurs because it allows them to make the best decisions for their businesses. It also allows them to act quickly and efficiently in an environment of uncertainty and change.


The 21st century is an era of constant change, and successful entrepreneurs must be adaptable to survive and thrive. Being adaptable means the ability to pivot when necessary, to take advantage of new opportunities or to overcome challenges.

In a rapidly changing world, the ability to adapt is more important than ever. Those who are adaptable are able to embrace change and use it to their advantage. They are also able to learn from their mistakes and use what they’ve learned to improve their businesses.

If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you must be adaptable. Here are some qualities of adaptable entrepreneurs:

  • They are open-minded and willing to change their plans.
  • They are flexible and can roll with the punches.
  • They are always learning and growing.
  • They are willing to take risks.
  • They are resilient and can handle setbacks.


What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur? This is a question that has been asked since the dawn of business. And while there are many different qualities that can contribute to success, there is one that is absolutely essential: resilience.

An entrepreneur must be able to pick themselves up after a failure and keep going. They must be able to withstand the inevitable setbacks and disappointments that come with starting and running a business.

Of course, this is not to say that other qualities are not important. However, without resilience, an entrepreneur will not be able to persevere when the going gets tough. So if you’re thinking of starting your own business, make sure you have the strength to see it through – because it won’t be easy.

Resilience is the ability to recover from setbacks and learn from your mistakes. It is what allows you to keep going when things get tough and to find the strength to get back up after you’ve been knocked down.

Customer Oriented

In business, the customer is always right. This adage is especially true for entrepreneurs, who must always keep the customer in mind if they want to be successful. After all, it is the customer who will determine whether or not a business is successful.

An entrepreneur must always be focused on the customer and what they want or need. They must be able to see the customer’s point of view and understand their needs. Only then can they create a product or service that is truly customer-oriented.

In addition, an entrepreneur must be willing to listen to feedback from customers and use it to improve their business. They should also be constantly looking for new ways to reach and attract customers.

Finally, an entrepreneur must always be prepared to adapt to the ever-changing needs of the customer. They must be flexible and willing to change their product or service in order to meet the needs of the customer.

Clear Vision

A successful entrepreneur should have a clear vision for their business. They should know where they want to take their company and what they want to achieve.

This means not only having a great idea but also being able to articulate it in a way that inspires others to support your cause.

Without a vision, it is impossible to set goals and create a plan of action. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, start by developing a clear vision for your business. Then, use that vision to set goals and create a plan of action. With a clear vision and a plan of action, you will be well on your way to achieving your dreams!

However, it is also important to remember that no one is perfect and that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. The key to being a successful entrepreneur is to identify your strengths and to use them to your advantage.

As a business consultant, I, Gordon Grigg can extend my years of business consulting expertise to entrepreneurs at any stage of their entrepreneurial journey. Call me or write to me for any assistance.

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Why You Should Delegate Work Wisely and Do Yourself What You Do Well

Why You Should Delegate Work Wisely and Do Yourself What You Do Well

When you own a business and work with a team, delegating the work to your team members as well as to yourself is a tricky thing. For instance, you are not good at analyzing things but if you keep this work to yourself and distribute the other work to your team members, you will never be able to figure out the main cause of failures in your business. This is why it is very important to identify yours as well as your team members’ potential and then work accordingly if you really want to gain success as a businessman.

I, Gordon Grigg, a life coach and business consultant in Nashville, Tennessee, deal with many people daily who are all trying hard but not getting success only because of the lack of delegation. Hence, if you are really serious about your business, you should find the experts in everything. Read on below to know why you should hire someone for what you don’t do well and should do yourself what you’re an expert at.

Why You Should Delegate Work Wisely and Do Yourself What You Do Well

Increases productivity

The biggest benefit of delegation is that you will be able to increase the productivity of your work because when you distribute the work according to the potential of the worker, they will be able to give more in less time. Plus, they won’t feel burdened or stressed out because they would be doing the work they are an expert at. This way, the productivity of not just the workers but the whole business will be increased and you will obviously get better results.

