Difference between a Trial and a Tribulation

According to the Bible, “trials and tribulations” are the hard things we go through that test our faith, love, hope, and other things.

Definition of Trial and Tribulation

Let’s start with trials.

“Trial” is described by Merriam-Webster Online as a test of faith, patience, or stamina through subjection to suffering or temptation.

There are many different types of trials that may test our faith, including physical suffering, mental uncertainty, or spiritual fear. But we must go through these trials to get past these problems and become mature and whole in the end.

Let’s now examine tribulation. Again, Merriam-Webster says that “tribulations” are distress or suffering resulting from oppression or persecution.

According to the Bible, the difference between tribulations and trials is that tribulations test us or put us through extreme suffering, trouble, or even death because we believe in Jesus Christ.

We have all experienced difficulties at some point in our lives. Feeling helpless and afraid is common, especially when you don’t know how to handle it.

However, in the Christian sense, trials and tribulations are more than just hard things. When we face hard times, our faith is tested, and as a result, our devotion to Christ can grow.

Trials and Tribulations in Today’s Business World

Difference between a Trial and a Tribulation

Even though we live in a post-modern time with many new problems, the core of suffering—being apart from God—stays the same.

We encounter problems in life when we get estranged from God. We go through tribulations to strengthen our faith and get closer to God.

The same happens in our business. We encounter business problems when we get estranged from God.

I am Gordon Grigg, a business coach from Nashville, TN. In this article, I’ll talk about trials and tribulations and how to deal with them in life and business. I hope you learn to understand why life’s and business challenges happen and how to deal with them healthily.

Listen to this episode and learn from the founders of Organization Solutions, SCOTTeVEST, and CreativeLive how to build a productive workflow and overcome anxiety.

According to them, being an entrepreneur took work.

Here is how to deal with it, having God’s principles in mind all the time:

The Never-Ending Hours of Entrepreneurship

Trials and Tribulations

Most business owners make the common mistake of getting too excited about their work. But, unfortunately, the action addiction of this type of entrepreneur could have fatal repercussions.

Research is showing more and more how much risk overworked employees and organizations face because they are tired. Working overtime, according to a study published in the Insurance Journal, increases the risk of injury by 61 percent and the risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, or cancer.

According to the World Health Organization and the International Labour Organization, working 55 or more hours per week resulted in nearly 400,000 deaths from stroke and almost 350,000 deaths from heart disease in 2016. Between 2000 and 2016, the number of deaths from stroke and heart disease due to working long hours increased by 42% and 19%, respectively.

Even though the ILO has had rules for working hours for a long time, there isn’t much oversight, and most people think that working overtime, whether or not it’s paid, is the norm.

In the long term, all these lead to severe health and mental problems. In our race to achieve more, we forget about spiritual values and God and focus on monetary values, wishing to get better status and become more successful quickly. Because of this, we have to go through hard times and risk getting a lot of pain and long-term diseases like diabetes, arthritis, or cancer.

As your business coach, I can help you find balance in your personal and professional lives.

Drive Long-Term Success by Knowing When to Slow Down

Trials and Tribulations

Strategic patience is a daily skill that is especially important when your progress has slowed down. You must work toward your objective without receiving regular affirmation, acknowledgment, or praise.

Success may be controlled, but it’s not like instant coffee, which is ready when you add water. Instead, you should be careful and persistent as you move slowly and deliberately toward your goal. Then, as each step builds on the one before, the benefits are exponential.

Unfortunately, there are instances when we are too passionate about our work and forget about our spirituality and connection with God. We want instant gratification.

Learning how to reduce the negative impacts and cope with trials and tribulations is crucial.

Knowing when to slow down will help you achieve long-term success.

I will help you improve as a leader by recognizing when to hold back or move forward for your personal and professional well-being.

Being ambitious is good, but being overly ambitious leads to failure and tribulation, sometimes with fatal consequences.

Remain Focused When Your Vision Urges You to Scatter

Leaders must learn how to persuade others if they want to be truly effective, both when things are very hard and when things are going well.

Influential leaders, however, inspire, convince, and encourage in addition to commanding. Leaders draw out the expertise and abilities of a group, guide people toward a common objective and consensus, and inspire a commitment to get things done.

Don’t let your drive for success compromise your ability to lead.

Keep in mind that consistency over intensity is crucial when growing a business.

Be aware that your business may become stronger with the appropriate skills.

You do not need to manage or control others to develop leadership skills. You need to learn how to

● Take initiative
● Request more responsibility
● Target specific skills

As your business coach, I will show you how to manage these skills and stay focused when things are very hard.

High-Dollar Risks May Be Vital for Business Growth

How can you expect to compete for customer acquisition and retention if you don’t spend money on marketing?

As long as your business is open, marketing is one of the most important things you can do to make it successful.

We know it costs a lot of money to promote. However, spending a lot of money on advertising might be risky because you are gambling for an uncertain result.

And you can lose them in the process, facing difficulties and uncertainties in your business.

I will teach you how to convert a risky investment into a profitable one.

Yes, you will pass through trials, but you will know God is with you and will help you achieve your long-term goals.

Fear Is Real, but We’re Not Going to Be “Eaten by a Tiger”

Trials and Tribulations

Most importantly, don’t be afraid to complete your goals because your fear is only in your head. There isn’t a tiger out there that will eat you. Defeat your self-criticism and motivate others.
Read this article from Tony Robbins and learn How to overcome fear by:

● Identifying your fears
● Recognizing that fear can work to your advantage
● Sitting with your fear
● Creating goals that are “musts”
● Recognizing the excuses
● Surrounding yourself with success
● Adopting a growth mindset
● Finding valuable insight into pain
● Visualizing your goals
● Accepting that you’ll fail

And if you need additional help, I will show you how to accomplish it.


Did you find yourself in this article?
Did you recognize some of your trials and tribulations while reading this article?
Did you find hope for yourself and your business in this article?

If so, I will reach my goal with it.

I am Gordon Grigg, a business coach from Nashville, TN.

I had many trials and tribulations in my personal and professional life.

But I overcame all of them.

I am happier and more prosperous, and my business is growing faster now.

Because of this, I made a promise to help other people grow personally and professionally without making mistakes that I made.

I have the knowledge and experience to help you lead a successful business.

Contact me, and I will help you overcome trials and tribulations in your personal and professional lives.

Call me now, and let us build your business.
Call (615) 630-9114, or Email me at gordon@gordongrigg.com to reach me.

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