Creates a happy workspace

Just imagine how things would be if you are asking a boxer to play cricket or a footballer to play tennis. The same thing applies to the workspaces too. If you delegate the work of a writer to a designer or the workers of the finance department working for the production department, they will never be happy. It will eventually create an unhappy workspace, where obviously nobody wants to work. Therefore you should follow the right delegation strategy and create a happy workspace for your organization.

Ensures the growth of the organization

As a business owner, everybody wants to see only the growth of the organization. Unfortunately, achieving it and then maintaining it is not as simple as it sounds. For that, you need to follow well-planned strategies and effective delegation is one of them. If you are delegating the work to the right person and keeping the right work to yourself, you will definitely see booming growth in your business, that too in very less time. The reason being, everyone will be doing their allotted work in the possibly best way.

Helps you get the best out of everyone

Getting the work done in the best way by your workers is not a piece of cake. Sometimes, you need to explain many details again and again to your workers and, even after that, they fail to give the expected results. Do you know why? Simply because they are not meant for that particular task. Everyone can’t do everything. This is why before delegating the work to your workers, first, find out their potential and then delegate the work accordingly. This way, you will be able to get the best out of everyone and obviously reap the best results.

Why You Should Delegate Work Wisely and Do Yourself What You Do Well

Helps develop a good relationship with your workers

The biggest benefit of proper delegation is that it helps you develop a good and amiable relationship with your workers. The reason being, you don’t have to nag at your workers over and over again to get a particular task done. If they are good at that particular niche, they will simply be giving their best even if you don’t explain the ins and outs of the task. You just assign the work to them and they will do it happily. Given the fact, there is no place for annoying communication or irritating behavior from either side.

Makes you a good leader

Leadership qualities and delegation strategies are two complementary things. They go hand in hand. In fact, managing delegation or working well with your workers is the first step towards good leadership. If you manage to implement delegation strategies effectively, you are definitely a good leader. However, if you are lacking in this, you are not a good leader. This is why learning delegation strategies and implementing them with yourself as well as workers make you a good leader over time.

Frees you up for bigger things

If you will do everything by yourself and won’t delegate the work to your workers, you won’t be able to achieve big things. The reason being, you will keep banging your head on small things only. Considering the fact, it is a wise idea to delegate the work to your workers according to their potential and keep yourself free for bigger things, which is your ultimate goal. As the owner of the business, it’s only you, who knows what your goal is and how you have to achieve this. If you follow the right delegation strategy, you will definitely find a lot of time for yourself to focus on bigger things while getting the other work done as best as possible.

Encourages to achieve more

When someone does their favorite work or the work they are expert at, they are encouraged automatically to achieve more and more because they enjoy the work and have fun while doing it. They love exploring new things in that particular niche and try to do something new every time. Not just that, they also use their creativity and initiatives to get better results than ever, which is not only beneficial for them but also for the organization at a big level. When you see your employees working great, you are encouraged to plan bigger things for you. Thus, effective delegation encourages both, you as well as your workers.

Why You Should Delegate Work Wisely and Do Yourself What You Do Well

Teaches to work in a team

Another benefit of well-planned delegation is that it teaches each and every employee to work in a team in a cordial way. The reason behind this is that when someone is an expert at something, he/she expresses themselves openly without any fear of what others will think about his/her knowledge. This way, things come clearly on the table by everyone and there is no room for assumptions. All employees learn to appreciate each other and work in a team to ensure the growth of the organization. Plus, they themselves learn new things from each other.

Ensures no stressed work

Tell me, will you enjoy working where you are stressed all day? Of course not, right? Well, the thing applies to everyone. If you have a stressed workspace, no employees would prefer to work for you. Nobody wants to work under pressure and stress all the time. Employees need freedom and open space where they can express themselves openly and use their own brains to give their best and this would be possible only if you are assigning them to work according to their potential. Only then, they will not feel under stress or pressure and work at their best potential.

Helps hone the skill

One never stops learning. You must have heard this proverb, right? Well, effective delegation strategies open a new door for you as well as your employees to learn new things every day and hone their skills in a wide spectrum. The reason being, they would be working with experts in a particular thing. They will learn new things from them and try to emulate themselves as well. Given the fact, here everybody has the opportunity to widen their knowledge and grow professionally.

Makes work smother

Delegation is the best way to get your work done smoothly in less time without creating any stress for yourself as well as your employees. If the right person is doing the work, he does not only increase the productivity of the work but also does it in the most efficient way. This is why it is very important to assign the work to the right person if you want to get it done in the most efficient and smoothest way.

Ensures open communication

Another good benefit of right delegation is that it ensures open communication between you and your employees as well as between the employees themselves. When someone has deep knowledge about something, he/she doesn’t shy away from talking about it. This ensures open communication leaving no space for misunderstanding between the employees. Plus, it also provides an open space for your employees to interact with you because they won’t feel any fear or hesitation while talking to their higher authority when they have deep knowledge about something.


As a business consultant and life coach in Nashville, Tennessee, I, Gordon Grigg, am telling you that effective delegation is very important for the growth of an organization or an entrepreneur. I have already told you the benefits of proper delegation. Now, you yourself decide. I once again say that delegation is not just giving someone a job and getting it done anyway. No, it does not work this way.

Why You Should Delegate Work Wisely and Do Yourself What You Do Well Read More »

How to Choose the Best Advisor? 10 Qualities of the Best Advisor!

How to Choose the Best Advisor? 10 Qualities of the Best Advisor!

How to Choose the Best Advisor? Learn with Gordon Grigg!

How to Choose the Best Advisor? 10 Qualities of the Best Advisor!

It’s natural to want to be in control of everything, but doing so can lead you down the wrong path and cost you time, money, and energy. We’ve all been there: you’re so excited about your idea that you dive right in before talking to anyone else about it. However, when things start going sideways, you’re stuck trying to figure out how to fix them on your own.

The best way to avoid this scenario is by getting advice from an expert. When you talk with someone who knows their stuff (and has experience with your industry) about what’s possible for your business, what challenges might come up along the way, and how best to tackle them, then you’ll have all the information required to make smart decisions from the beginning.

Not all advisors are created equal. That is why you need to be sure that the advisor you are hiring for your investment or business needs is the best fit for your situation and can give you the best service and advice.

Introduction to Advisory
You know that feeling you get when you’re looking for something but can’t find it? That’s what advisory is for.

Advisory helps you find the things you need to do in your business. It helps in organization, focus, and growth.

When you hire an advisor, you’re looking for someone to help guide your business through the complex and uncertain growth waters. You want someone who can provide trusted advice and ensure that your company is on the right track, but finding the right person isn’t always easy.

Before choosing the best advisor for your business, let’s first look at what an advisor does.

The answer lies in their role: advisors provide a wide range of skills, knowledge, and expertise to support businesses in various areas of their operations. They are responsible for everything from providing strategic advice and direction on what to do next to help your company grow by finding new opportunities or identifying areas for improvement through “benchmarking.”

They can also help you manage your finances by providing insight into the best ways to invest money and how much you should spend on marketing or branding campaigns. They may even help with hiring decisions by guiding you through the interview process or providing feedback about potential hires once on boarded at your company!

Importance of Advisory
Advisory is a key part of any business, but it’s especially important for startups.

Advisors can help you answer questions about your business and advise on how to run it. They can also help you identify potential issues before they become problems.

They are often the first to see your product or service before anyone else. Hence, they can offer feedback on the process and improvement. They’ll also know what other companies are doing in your industry, which can help you stay competitive.

The most important thing that advisors can offer is their experience in business and other areas like marketing or finance. They’ve seen what works and what doesn’t, so they’ll be able to offer you advice based on their own experiences that may not have occurred to you before.

How to Choose the Best Advisor? 10 Qualities of the Best Advisor!

Additionally, advisors can share details about your business with their network. And if they have a strong enough relationship with their network, they can introduce you to new connections or investors who could help grow your business.

Difference between a Good and the Best Advisor
Are you looking for a good advisor or the best advisor? You might be asking yourself this question, but we’re here to help.

The difference between a good advisor and the best advisor is that the best advisor will help you make better decisions. A good advisor will give you some advice, but they will only be able to help you in some situations. It’s okay to seek professional advice from time to time, but if your life is going downhill and you realize that your investments are totally out of control, it’s time for an expert!

The best advisors are trained professionals who have been through the same process as their clients. They understand what it feels like when things aren’t going well for a client and can advise them on how to move forward. They can also identify red flags early on to help prevent problems from becoming more serious later on down the line.

The distinction between a good and the best advisor boils down to three factors:
● Understanding more than your clients do.
● Better using that knowledge to your client’s advantage.
● Being clear and adamantly convinced of what is best for your customers in every aspect of their financial lives.

Who is the Best Advisor for You?
Finding the right advisor can be a bit of a wild goose chase—you’re not going to find them by asking around or googling “best advisors.” You have to know what you want from an advisor, your goals, and what kind of personality will fit your needs.

So how do we do that? I have put together some criteria for choosing the best advisor that will help you figure it out:

1. What is their specialty?

2. What is their experience level?

3. Do they have any certifications or awards?

4. What is their approach to working with clients

5. Are they empathetic or more analytical?

6. Are they direct and upfront or more reserved?

7. What kind of relationship do they want with their clients?

8. How often do they see them, and how long are those appointments usually?

10 Qualities of the Best Advisor
Here are the 10 qualities of the best advisor. This way, you can choose the best advisor for yourself.

1. Desire to Share Expertise and Guidance
This quality includes sharing knowledge on how to approach different problems or opportunities in business as well as personal financial advice.

2. Genuinely Care about Other People’s Success:
They should care about helping people reach their goals, whether financial independence or having enough money left over at the end of each month for fun activities.

3. Coaching Aptitude:
Coaching is one of the essential qualities you should look for in the best advisor. An advisor who can help you fulfill your goals and give you direction is someone who has coaching aptitude.

4. Powerful Communication Skills:
The best advisor can communicate effectively with their clients. Hence, everything is clear about the process and requirements. It helps ensure that your business continues moving forward without any delays due to miscommunication between yourself and your team.

5. Positivity:
They should be able to help you navigate the complexities and keep your mind focused on what matters most. They should also be able to see the bigger picture and keep things in perspective when things get stressful or difficult.

6. Flexibility:
You need someone flexible enough to adapt to any situation at hand. They will advise on handling all kinds of problems—whether managing your portfolio in times of high volatility or helping you through a divorce.

7. Strong Business Expertise:
You need an advisor with extensive industry knowledge who can assist with strategic planning and guide you to avoid pitfalls. Their expertise frequently also grants them access to a broader professional network. An advisor could better serve the requirements of the businesses with appropriate industry experience and can discuss fresh and unexplored prospects or best practices.

8. Trustable:
You need an advisor who inspires trust. This act may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s not always easy to tell when someone is trustworthy or not—especially when you’re just starting! It’s important that your advisor is honest and upfront about what they can do for your business and what they can’t do.

9. Compassion:
Sometimes the subjects on, which advisors offer guidance are emotionally charged. It is advantageous if an advisor is empathetic while discussing subjects connected to human emotions. If he doesn’t have compassion, he can struggle to convey the emotionally charged advice in a way that the advisee can understand.

10. Culture Match:
Your advisor’s advice is likely only effective if they get your business’s character, passion, and goal.

The above advantages and benefits are good reasons to use advisory in your business. It’s not just about keeping books up to date or from an external point of view; it simply gives you clarity of thought to focus on running your business to deliver what your clients want and the result they expect.

The choice comes down to what works best for you and your business. We’ve shown you a few options so you can make an informed decision, but it’s up to you to choose the best advisor.

I am Gordon Grigg. I help people improve their personal lives and businesses. I always believe in true advisory and consultation. Therefore, I focus on both professionalism and care. I am of the view that the best advisor shares premium knowledge with care. Therefore, I offer quality advisory with personalization. This way, I can better understand and help my clients.

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How to deal with toxic employees and maintain effective work culture

How to deal with toxic employees and maintain effective work culture

Every employer wishes that the work environment in their organization is productive, positive and efficient. Every employer wishes that employees of his organization are motivated, reflect the organization values and have a high employee morale. But, not always do the things we wish for come true, do they? Maintaining a positive and proper work culture in an organization can be tricky as it is a very delicate topic. A workplace has employees from different backgrounds, beliefs, thinking and opinions, so making sure that all reflect the organization values and gel easily into your work culture can be difficult. As a business Consultant and Life Coach in Nashville, TN, I, Gordon Grigg, believes that even one employee who does not share company values or just doesn’t fit in the workplace culture can lower the morale and affect productivity of other employees. In HR discussions, these employees are usually referred to as the ‘toxic employees’.

A study by Harvard Business Review reveals that avoiding hiring a toxic employee can save an organization twice more than what they would have earned from hiring a well performing employee. Studies also show that 54 percent of good employees are more likely to quit their job when there is a toxic employee at the workplace. Yet hiring a toxic employee is inevitable. No matter how well defined and filtered your hiring process is, toxic employees somehow slip through and become a part of an organization. It is very important for companies to take steps to identify toxic employees and deal with them in the best possible way.

Warnings signs that toxic employee is present in your organization
Did you know dealing with a toxic employee is not difficult? The most difficult part is correctly and timely identification of toxic employees. From a bully to gossiper, slacker to ignorant, burned out to social butterfly, toxic employee can be of various types. Any of these types of toxic employee can create an imbalance in the work culture and cohesion of your organization.

Want to check if there are any toxic employees in your organization? Check out for these warning signs:

1. Negative or low response to company initiatives – You may often come across people who do not support most company initiatives. Not only they seem uninterested, they involve other people into their negative thoughts too but never openly. You may have often heard people talking hush hush about some new team building activity or gathering the company is planning. If you feel an employee or group of employees are harboring negative thoughts and spreading them to others, they can be classified as toxic.

2. Instances of workplace bullying or harassment – Have you often come across complaints of a person bullying his team members? It may be an official complaint or come to you through the grapevine. Have you seen a team member bulldozing other people’s ideas or opinions? Well, bullying or bulldozer traits are a clear sign of toxicity and you should watch out for.

3. Displaying privilege or pride – It has often been seen that employee with special skills or with a long history with the company or a good position in the company display pride in their interactions. No employee likes having a “know-it-all” as a peer or senior. When an employee displays privilege, they often disregard the ideas, thoughts and views of other employees, especially juniors and new employees.

4. Constantly complaining or whining – Do you have an employee who is constantly complaining about something or the other? His whining may not always be about something at work, it can be related to anyone or anything. People who complain constantly find something wrong in everything and build up negativity. This building negativity often spreads to other employees in your organization.

How to deal with toxic employees and maintain proper work culture
Toxic employees have a negative impact on the overall work culture, employee productivity and happiness. So, never take toxic traits of employees lightly. Even though it may seem small at the time, it will grow and act as a poison for your work culture. The sooner you deal with toxic traits of an employee, lesser is the damage done to your organization. Every employee and situation are different, so careful consideration and communication is required.

Here are few ways that you can use to deal with toxic employees and stop them before they poison the entire business process:

1. Identify early on – Keep an eye open for situations that showcase someone’s toxic trait, no matter how minor or severe. Early identification will help nip the problem in the bud and reduce the effects on other employees. Chances are the employee does not even realize his behavior is toxic. For example, they may feel that gossiping with fellow employees is just for entertainment and do not realize the negativity being spread through it. Sometimes, a single discussion with them may change things just ensure that you take action proactively.

2. Never avoid confrontations – It has been often seen that managers or HRs avoid confrontations related to toxic traits. The belief that everyone is grown up at the workplace and has a good understanding may not always stand true. Whenever, you come across any situation that indicates toxic trait of an employee, no matter how minor it is, don’t turn a blind eye. Have a one-on-one conversation with the employee and share your concerns.

3. Create a clear set of guidelines – To ensure that everyone receives the same treatment, it is important to have clear set of rules and processes, and what are consequences and actions that can be taken. Document clearly what is considered as professional behavior and what is not. This document should be shared not only with new employees but also with existing employees. Ensure that you make this document as a part of your onboarding process.

4. Do not use threats as a measure of action – Remember, no one wants to be toxic on purpose, but their background, current situation in life, past difficulties and other factors may be influencing their behavior. Try to understand what they are going through in life, and understand if it is resulting in a negative behavior in their personal and professional lives. Remember, empathy is always better than threats. When you show empathy towards a person, they will be willing to share their problems and understand the solutions you are proposing. If you use threat as an action directly, they will feel cornered and attacked and may become more toxic.

5. Practice what you preach – As a leader and stakeholder in the organization, make sure you practice what you want the employees to learn. For example, if you find that in a team the hardworking people are always covering the mistakes or pending work of a fellow employee, do not turn blind eye just because the work is getting done on time. If you do so, you will become an enabler allowing them to continue, thus being unfair to your hardworking employees. If you show preference towards an employee or give special benefits to someone, then you may become the root cause of toxic environment. You need to ensure you follow consistent standards for everyone, irrespective of their seniority.

6. Create a plan of action and follow-up – Firing an employee is not the only solution for dealing with toxic situations, you can guide them to improve their behavior too. The choice between letting an employee go or allowing them to change their behavior will depend on what are their toxic traits, how it is affecting the work culture and their willingness to bring a change in their attitude. Be a mentor and guide the employee at every turn they need.
When an employee understands his toxic behavior and is willing to change, then create a detailed action plan for the time moving forward. Set clear expectations in terms of behavior. Regularly monitor and follow up on the plan. If there are no improvements, you may need to consider termination. Remember, bringing a change in a person’s habits and personality cannot happen overnight; there is a long road ahead.

7. Be communicative and transparent – When an employee leaves the organization or is terminated, make sure you clearly tell other employees on what happened and the steps you took for improvement. Being clear about how you tackled toxic behavior of the employee or how their toxicity affected the work culture. Make sure you do not talk negatively about the person who left, talk about them with respect and dignity. This will build transparency and trust among your people. If you keep the entire thing hush hush, it leads to speculation among employees and adds fuel to the negative environment.

Dealing with a toxic employee is never easy! Though it may hurt, sometimes, letting go is the best option to preserve the brand, culture, and growth. It is always better to seek the help of a life and business coach to bring the transformation you wish to see in your organization. Myself, Gordon Grigg, has been helping businesses in Nashville, TN bring a change in their work culture, help employees build a positive mindset and reduce negativity. Share your thoughts and concerns with me, and we will together find a way moving forward.

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Importance of Family for Entrepreneurial Success

Importance of Family for Entrepreneurial Success

A majority number of people around the globe believe that success is something that is achieved by one’s effort, without any help. Even the society where we live in always talk about the achievements and accomplishments achieved by an individual. And neglects the environment and family due to which the individual has achieved that success.

Moreover, many people believe that successful people are only known for their reputation in the business world or the money & property they own, but in reality, being successful means having happiness in life. Suppose Mr. X is a big businessman, he is rich with lots of money, cars, property, gold, etc, but has nobody to get love from, he has nobody to call a family, no relationships & affection and thus he will be considered as a poor person according to me.
Sometime back, I read an article somewhere stating certain reasons, why an individual should not choose entrepreneurship as a career. One of the major factors I read was sacrificing the golden family time with your loved ones. It is a fact that many aspiring entrepreneurs do not get family support initially or they get too engrossed in setting up their businesses that they neglect their families.

But, I Gordon Grigg, a life coach and business consultant in Nashville, Tennessee will be telling you the impact and the importance that the family can play in making entrepreneurs successful, through this blog post. Before moving any further, I would like you to know a little about my life story to have a better understanding and a well-built connection with what I say.

What role does a family play in providing a key lifeline for entrepreneurs?

You will find many entrepreneurs in the business world who have sacrificed their family life to make their businesses big in the industry. And this is quite evident that setting up a business takes a substantial amount of time. According to me, devoting 5-6 years to setting up a business and neglecting family life is wrong. Entrepreneurs should learn the art of balancing both, i.e., setting up the business along with family support to achieve actual success and happiness in life.

According to, not only societal elements such as education and surroundings influence an entrepreneur’s achievement, but also their family plays an important role in their success. A family is the smallest social group with which an entrepreneur can interact and get economic & emotional support. They are the first people to teach them the essentials of life. Hence, the family acts as the first learning place for everyone in this world whose teachings and constant support will help you become successful. Thus, the family of the entrepreneurs plays a vital role in helping them succeed in the industry by providing them with some key lifeline fundamentals of living life.

Ways by which your family can make you a successful entrepreneur

According to EO, to carry out various responsibilities, from time to time, an entrepreneur wears several hats. Naming a few of their roles or responsibilities, they act as; business leader, business owners, mentors, parents, etc. And with so many roles to play in their life, they ought to get tired both physically, mentally, and emotionally. Here is when family acts as the biggest support system that completely understands their struggles, supports their journey and assists them to increase their longevity in the business world.

Thus, to earn their cooperation and assistance in the business endeavor, entrepreneurs should bring them along in the journey. They should allow their family to grow with them, and make them equal holders of losses and successes of the business. When the entrepreneurs do this, the family members understand what they are going through, and become their pillars of strength in times of need.

Mentioned below are some of the ways by which family members can help an entrepreneur become successful in the industry:
Provides emotional assistance – Emotional assistance is the biggest support that the family can give to the entrepreneurs. Understanding them, lending them an ear, encouraging them, having patience & trust in them, understanding, and caring for them, is all that an entrepreneur can ask for. Emotional assistance from family can ease the workload they have and also the comforting words of loved ones can do wonders for the exhausted spirit of the entrepreneur.
Gives financial help – Most entrepreneurs start their businesses from the savings they have. Sometimes due to scarce resources and not-so-strong business models, banks also refuse to provide loans. That’s when the families of the entrepreneurs step in as saviors. The family provides financial aid to them in the form of personal loans, donations, equity funding, etc. This type of financial assistance taken from the family will not burden them as compared to that taken from financial institutions.

Delivers professional advice – If any of the entrepreneur’s family members belong to a business background, then they can help them know the nitty-gritty and inside details of running the business successfully. They can act or guide the entrepreneur as a mentor and can offer them certain specific tricks and tips for managing and achieving set business goals. I agree that the businessperson might face certain shortcomings in working with the family members, but getting professional help from them can be of huge help. As it also saves the business cost to hire a consultant.
Teaches time management – Family is the best source to learn time management skills. While revolving in a family circle, playing different roles, and wearing many hats teaches them the skill of managing time and relations. When the entrepreneur not only is a business owner & manager, but also a spouse and a parent, he learns to manage the roles and determine the ways to use his precious time in the best possible way. They learn to take a firm decision of taking up and performing such activities that are worth their time both at home and work.
They can volunteer time – In the initial days of setting up the business, a lot of hard work needs to be done. At this time, the business budget is also very limited, paying someone to get office work done, can act as a burden on your business operations, budget, and pocket. That’s when entrepreneurs can rely on their family members or their friends who have the capabilities to perform certain business work. They might do menial jobs, but that can reduce the burden of the business persons up to some extent.
Forces you to take some family time – As you already know family is the one who teaches entrepreneurs about time management. Not only this, but they will also force the entrepreneurs to take a break or go on a vacation with them. The family also explains to them the importance of spending time with their spouse and children and taking a momentary break from the business. This activity is important as the family understands that by this, the businessperson’s mind will be completely de-stress and they will get a new focus towards business activities and analyze various business operations with a fresh perspective.

Helps you in being a positive role model – Parents and family are the biggest role model and trendsetters in an individual’s life. Parents are the ones who teach their kids to take risks in life, the importance of hard work, and building something from scratch. Thus, these three teachings will be the most important ones in the life of entrepreneurs as well. In the aspect of business, the family is the one who helps entrepreneurs see dreams, and fulfill them so that their families can be proud of them. This, support of their will turn fruitful to the businesspersons, as if they trust in hard work and follow the teachings of their parents, they will become someone with whom everyone in the industry wants to work.
They can help you with business referrals – If the entrepreneur is new in the industry, then they might need some external support or referral contacts that can help or guide them to expand the business network. Thus, for this, entrepreneurs should peek into their families first and look at who can give them the best business insights or can become their first business customers or clients. Getting business referrals from someone inside your family can help you greatly to succeed and can also give you a huge advantage to penetrate the target market.
Provide you with business gifts – Families love to give gifts. If that proves to be something useful for your business, it will lessen your business expenses. Families can gift various little things that entrepreneurs can use in their office, business operations, or business processes in general that could help them save some money from their budget.

So dear readers, I, Gordon Grigg, a life coach and business consultant in Nashville, Tennessee hopes that you all must have understood how important family support is for entrepreneurs to become successful in the industry. Apart from this, if you are an aspiring entrepreneur, then you should be also aware of how entrepreneurs can have self-discipline and how they can manage their time effectively.

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